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I use and really like Y2K3. smile_o.gif The effects are nice, it replaces a lot of the standard BIS stuff and just does an all around good job. smile_o.gif

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EECP preserves more of ECP's main properties.Y2K3 requires a strong computer,Fast internet,A lot of computer space and a lot of spare time even if you got DSL or premium broadband (T1 connections)

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overall mates....like 80's y8k5 please...


you want a year 8005 mod? crazy_o.gif

personaly i think Y2K3 is the best tounge_o.gif then again 4 months and hundreds of hours of work plus the lack of sleep and overabundance of updates and ideas may cloud of unbiast judgment tounge_o.gif

the difference between the mods is. and i hope kur doesnt take this the wrong way

EECP is 100% down to the letter realisum. its all realisum all the time

Y2K3 is realisum for the gamer. its a balance of realisum meets gaming.

both our mods (EECP and Y2K3) both have large ammounts of required addons, but keep in mind thier total conversion mods. not just some "hey new addon" type thing, we take the stock shit and toss it out the window. so when it comes to download size thier simaler. cept my final version will ofer an amazing compression installer file(s).

now i tried EECP when it was first born, it was the inspiration for my mod cuz there was mod after mod like this and none of them used INQ weapons, GMR fire, and DR sounds. it was 1 or 2 out of 3. i wanted all 3 so i made my own. but i notice kur actualy changes weapon models, chariceristics and other features which althou is nice, looses nearly 68% of compatabiltiy with other addons that require the "default" information for thier base classes.

mine is a more simpler conversion keeping more around 98% compatibility with 3rd party addons.

so to answer your question: Which Mod Is Better? it all depends on what your looking for.

are you lookin for something that replaces all the stock stuff with better stuff and makes the game more fun overall without loosing too much orginal compatabilty?

or are you looking for 100% realistic specs?

althou our mods seem simaler they are inheirently different. except i think kur will continue workin on his mod for months to come now waiting on addons to come out that arent schedualed for releases for months from now. and Y2K3 is gonna be called Final with mere trouble shooting in a week or two when fischkopps releases his humvees


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I support the EECP, I think it is the most user friendly and realistic option. I am impressed with how both the Y2K3 and EECP MODs are progressing keep up the good work guys smile_o.gif


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i like y2k.. haven´t tried eecp yet but parvus told me that both are almost the same.

since i already had (or have downloaded) the required addons for y2k it´s not a problem at all.

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Interesting - I have a big LAN session in about a week and a half, and was wondering which of these would be best for our session...

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Oh, and BTW, usual rules apply - discuss civilly or I will hand people their asses on a platter! tounge_o.gif

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I don't have any of them yet. Or well, i do have the regular ECP but i suppose this is a little different.


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Personally i like the EECP, the realism part really caught me,

Plus in my opinion (dont take this the wrong way pappy) but it seemed that kurayami selected the units to replace them with a bit more carefully.

As for the LAN, i played one with the EECP and it was bloody awesome.

Tim Pink

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EECP is 100% down to the letter realisum. its all realisum all the time

Y2K3 is realisum for the gamer. its a balance of realisum meets gaming.

While I do favor realism, but I don't think that it detracts from the gameplay in any way. OFP was meant to be realistic from the get-go. That's why we're all playing it instead of Quake.

Quote[/b] ]but i notice kur actualy changes weapon models, chariceristics and other features which althou is nice, looses nearly 68% of compatabiltiy with other addons that require the "default" information for thier base classes.

That isn't true at all. The only addon that I've ever found that is "incompatible" with EECP is the HEP weapon pack. The BIS classes are all still present. If an addon requires a new class, I simply redefine it, which doesn't break compatability at all. To my knowledge, everything aside from the HEP pack works perfectly under EECP, and there's really no reason why it shouldn't.

The same should be true of your config unless you've drastically altered one one of the base classes (I.E., making the M1 class a child of the helicopter class or something.)

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I love both of work and respect 'em.

So It's impossible to choose which one is better.

Though I use both biggrin_o.gif

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This may be a dumb question (but bear with me), but does either of these use the SJB Blackop (NVG) addon to replace BIS Blackop? From memory EECP uses BAS sniper, not sure about Y2K3...


