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Ubisoft to Buy Codemasters...........

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BTW a cousin of mine works for UBISOFT!  smile_o.gif  Shall I give you his e-mail adress so you can torture him!

Just tell the guy we PC people would like more quality info and footage of GR2 wink_o.gif .

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erm LOMAC and IL2 Franchise, arnt they published by Ubisoft and didn't IL2 have alot of patches released? and arn't they both realistic games and not arcadey bullshit like you lot are suggesting.

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SpecOp9 they can make OFP2 as crappy arcadish as all those games u listed.  wink_o.gif


The publishers PUBLISH the game, not CREATE it.

Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, and Rainbow Six are definately nowhere near arcade games.

In your opinion maybe... they are pretty arcadish in some respects.  Especially splinter cell.

How is Splinter Cell arcadeish?  It's one of the slow paced games Ive played.  Even more slow paced than Metal Gear Solid.

Why is everybody talking about the actual game itself?

People saying Ghost Recon is shit, blahh blahh.

I'm not talking about the actual game people, I'm talking about its publicity, and how many copies the game has sold because of Ubisoft's publishing.

Reguardless of how crappy you think the game is, it has nothing to do with the publisher.

If someone wrote a crappy book, and had it published, is it the publishers fault it's a crappy book?

No.  It's the writers.

The publishers design the box the game comes in, makes copies of the game on disk, print ads everywhere, promote the game like a crazy bastard so they can make money, and much more.

Ubisoft is not going to spend the money and time to promote a game that might not even get them their money back they spent on trying to sell that product in particular.

If BIS can make Operation Flashpoint 2 one ass kicking game, Ubisoft is going to go mental with promoting this mofo.

It depends on BIS to get the job done.  Not the publisher.

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What I want to know is....

What the hell is the point in starting a rumour?

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What I want to know is....

 What the hell is the point in starting a rumour?

makes thigns more intensive more fun make people wonder hahaha biggrin_o.gif

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Hmm... well that explains why I was having such a hard time trolling financial data on codemasters.

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latest news:

Codemasters denies intention to sell <- article

all, at ease    biggrin_o.gif

What I don't understand, is why would some no-name website have news related to this, and not gamespot.com or IGN.com?

I don't think that article is valid.

That website is soley for the industry part of computer and video games. I do not consider it less credible then Ign or Gamespot.

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Quote[/b] ] What the hell is the point in starting a rumour?

It puts the company concerned "in play". Yesterday nobody was thinking of buying it: today there is a story that maybe somebody is. Therefore everybody who might be an interested party if it was sold is suddenly paying very close attention. One competitor might decide to buy the company that is "in play" in order to prevent another competitor from buying it. And then it snowballs ....

However in this case it sounds more like a journalist somewhere with a deadline but no copy rehashing an old story. (Much more common than you think.) Have pity on the journo - it is the silly season after all. Nobody would seriously consider a takeover at this time of year.

Codemasters is (presumably) a limited company registered in England and consequently you can get all the financial info you want from Companies House. Probably it'll be a little old and they'll charge you an admin fee.

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What do you think how it went??

Codemasters have their spies in these forums, they noticed our anger in this thread and decided to deny the intention to sell blues.gif

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Hmm, I'm wondering if there is any point leaving this open now that CM have made a statement to the contrary...nope, I don't think so. If anyone has a VERY GOOD reason to add something, PM me and I will CONSIDER reopening it... wink_o.gif

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