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Drill Sergeant


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What you guys think of the Patches that I posted on first page rock.gif

First picture shows a skull patch and a blood patch

Second picture is a US flag, fun meter and suck meter.

You guys like that or shall I remove them rock.gif

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No one here noticed the different grip used in that photo.

Keep up the good work guys.



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What you guys think of the Patches that I posted on first page rock.gif

First picture shows a skull patch and a blood patch

Second picture is a US flag, fun meter and suck meter.

You guys like that or shall I remove them rock.gif

no lol there funny makes them look bad ass like theyve been doing it for a while

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That is an ergo grip used for marksman rifles. It gives an operator a good grip and great thumb placement. That's all.

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You know what would be a cool idea? You know how some spec ops guys tape an extra mag to the existing one like in that picture on page two? Well yeah , do that, make a second mag taped on. That's for when they're in combat and they want to reload but don't want to reach all the way down into their pocket, they can just flip the mag over and slam it back in.

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You know what would be a cool idea?  You know how some spec ops guys tape an extra mag to the existing one like in that picture on page two?  Well yeah , do that, make a second mag taped on.  That's for when they're in combat and they want to reload but don't want to reach all the way down into their pocket, they can just flip the mag over and slam it back in.

That would only be cool if you made the mags had 60 rounds insted of 30 and there was a short reload time when the first 30 rounds had been fired I think it can be done in OFP but I have never tryed.


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Double, and triple stacked magazines are a great idea, and the amount of rounds available should be reflected in-game. Treat a double stacked magazine as a 60 round drum, a triple as a 90 round drum. What would be most realistic, would be one or two double/triple stacked magazines, and the other slots filled with single magazines.

Of course, Beta C-Mags work too.

To best implement it in game look at the Lost Brothers use of magazine models and changing weapon models in their HK G8 LMG, when you switch from magazine to drum. Mapfact's XM8 sniper wepon is another, I think.

If you've ever seen a video of a SEAL team executing an emegency action drill, such as they do for countering ambushes, the use of double stacked magazines really makes sense. Each man opens full-auto high-volume withering fire, and they begin falling back behind one another two by two, firing the whole time. They expend several magazines worth while falling back or advancing, completely overwhealming their enemy, or causing them to take cover long enough for the team to fade away. The weapons should be like this in game, with very high rates of fire, and high as possible magazine capacity. Accuracy/MOA should be tight even at ful auto, recoil should be low. A SEAL gunner can accurately engage targets, with aimed fire with the M60E4, at full auto, while standing. That is, he stands, slightly leaning forward, with the weapon pulled tightly into his shoulder looking down the barrel. That is the heaviest weapon they carry, so recoil for every thing lighter should be VERY controllable.

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Ok, how to do that, cause I am using double stacked mags.

On the side note. Just noticed that. Additional NS arsenal. MAybe? Nothing serious.


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The weapons look very good, are they scaled right? That .50 cal looks very big.

The only M4's i have in OPF now are Earl's, they are not conversions and they fit with the game, i want DS's modified, custom M4's too, they look very good and i like the extra acessories/kit mounted on them, keep up the good work Drill Sergeant, cant wait smile_o.gif .

I can see BIS boot textures on the seals, i hope you guys will retexture/change these too.

If u think it's too big then look at this:


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I am going to say this once and only once, this thread is not a

computer performance thread or like wise.. For those who

support the addon thank-you thank-you. For those who do

not, lets pretend I didn't see that. I am still working on the

models regardless of what some people believe.

About the double magazine, maybe just make a mag that has

60 rounds instead of 30 to simulate that? Yes, the player

doesn't need to reload, so it is kind of a cheat but, they do

manufacture 40 round steel magazines and drums for the M4.

A note about the weapons in this package, when I

mean "Family" I mean pretty much every mod of

the weapon possible, not just a flat top and not

just a standard. I am quite aware of the use of both.

Yes the weapons will be scaled correctly.

The boot on my NAVY SEAL is based on the OPFOR boot

BUT, I cloned in a picture of a LA SWAT GEAR boot on

top of it.

Also here is a update on the new ACOG I finished.

Might be a few errors with the ACOG on one side but

I'll iron those out soon.






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acog looks great. The connection part is a bit smaller but what the hell.

One suggestion about a second mag: put two rounds on top of it to make it look realistic. The top is not that flat, but I am sure u already knew that.

Great work.

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Ahh I shouldn't say this out loud but the magazine will be correctly modeld and also have a ruber pull ring on it too.