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thanx for yours replies papy and kurayami ;)

i'll try for the two

but i have a "strong" computer for flashpoint so i'll try y2k3 first

good job you two

768 DDR ram


radeon 9600 256mb


ugh if y2k3 lag on my config i'll kill everybody in this place lol

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i have a 1.5ghz with a gf2mx, and 256 megs of ram. . .Y2K3 was created on those settings. its playable. im not sayin there isnt any slowdown, but its not that bad.... and actualy Y2K3 is a lil confusing to a newcomer so why dont u jsut wait a week or so while i get the preperations ready for the final version which will be alot simpler to install

if u use versoin 5.1 of Y2K3 its gonna suck compared to EECP, but if u are able to keep up with, all the way to my latest beta release then it has a much better comparison value. so you might as well just wait until i get the final installer. im only waiting on one last thing and its done smile_o.gif

@ fubar: my mod comes with the reccomended llumax installer that installs the new skys, (water is optional) and INQ's NVG's (which are the same as sjbs) so basicly all the NVG's are replaced by INQ's model and "scope"

@ kur: i thought there was more then just the HEP compatability issue. eh ok well. about the realisum, like i said i wasnt tryin to say that its wrong, its just yours focus on 100% realisum while mine combins a realisum factor but reminds the player "hey. . its still a game" like u changed the ammo values of tank shells and such am i correct? i havnt changed that or the armor settings of the tanks to keep orginal compatibilty with missions already out there

(Y2K3)Realisum for the Gamer: better selection of vehicals models and textures for replacment, but keeping a varity of vehicals. (carefuly selected the best of the best of whats released)

IE: HH60 Pavehawk replaces the blackhawks, but one has a ghost rocket launcher to keep compatabilty with CTI, RTS, Campaign, and Missions. it may not be realistic, but now u can complete "airbourn" in the cwc campaign ;) and sure i guess i coulda used black hawks for both. . but seeing black hawk after black hawk could get rather dull, so i used the pavehawks cuz their more colorful and vibrant

(EECP)Realisum: everything meets real world specs

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overall mates....like 80's y8k5 please...


you want a year 8005 mod?  crazy_o.gif

personaly i think Y2K3 is the best  tounge_o.gif  then again 4 months and hundreds of hours of work plus the lack of sleep and overabundance of updates and ideas may cloud of unbiast judgment  tounge_o.gif

the difference between the mods is. and i hope kur doesnt take this the wrong way

EECP is 100% down to the letter realisum. its all realisum all the time

Y2K3 is realisum for the gamer. its a balance of realisum meets gaming.

both our mods (EECP and Y2K3) both have large ammounts of required addons, but keep in mind thier total conversion mods. not just some "hey new addon" type thing, we take the stock shit and toss it out the window.  so when it comes to download size thier simaler. cept my final version will ofer an amazing compression installer file(s).

now i tried EECP when it was first born, it was the inspiration for my mod cuz there was mod after mod like this and none of them used INQ weapons, GMR fire, and DR sounds. it was 1 or 2 out of 3. i wanted all 3 so i made my own. but i notice kur actualy changes weapon models, chariceristics and other features which althou is nice, looses nearly 68% of compatabiltiy with other addons that require the "default" information for thier base classes.

mine is a more simpler conversion keeping more around 98% compatibility with 3rd party addons.

so to answer your question: Which Mod Is Better? it all depends on what your looking for.

are you lookin for something that replaces all the stock stuff with better stuff and makes the game more fun overall without loosing too much orginal compatabilty?

or are you looking for 100% realistic specs?

althou our mods seem simaler they are inheirently different. except i think kur will continue workin on his mod for months to come now waiting on addons to come out that arent schedualed for releases for months from now. and Y2K3 is gonna be called Final with mere trouble shooting in a week or two when fischkopps releases his humvees


Dude, you're missing the point...Operation Flashpoint replaced with all these new units isn't totally the best thing right out of the market man. I want better, CWC 80's units not modern M16a4's......i do want those but i won't more so replacements for bis's stuff.

You know if they did create a mod for 80's time period, m4a1 was invented after the 80's and widely used ;)


Combat Ready Moderator

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I prefer EECP because y2k3 needs a lot of addons crazy_o.gif

and I 've only an amd athlon 1.8 ghz

256 ram

graphic car nvidia tnt2 riva 32mb

and Y2k3 have few bugs but it still a good config...

