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Screenies of the beast that laid waste to Chechen villages:

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By DKM MOD  smile_o.gif

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looks beautifull , very nice firing effect i wonder how it works.

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Sweet! (well, of course not for those on the receiving end ...:( ), I hope this is COC UA compatible, we need some East MLRS, any East COC UA useable stuff will be great. Knowing DKM, this is going to be an amazing addon...

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Holy crap that looks nice! wow_o.gif

Hope you can get it to do realistic-type firing, maybe CoC artillery compatible?

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Looks really nice wow_o.gif

Just hope it will be COC UA compatible. Maybe nice to include this beast in the COC UA 1.1 pack smile_o.gif

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from what i read already it won't be ua. and it woll be unrealistic since it is to enage at short range wich in real life would kill it due to the missle is and air-fuel expolsive..

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from what i read already it won't be ua. and it woll be unrealistic since it is to enage at short range wich in real life would kill it due to the missle is and air-fuel expolsive..

shame, so it will kinda be rendered useles, apart from being a target in a mission.

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TOS-1 looks very nice. And I am not too concearned about the short range, becasue these rockets can only fly out to 3km IRL (shorter range than tank cannons).

The only thing that bothers me are the stupid red stars all over this thing. Those were never painted on Soviet/Russian vehicles, just the aircaft.



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If it has no artillery scripts its basically useless. sad_o.gif

The red stars bother me too. Same with the T80UM2. Its a russian vehicle not soviet. They dont have soviet stars in them.

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yeah isn't that star actual the old USSR Roundel?

but yes this is useless unless it can actual be used correctly since if fired at OFP close range it will kill itself and it's crew..

Let's all hope they actual make it UA compatiable and actual give it the correct weapon and not just some explosive rocket.

but knowing DKM they will just make it how they want..


like their BE wick russia is not even goin to use etc...

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the rockets will dud when impacting too close, ive 'been killing tanks, trucks and infantry at 1800 m range with this thing. Need i say more?

By unassisted for long range i mean WE will not be bothering reinventing the wheel .. we let COC boys handle the long range shots if they want to, but this addon is a bit in the grey area, since its maximum range irl is 3.5 km.

Quote[/b] ]but knowing DKM they will just make it how they want..


like their BE wick russia is not even goin to use etc...

and like comanche that us isnt even gonna use........ so you say we simply should'nt make things that dont pull through coz of moron politicians? nonsense, if this game benefits from a fictional addon then we sure will make it.

We are free to do so. And you are free to not download it if it bothers you too much.

And you are right on one thing, we make stuff as we like it, if i am working on something i dont like, i expect to get payed for it, coz then it would be called a 'job'.

(that does not mean i dislike my rl job by the way)

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but yes this is useless unless it can actual be used correctly since if fired at OFP close range it will kill itself and it's crew..

In real life at least, the fuel air explosive warhead wouldn't signifigantly damage tanks. Anything but a direct hit would do very little. Unless the crew is exposed to the environment they should be ok and the pressure wave will do little damage to the metal tank.

The TOS-1 is mostly for flattening soft targets with pressure damage. Squads of troops, buildings, anyone inside open-air bunkers, caves, etc. It's certainly not an anti-tank weapon.

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yay a Russian Pinochio!!! ... I do hope to use this to flatten a certain city to the ground.... good luck with it!

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Actually Russia is brobably using BE as their next MBT because its easy to convert old T-80's to the BE standard so nothing unrealistic here.

Its also cheaper that the other MBT that is competing with BE for the next MBT for Russia's military.

But I seriously hope that in the next update you make the BE like its supposed to be without the red stars and fire power of a T-55.  wink_o.gif

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What I'm wondering is if the rockets on this thing will make the little min-mushroom clouds like the real life one does.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I noticed that DKM is modelling the warheads as impac-fused HE. Would it not be more realistic to model them as a wide area ( indirect hit damage ) as opposed to artillery shell-type ( direct impact damage ) impact? Unless the missile body actually strikes an armored vehicle, ( and it won't due to the fuse, and thermobaric warhead. ) the resulting blast isn't likely to seriously damage a tank.

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Unless the missile body actually strikes an armored vehicle, ( and it won't due to the fuse, and thermobaric warhead. ) the resulting blast isn't likely to seriously damage a tank.

tho the blast might kill the crew do to the over pressure. unless the tank has an good NBC system.

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we're still experimenting with the damage infliction params.

One thing is certain, a huge cloud detonation directly over a MBT would certainly not go unnoticed, to say the least.