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Yo DS, your stuff looks great. Keep up the good work man biggrin_o.gif

BTW did you or extraction have a chance to look at the sniper I made for ya guys? smile_o.gif

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Yo DS, your stuff looks great. Keep up the good work man  biggrin_o.gif

BTW did you or extraction have a chance to look at the sniper I made for ya guys?  smile_o.gif

I haven't recieved the sniper yet try to send it by MSN my mail box can't recieve files bigger than 3MB sad_o.gif

My MSN [email protected]

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*Edit* added SEAL Point Man


What has been added / changed.



Mag pouches moved

New Protec helmet

Camelbak removed temporarily

PBO name changed / directory change

Class name / Selection changed

Arms made larger


Further edits to follow.

Also I am desperately in need of a texture artist,

mainly for the SEALs themselves. The weapons

could also benefit from a good texture artist.


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Double taped mags is something they only do in the movies, I think you should reconsider this feature. I HIGHLY doubt operational SEALs would ever do such a thing because the nominal increase in reload time is not worth the high risk of a jam caused by dirt in the action. I've never seen pictures of Navy SEALs with this feature and if they have been using this system it would only be very isolated for specific situations. Unless someone can prove me wrong with pictures showing SEALs using this system I recommend that it is not incorporated. If it is I hope you don't do it for every M4 and only make a few extra units that have (double mag) beside the unit name so that the people who want this feature can add them to their groups.

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Double taped mags is something they only do in the movies, I think you should reconsider this feature. I HIGHLY doubt operational SEALs would ever do such a thing because the nominal increase in reload time is not worth the high risk of a jam caused by dirt in the action. I've never seen pictures of Navy SEALs with this feature and if they have been using this system it would only be very isolated for specific situations. Unless someone can prove me wrong with pictures showing SEALs using this system I recommend that it is not incorporated. If it is I hope you don't do it for every M4 and only make a few extra units that have (double mag) beside the unit name so that the people who want this feature can add them to their groups.

well, to keep it short they DO, as a matter of fact alot of soldiers (don't have to be spec ops) tape mags together in the combat zone just cuts down on reloading time..I'm sure real life pics will be inbound soon.

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Quote[/b] ]Double taped mags is something they only do in the movies, I think you should reconsider this feature. I HIGHLY doubt operational SEALs would ever do such a thing because the nominal increase in reload time is not worth the high risk of a jam caused by dirt in the action. I've never seen pictures of Navy SEALs with this feature and if they have been using this system it would only be very isolated for specific situations. Unless someone can prove me wrong with pictures showing SEALs using this system I recommend that it is not incorporated. If it is I hope you don't do it for every M4 and only make a few extra units that have (double mag) beside the unit name so that the people who want this feature can add them to their groups.

Sorry bud, you are wrong. You might not see as many operators taping them together these day because of products like Redi-mag, but I assure you that some still do it. It can cause jam problems, which is why products like Redi-mag came about. I would suggest using Redi-mags on the SEALs.




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Of course, C-Mags, and belt-fed weapons like the Ares Shrike,

( http://www.guntech.com/shrike/ ) provide a higher volume of fire, than even Redi-mags. But, I could see Redi-mags being used on SPR's, and M1A1's/M14's, in really high-speed units like DEVGRU.

I seem to remember seeing an AR-15/M4/M16 with triple-stacked magazines.

And, this is a basic feature built into the new XM8 plastic mags.

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Most of these redi mags and triple stacked mags are just gadgets ignored by real operators. I have heard accounts from people using redi mags and have said that they are confusing because it is possible to insert the 3rd mag into the wrong chamber. Real specops don't buy into much in terms of fancy gadgets, everything they do revolves around the KISS principle (Keep is simple stupid). I did mention that it was possible they still taped mags together but I believe it to be only on very RARE occasions. Go take a look in the galleries on www.militaryphotos.net and you will be hard pressed to find double taped mags or redimags/magclamps being used. Putting 60-90 rounds on the gun is simple a poor option do to the fact that it will make the gun heavier and less manuverable. The added weight also puts stress on the weapon. New high-speed tactical gear also makes mag changes very quick which takes away from the need for double mags. Double mags were popular back in the vietnam days where high-speed tactical gear was non-existant.

Anyways I agree that this practice MAY be done SOMETIMES but it is definetly an exception to the rule. I just hope that not all of the SEALs with M4s will have double mags, I hope the units reflect the fact that few operators would ever use the double mag system.

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