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What Is Missing

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What do you think OFP needs or is missing?

For me, I think OFP needs better AI. Some addons have better AI than others. Some look great but the AI SUCKS! And some look alright. But are the AI is awesome.

I really enjoy Inquistors addons. Because they look great and the AI performs surperb!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

PS. The Big Hunt Mission should be release Fri. night. (CST) USA. 7/16/04 Happy Hunting!

Vote BUSH 04' unclesam.gifunclesam.gifunclesam.gif

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...Some addons have better AI than others.


All AI are basically the same. If you see one outperform another, he probably has a better gun, or higher skill, or some other advantage.

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No I disagree. Inquistors addons for example. Will out perform most other AI. Even if all units, skills are set the same. Take his weapon pack. Which comes with nice look soldiers. They will spank every soldiers, I throw at them. And all skills and rank are set the same on both sides.

This is what I see happen in my missions.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

Vote BUSH 04'


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Missions! OPF needs good missions, addon missions. Oh yeah and more russian transport helicopters, marine transport and animals wink_o.gif . Or maybe it needs too be replaced with OPF2 blues.gif .

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The maritime component is definitely still lacking something (transport ships aka LCACs, *hint*hint*).

Although much has been done (Hawk's USS Nimitz, Col. Klink's Trawlers, and that Kilo class submarine... and also, that beautiful LSD from... hmm... don't remember...), massive landings with non-amphibious vehicles aren't a possibility yet.

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What I think is missing, is an add-on to OFP made by BIs which would allow easy changeover from their models to any addon in your res/addon folder. To play any mission with the unit u want.

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More shipswould be great!

Especially Col. Klink's boat with multi-gun positions.

Also more transport choppers. These are all great ideas.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

Vote BUSH 04' unclesam.gifunclesam.gifunclesam.gif

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Hmm...a Fishing mod where the ai is smart with boats and the AI drives around a nice Boston Whaler, which in my opinion are some of the best small boats around. They are so god damned tight, i love them!


Ps. George Bush kills baby Seals and Kittens, vote for Kerry, he saves baby Seals and Kittens unclesam.gifunclesam.gifunclesam.gif

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Quote[/b] ]No I disagree. Inquistors addons for example. Will out perform most other AI. Even if all units, skills are set the same. Take his weapon pack. Which comes with nice look soldiers. They will spank every soldiers, I throw at them. And all skills and rank are set the same on both sides.

Because the weapons are configged with high accuracy or range values. The actual AI is not altered.

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Quote[/b] ]What I think is missing, is an add-on to OFP made by BIs which would allow easy changeover from their models to any addon in your res/addon folder. To play any mission with the unit u want.

yes,Yes, YES!  That would be a fantastic idea and probably something a tallented editor could program.  Before anyone leaps on me and says that it has been done before in the 'make ofp modern' mod for example (sorry, i forget the official names), what I mean is an easy interface that can quicky and easily substitute any unit into any mission by clicking a couple of buttons and without having to manually change the mission coding (i.e. let the program do the hard work).  Without the editing knowledge or programing knowledge I would struggle to do this myself but can this theoretically be done?  Would the scripts be able to cope?

Otherwise and anyway, more missions please (the ones re-done for the BAS TSF were outstanding and reminded me why I love flashoint).  Quality missions mean that I will actually use the addons significantly more.

Sorry if this sounds selfish - id do it myself but im still learning the basics and appologies for any mistakes - its a new keyboard and its a bugger to type with!


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thing is, with OFP2 announced and coming some time next year, i highly doubt BIS will release any new patches (besides they're running out of numbers)

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They are so god damned tight, i love them!

totaly agree.. not so much about ofp but anyway..

What i lack pretty most is not really missions, can't say i download them anyway.. i lack dynamic coops (have few).. and something like SEB NAM 2 but for WWII.. not like now when you need 400 diffrent addons from 388 dead links.

When it comes to addons not made there is of course many but if i have to say "one" i say command vehicles, and not like a BMp amb, or m113 with the redcross removed, but own model for use with like CTI and some missions of course

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better physics, lighting, and AI (and soundtrack :P)

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Well, if you want that get a good video card and buckle up for kegs tight ass mother fricken dll. thingy!


Ps. Wish i had a better video card then geforce2

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Good missions and campaigns.

It seems like there's 500 billion Delta Force addons being made but not nearly enough good missions to use them in.

Hyk's modern US infantry and E & S' Marine Assault pack filled another thing on my wish-list (nicely modelled regular infantry units).

AI enhancements.

I don't know what I'd want doing different exactly but it would be nice if the AI soldiers weren't so gosh-darn stupid. They don't even handle forest well, let alone cities :|

They need a seperate set of AI for cities (i.e. they need to be able to recognise that they're in a built up area and start acting differently and not sprinting round the sides of buildings)

It would also be nice if the enemy had some common sense. If I start plinking at them with a sniper's rifle they should pop smoke and find some cover.

A well done UKSF pack

What it says on the tin. The SAS and SBS need BAS'ing (or PKUF'ing).

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A well done UKSF pack

 What it says on the tin. The SAS and SBS need BAS'ing (or PKUF'ing).

all in good time

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OFP needs:

-ingame Join for Multiplayer

-an engine update for better performance with newer hardware

-more "hardcore freaks" like Kegetys to make that two points reality

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

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Missions and really good, realistic environments, the current ones are too sterile.

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Missions and really good, realistic environments, the current ones are too sterile.

try FDF 1.3, maldevic is stunningly beautiful

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no offence, but FDF stuff still uses ALOT of original BIS stuff (the trees) and looks very similar...

anyways, OFP NEEDS CHILDREN!!!! and ANIMALS!!!!

and more user made effects.  smile_o.gif  (that arent so "over-the-top" and cheezy looking :P)

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Agreed. Childern would be the bomb but it would be tought too though to make them. Imagine, we have a campiagn someday where Gavstowski has his wife and his kids, and they are touring Nogova or Maldevic.


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By sterility, I mean that buildings and objects in OFP are too uniform, neat and clean. There is no real world wear and tear. In realistic environments, buildings and objects are non-uniform, worn out and dirty. At 3WX, we are trying to capture that real world flavor. For example, look at this typical Middle Eastern Shop:


Now, here is an early 3WX rendition of it:


Still too clean, but note the dirt and stains, the non-uniformity of the features, rollup doors and signs. The wear and tear on the interior walls. I still need to do a lot of texture work to get this looking like the source photo, and all the clutter of the miscellaneous objects needs to be added too. But this is what I'm talking about. Most people doing environmental stuff for the game make it too neat and clean and that is simply unrealistic. BAS was the first team to explore doing realistic environments with Tonal, but even that was too neat and could use some enhancement. it's time consuming, but in my opinion, very much worth the effort because after all the guns and tanks and planes have been made to death, it is a realistic environment that adds the greatest depth and sense of immersion to the game.

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