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What addon's are made to hell

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how about an making an addon that works good in ofp,,, crazy_o.gif  theres a concept!

i dont mean to be mean (spelling on one of those is wrong :P) but i think people who spend a year working on a semi-functional gigantic SHIP are not thinking before they are starting their projects.

OFP needs atmospheric objects, children, fortified fighting positions, more animals, booby traps, plants/trees, sound addons, and sure... i guess more tanks and stuff too. :P

This is just my opinion of what I would like to see of course, im sure if you were making the Canadian Mounties someone out there would be happy, but try to think of the most needed things before investing your time into an endless pit of production for all the wrong reasons.

PS - sorry for not having a good idea for an addon to make, most of the "fun" ones I can think of already excist... too bad more people dont cooperate, and then maybe we would have more "great" addons, and less "potentially great" addons.

edit - PPS, upon realizing this isnt an addons idead thread but a over-done addons thread, it occurred to me to say...

Instead of starting a humvee pack to make it better than all the other packs that were not "100% bug free" why not take the best one of those packs ask the guy who made it for permission (he probably doesnt even play ofp anymore and wouldnt give a sh*t) and make the 90% complete humvee pack BETTER.

This is modding, modifying... we're not paid to produce video games, give yourselves a break.

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Actually these sorts of threads are becoming a little tedious.....

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I agree Leone, but I think the future of OFP modding lies in immersion products.

Now I could be a bit biased being a part of an immersion mod! tounge_o.gif

But like Drow said, atmosphere is where the most potential for enhancing the game experience rests. Many mods that have done vehicles, weapons, aircraft and troops to death, are now starting to focus on buildings, plants, trees, objects and islands to make the game better.

Do we really need another M4? Some mod has already made that and then someone else made theirs. Why not make some new trees, bushes, grass? How about all new buildings with super high levels of detail instead of buildings that were made as an afterthought?

Civilians are needed. All new animations. How about making the civilians do what civilians do, instead of just standing around like zombies?

I'd like to see merchants that wave or proffer their wares. Beggars holding out their cup. How about fishermen or musicians, or people simply eating and drinking?

After all the guns and planes and bombs have been made, what is left to make this game better?

Immersion products, that's what. wink_o.gif

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even though the humvees are made to hell, i have yet seen a pack that is complete and free of bugs. by this i mean models with shadows and improved textures both inside and outside (Fishkopp did his pack nicely). i would really like to see a good desert humvee pack with all of the bugs fixed for use in desert storm missions.

thats the problem with modding.

theres no such thing as a bug free addon.

get used to the bugs.

when startng my game i have at least 6 different bugs starting off with "blah blah needs addonblah to run" from "no entry configbin blah" to "missing addons: blahblah"

to me. . bugs are a way of telling me "my game still works"

from the top of the addon chain with BAS all the way down teh struggeling moder. every last freaking addon has a bug somewhere or another. from map errors, to weapon strength.

you want a bug free addon? reinstall OFP and down download any 3rd party addons.

you want fun, new, impressive, desisive, and tintalating addons that improve the game by making giant leaps foreward in their advances but a baby step back with a small bug or error message. . . the hit up these forums and ofp.info on a daily basis.

bugs are part of the game. they always have been they always will be

i jsut realized too. if u dont like bugs then mabe comptuer games arent for you. i rememberd if you point your gun int eh air, turn your head back and look in command veiw. . . your neck strechs out like about 3 feet.

this goes mostly to drow too. im not trying to start a fight or be mean here. im just sayin that theres no such thing as a bug free addon, game, computer, program, anything. take the bugs with stride and move on

in all honesty. . . missing a shadow on a vehical is hardly at the top of the "this addon sucks" reason list. how often to you look at a shadow? what purpose does that shadow serve in a game? i mean yes its nice ambiance. but honestly. not seeing your shadow when you turn around isnt all that bad

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In all honesty. . . missing a shadow on a vehical is hardly at the top of the "this addon sucks" reason list. how often to you look at a shadow? what purpose does that shadow serve in a game? i mean yes its nice ambiance. but honestly. not seeing your shadow when you turn around isnt all that bad

Pappy -

There is a circumstance where a shadow is useful - it allows

the pilot of a plane or heli to tell how high off the ground

they are (in external view). All 'flying' addons _should_ have

a shadow.