But I don't understand why kurayami and pappy don't use INQ M24 ... it's a very good addon ! rock.gif ;

and kurayami and Pappy have done a small mistake because they're using earl and suchey naval pack , I think it's better to use others pack like Uce russian infantry pack , it's more realistic


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my sniper uses INQ's M24 sniper rifle

and ive explained why i use the RNI.

1) since you need both the RNI and the USMC pack for other things no sense in letting 20 megs of addons not be used

2) the campains are based on the Americans (and resistance) already occupying the issland, an occupation is done by the ARMY and in all 3 campaigns the russians invade the island (s) and if you were to invaved an island, surrounded by water, you would use the navy and marines. so if the russians would invavde an island they would use the RNI

also. . . there are a handful of 1985 addons. barely enough for a total conversion. hell barely enough for a mission, let alone a total conversion

PS: EECP and Y2K3 require close to if not the same ammount of addons. most of our replacments are the same mine differs cuz i use INQ's weapon pack and ive replaced other things like the kozlice and humvee and alot of other things that kur hasnt gotton around to yet. if EECP was as far done as mine is. . .he would probably use twice what i require (consiering RHS addons are like 60 megs for 2 tanks tounge_o.gif )

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There is enough 85 addons to go around, if you're blind then you haven't seen them mate. We got weapons packs out there (good ones some), soldiers (Hyakushiki's US Infantry 1.2, 85 variant), tanks (sigs us and russian tanks, 85 variants), and even more shiiet out there that we can use and i don't understand why people don't use that shiiet. You act like there ain't the shiiet out there for a 85 conversion, there is.


Combat Ready Moderator

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is it possible to regroup just needed addons ? rock.gif

example : depboise RHS pack , take only the T-54 and the crew and repboise

and do that allways for Marines assaut pack

do you know what earl and suchey are working on ?

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For those of you looking for 85' Era soldiers and equipment, my config keeps things at that level and maintains the integrity of BIS's original values for all units. The config works in MP, and i have pretty much worked out most of the bugs that would cause it to crash in SP and MP.

So far this is what i have replaced....excluding the Resistance.



---------                         Replaced With


M16                              Earls M16A2    

M16/M203                      WGL M16/M203

XM177E2                        Crime City Colt Commando

Xm177E2S                      Lasers M733 Carbine w/CCO

M60 GPMG                      INQ M60

Satchel                          "   " C4

MP5SD6                         INQ MP5SD6

M21                              TOW M21

G3A3 ?



UZISD                           Crime City UZI SD

Soldier Units


Soldier                        Hyk 1985 US Soldier

Pilot                           BAS 160th SOAR Pilots

Officer                        Hyk 1985 Officer w/ Boonie

Officer Night                Hyk 1985 US Soldier

BlackOp Day                Lasers Nomex Delta

BlackOp                      Laser's Delta Operator w/ NOD

Blackop LaserGuided     Lasers Nomex Delta

Tank Crew                  Rudedogs 85' Tank Crew



M1A1                            SIGMA's M1A1

M2A2                            CBT_M2A2ODS

M113                      CBT M113A2

M113 Ambulance             CBT M113A3

M60                              SIGMA's M60

UH-60                           BAS MH60K

UH-60 MG                      BAS UH60L(Plan to reskin in OD)

A10(LGB)                       Oyman's A10 Grey

A10                              Oymans A10

OH58 Kiowa                   Silesian

AH-64                     Silesian

AH-1                     COG Huey Cobra



---------                         Replaced With


AK47                                            INQ AK47

AK74                                            " " AK74

AK47/GL                                        " " AK47 + GP30

AK74/GL                                        " " AK74 + GP30

AK74SU                                         " " AK74SU

SVD                                             ICP SVD

PK                                               ICP PK

Soldier Units


Soldier DRF Soldier


Tank Crew RHS Tank Crew

Officer DRF Officer

Spetznaz DRF Spetznaz



T55                                              RHS Type 59G

T72 SIG T72B

T80                                              SIG T80BV

BMP1                                            CSLA

BMP2                                            CSLA

Mi17                                             CSLA

Mi24                                             CSLA

Su25                                            Silesian

The Resistance has been replaced with Edges Guerillas, RHS's T55's and of course what is availabe from INQ's weaponpack...other than that i cant think of what else i've changed so far. Also i replaced the weak ass MM1 sound with the one used in ghost recon...soooo much better in my opinion.

I have not released this and its not ready for download yet, but i may do it after getting permission from certain addon makers who have not yet been contacted such as Crime City and Laser.

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