But there we are assuming ONE rocket is impacting above the mbt in question..

so what if it is not 1 but 10? in a timespan of 2.5 seconds...

TOS can fire all its rockets in 7.5 seconds (30 pcs, irl)

This would create SOME shockwave.. i wouldnt be surprised if the tank was flipped over because of it, or a turret be ripped off its rollers...

.. or at least a flat tyre smile_o.gif

are you then still so certain that mbt will drive away, crew and vehicle intact?

suppose this immense shockwave happens directly over the mbt.. the blast would probably slam down on the tank so hard that the bottom plate touches the ground.. possibly damaging the suspension, but some serious TOSsing around of the crew inside smile_o.gif

If there is as much as one hatch or door open on the mbt, the crew are dead, no 2 ways about that.

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It has been documented that FAE rounds create pressures that are comparable to the forces involved in low-yield nuclear weapons. If it can destroy a concrete building it can destroy a tank, in suffience numbers of rockets used.

And to the issue of it being "useless" let me rremind you of a certain fact:

Tank combat in real life is at a stage when kills at 1000m meters are not only common, they are expected. In ofp this closes down to less than 500meters on average. This is the same prinicple which makes fast jets questionable in OFP.

It is not useless, but scaled to OFP. And besides the point, making addons how we want seems to result in them being realistic anyway.

On a sidenote: I find it odd to see it being reported that we will not let it be used by CoC if they wish. I'm curious as to where this information came from, as I, a DKM member, had been lead to beleive otherwise, but i'm sure you're right biggrin_o.gif

Remember: this addon is far from finished, we appreiciate the hints, but do not feel as though you should get mad at an innacuracy, nothing is set in stone. smile_o.gif

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Who was Buratino?

Quote[/b] ]"The tale of The Golden Key or Buratino's adventures" by Aleksey Tolstoy.

When the Great Russian writer Aleksey Tolstoy was a child, he often read a very interesting book "Pinocchio or the adventures of a wooden puppet". But soon the boy lost his favorite book and began to retell its the story to his friends, devising new adventures by himself. Many years passed and young Aleksey soon became a prominent writer. It was then when Tolstoy decided to write his own version of the story which he loved so much in his childhood.

Once upon a time an old craftsman Juzeppe lived in a small Mediterranean Sea town. One day he found a log at the shore and carried it home deciding to make carve it into something. But when Juzeppe began fashioning it with his axe he heard a meek little voice say, "Ease off a bit." This frightened Juzeppe and took the piece of wood to his old friend Carlo who was an organ grinder. He was able to give the log away to Carlo so that he would not have to deal with the mysterious log.

Juzeppe told Carlo, "Take this log and make of it a wooden puppet, teach it to dance, speak and sing and you will be able to earn money, showing it to people."

Carlo was very poor and lonely. He lived in a small room and the only thing he owned was a beautiful painting depicting a hearth with a boiling copper. This painting concealed a tiny secret door, which would turn out to be very important later. At home Carlo began cutting out a puppet. While he was working he heard the incredible ability that the log had to speak and laugh. Soon Juzeppe created a wooden puppet, which could speak, run and dance. This living puppet, whom he called Buratino was a boy who had a long nose, arms and legs, and a cap with a tassel.

Buratino was a mischievous boy, fooled around, and did not obey his father Carlo. One day Buratino decided to change his ways and go to school. Poor Carlo sold his only jacket and bought a grammar book so that Buratino could take it with him to school. Buratino took the book and ran to school. On the way to school he saw a sign for the theatre saying, "Puppet Show."

Buratino could not resist the temptation of the showing, so he sold the book that Carlo bought him and bought a ticket.

He was delighted with the performance. The actors in the play were the wooden puppets like Buratino. During the play in full swing of the performance the puppets shouted, "Buratino, Buratino". They lifted him onto the stage, kissed, and embraced him while singing songs. After the performance, the wicked and mean owner of the theater, Karabas-Barabas caught Buratino and wanted to burn into ashes. Somehow Karabas-Barabas heard that Buratino lived in the small room with the tiny secret door and he changed his mind. He released Buratino and gave him five golden coins so he could go about his way. However Buratino realized that Karabas-Barabas knew a secret connected with that door.