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ah, but it also gives away your position.

As it does IRL too. No problem there. I think with jets the big noisy F-16 will give your position away sooner then the shadow of it wink_o.gif

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I think we have enough PSG-1s (due to some MGS uber-fanatics) and there seem to be people out there who think we will want to download an M16 they made when there's a perfectly good one that comes with the game, anyway! rock.gif

I think we need a decent M4. From what I've read in posts here and there, there isn't one good M4 about.

[Gareth Gates must die]

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I can tell you what's not done to death:

My votes:

- M4-SPR. Never made before. wink_o.gif

- JAM/-HD remake of UCE's Middle Eastern Resistance and PFLP troops.

- JAM/-HD remake of good old HK Pack.

- XM8 AGS Link

- XM2001 Crusader, COC compatibile (yeah, I know it's been cancelled, but so was Comanche). Link

- Stryker (is anybody making still making one of those?)

@Skul, a decent M4, are you blind or what?  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

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My votes:


There is a very good one, but its unreleased.

Check OFP combat pics thread. Photos with New Laser Deltas.

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JAM/-HD remake of UCE's Middle Eastern Resistance and PFLP troops.

JAM/-HD remake of good old HK Pack.

UCE's Middle Eastern Resistance and alot of his other units have already been JAM'd by Gazmen...


But I agree the PFLP troops and HK packs could use JAMing


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how about a seaking and pavelow? has anyone made it? A really good one.

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Ok another proposal.

Would anyone want MP7 from H&K? As a suport weapon?

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I'd like to see a good ol' boomstick tounge_o.gif Crazy farmers on a rampage anyone? wink_o.gif

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i dont mean to be mean (spelling on one of those is wrong :P) but i think people who spend a year working on a semi-functional gigantic SHIP are not thinking before they are starting their projects.

What do you mean not thinking??

Our ships are not 'gigantic, not supercarriers or supertankers.  Hermes is our biggest ship and at 226 metres she is quite small.

I am working on the principal that the larger ships are part of the scenery.

Also they are things that are not done to death that are within the capabilities of OFP..

For those who mentioned merchant ships for the docks....



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i dont mean to be mean (spelling on one of those is wrong :P) but i think people who spend a year working on a semi-functional gigantic SHIP are not thinking before they are starting their projects.

What do you mean not thinking??

Our ships are not 'gigantic, not supercarriers or supertankers.  Hermes is our biggest ship and at 226 metres she is quite small.

I am working on the principal that the larger ships are part of the scenery.

Also they are things that are not done to death that are within the capabilities of OFP..

For those who mentioned merchant ships for the docks....



are the quaters enterable? liek the bridge and other areas on it? looks form the pics liek their closed off. but i could be wrong

edit: what island is that? looks like a nice port

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The island is Gaia, and in this case the only enterable areas on those ships (the mercs that is) are the 3 large lorry decks.

Fortunately the way they have been built means I can add internals at a later time.

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Finally some nice ships to liven up my docks! But you need to upgrade your AGS_INDS, I see you're using the old version. (click my sig)

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So many great addons! wow_o.gif

So many great islands! wow_o.gif

Very few missions and campaigns! sad_o.gif

I couldn't agree more.

Big fat campaigns. That's what we need.

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@CBFASI your ships look killer man wink_o.gif

and a want to see campaigns for the marine assault pack smile_o.gif

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i dont mean to be mean (spelling on one of those is wrong :P) but i think people who spend a year working on a semi-functional gigantic SHIP are not thinking before they are starting their projects.

What do you mean not thinking??

Our ships are not 'gigantic, not supercarriers or supertankers.  Hermes is our biggest ship and at 226 metres she is quite small.

I am working on the principal that the larger ships are part of the scenery.

Also they are things that are not done to death that are within the capabilities of OFP..

good point wink_o.gif

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My votes:


There is a very good one, but its unreleased.

Check OFP combat pics thread. Photos with New Laser Deltas.

Mr. Burns will release his SPR soon

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