On the way home Buratino met the fox Alisa and the blind Cat Basilio. They found out that Buratino had five golden coins and wanted to rob him. The fox Alisa said to him, " We will show you a wonderful Fool's Land. If you bury your coins in the field of Wonder located in that Land, the big tree with golden coins instead of leaves will grow in that place. You will be very rich." Buratino agreed and they went to the Fool's Land. But soon Buratino lost his new friends and at night two robber (the Fox Alisa and the Cat Basilio in masks and disguised in new clothing) attacked him, but fortunately Buratino managed to escape. He was very tired and he could hardly walk. After travelling a great distance he came to a lovely small house. A beautiful, blue-haired puppet girl Malvina lived there. She fed Buratino and then tried to teach him how read and write. Buratino did not appreciate what Malvina was doing for him and she decided to lock him in the shed.

In the shed Buratino met the Black Bat who helped him to get out of the shed and led him to the Fool's Land where once again he met up with Basilio and Alisa. They persuaded Buratino to bury his coins in the field of Wonder. Poor Buratino did it and waited for the emergence of the magic tree with golden coins. The Fox Alisa and the Cat Basilio couldn't get his money because Buratino was sitting near the spot where he had buried his coins. To get Buratino away from the spot where he was sitting the two crooks went to the police station and told the Bulldog-Policeman that Buratino was a thief. Immediately after the report at the station two police dogs approached Buratino. They arrested Buratino, searched him, and then threw him in a pond because they did not find anything on him that was stolen.

Finding himself in the pond Buratino met the old Tortoise Tartila. Tartila felt sorry for poor Buratino and gave him a golden key. On the way home Buratino met the melancholy puppet Pierot. Pierot told Buratino that he had overheard a conversation between Karabas-Barabas and his cohort Duremar. Kareabas-Barabas told Duremar that he was looking for a golden key in order to open some secret door and become rich. Buratino said nothing, and showed Pierot the golden key.

Pierot and Buratino decided to go to Malvina's house. There they met the toad who told them that Karabas-Barabas knew that the old Tortoise Tartila had given the golden key to Buratino. The puppets realized that since Karabas-Barabas knew Buratino had the key he would not hesitate to kill him for it. Buratino, Malvina, and Pierot were soon hurrying to Carlo's house, but soon the police dogs and Karabas-Barabas caught up to them. Fortunately, the puppets managed to escape and Buratino was able to figure out the golden key's secret.

When the puppets found Carlo they all went into the room with the secret door and tore away the painting, opened the door with the golden key, and they found themselves in a marvelous theatre with exquisite and expensive stage settings. A fantastic garden with silver and gold trees, birds of paradise, and exotic animals appeared before their eyes.

The puppets and Carlo decided to open a new theater for puppet shows and they were an immediate success. All of the puppets who worked for Karabas-Barabas left him and began working at the Buratino's theatre. Their first performance was about the fascinating tale about the adventures of Buratino and his friends. Audiences loved the new theater and everybody lived happily ever after.

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Tank combat in real life is at a stage when kills at 1000m meters are not only common, they are expected. In ofp this closes down to less than 500meters on average. This is the same prinicple which makes fast jets questionable in OFP.

It is not useless, but scaled to OFP. And besides the point, making addons how we want seems to result in them being realistic anyway.

Yes, but those are tanks, not artillery pieces meant for bombardment. Tanks in flashpoint are driven up closer to each other, artillery units lob shots over hills to hit unseen targets. This is your perogative of course, but it seems most people would like to see an artillery piece shooting at range, providing support.

On that note:

Quote[/b] ]On a sidenote: I find it odd to see it being reported that we will not let it be used by CoC if they wish. I'm curious as to where this information came from, as I, a DKM member, had been lead to beleive otherwise, but i'm sure you're right biggrin_o.gif
Nobody said you wouldn't allow it, but it was stated on the DKM forum that it wouldn't utilize any kind of script based artillery system. This is what people are basing the comments on.

I think it'd be great to see it as an East component to a COC UA pack, or however you'd see it released, as long as this artillery piece can actually be used as artillery, not as a direct fire system, since it simply isn't one.

That said, I'm sure I'll love this however it gets released; don't mean to dictate things to you.

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Yes! Finally a eastern bloc (eheheh) MRLS!! Always thought having to use Katyushas was too ridiculous compared to the much more modern look of the western MRLS...

@ calm_terror: stick to your mod and see that it does something good, don't flame DKM because their stuff is great, and you just become a target for one of those fuel-air explosive missiles yourself... mad_o.gif (last word on this).

DKM, you're great! We love ya! biggrin_o.gif

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Looking Good DKM. Keep up your great work.....We have all your addon on our server. Looks like I'll be updating the dkm pack for our server soon ...can't wait.....Thx DKM


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