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Operation enduring freedom

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@parvus, i suggest you try out www.filefront.com. you can host there, "FOR FREE", anythink related to games like mod's, addons, missions, video's etc. the maximum for a pack is 350Mb, means you would have to make 4 packs or if you ask em nicely and provide em with enought info, they will give you more space. just register, get theirs ftp tool or use yours and charge !

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4 Buli:



 sof2_mp5 in lsc_mp5\, VIT_BMP3_D in vitapc\

 LargeRunwayMarkerYellow in coloredlights\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_AASoldier in pflp_troops\

 talebSOL in taleb\, talebrpg in taleb\, UN_USSR_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, AC130 in ac130\

 UNM113 in unaddon\, ccbunk13 in ccbunk13\, SmallRunwayMarkerRed in coloredlights\

 uce_r_kuffiyaMedic in uce_kuffiya\, XMS in xms\, HKmw_SaboteurMP5K in hkmp\

 ak74nsu in ak74nsu\, UN_Crew in unaddon\, UN_SWD_Sold_LAW in unaddon\

 Fpg_Anims_Pack in fpg_anims_pack\, KEGrpg7 in kegrpg7\, Glasses in glasses\

 afganc1 in afganc\, KEGagsGrenade in kegags\, mas in na\, benladen in taleb\

 C8X_magbox in c8xmag\, UN_USSR_Sold in unaddon\, VIT_ZU23RHD in vitapc\

 ccbunk14 in ccbunk14\, ICPSVD in icpsvd\, MAP_MilObj_Pack in map_milobj-pack\

 whatever in combatstatics\, HKUMP in hkmp\, ccbunk15 in ccbunk15\

 OFPEC_Blood in ecp_blood\, SmallRunwayMarkerGreen in coloredlights\, naSOL in na\

 UN_US_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, afganc2 in afganc\, UN_IT_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\

 CamoNet10 in camonet10\, tmd_f117 in tmd_f117\, INQ_Soldiers in inq_soldiers\

 TACTEvents in tactevents\, HKMP5K in hkmp\, c8x_Magazines in c8xmag\

 FRC_m40_3006 in rlk_rem700\, ccbunk16 in ccbunk16\, UN_GER_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\

 UN_IT_Sold_MG in unaddon\, afganc10 in afganc\, ITA_pilot in ita_pilot\

 UN_5to2 in unaddon\, UN_CAN_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, nacrew in na\

 UN_CAN_Sold_MG in unaddon\, afganc3 in afganc\, CamoNet11 in camonet11\

 OPEF_Faces in opefmisc\, RHS_T64bModels in sig_t64b\, MG36SM in unaddon\

 MG_M60E2 in unaddon\, UN_SA_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, UN_SWD_Sold_Sani in unaddon\

 RHS_Misc in rhs_misc\, RHS_T55DModels in rhs_t55d\, HMMWVi in humri\

 VIT_BTR80 in vitapc\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_scout in pflp_troops\

 UN_NL_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, ccbunk17 in ccbunk17\, rflHMMWVCC in rfl_hmwv\

 UNM2A2 in unaddon\, GST_Pak36 in gst_pak36\

 D_Nurlax_PFLP_RPGSoldier in pflp_troops\, UCE_AKM in uce_akm\

 uce_r_kuffiyaAASoldier in uce_kuffiya\, UNM113_SAN in unaddon\, afganc4 in afganc\

 UN_IT_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, CATIntro in catintro\, afgant1 in afganc\

 VIT_BMP3_DES in vitapc\, HYK_USsoldiers in hyk_ussol_jamcfg\, VIT_BMD3M in vitapc\

 HKmw_OfficerMP5K in hkmp\, CBT_M901 in cbt_m901\, MAP_Shed in map_shed\

 UN_FR_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\, naMEDIC in na\, UN_GB_OFFZ in unaddon\

 UN_URAL_SAN in unaddon\, RunwayMarkerRed in coloredlights\, naMG in na\

 oyman_flare in oyman_flare\, UN_GER_Sold_MG in unaddon\, ccbunk1 in ccbunk1\

 tr in owp_zil_scripts\, Faces in arab_faces\, afgant2 in afganc\, HKMP5N in hkmp\

 afgant3 in afganc\, uce_r_kuffiyaATSoldier in uce_kuffiya\, UNZelt2 in unaddon\

 AK101soldier in ak101\, nebelwerfergunner in nebelwerfer\, talebcrew in taleb\

 CCObjects in ccbunk10\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_Machinegunner in pflp_troops\

 UN_FR_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, naAA in na\, LHO_5TDESERT in lho_desert5t\

 UN_US_Sold in unaddon\, Bravo51 in bravo51\, ccbunk2 in ccbunk2\

 MPIV_Rpda in mpiv_rpda\, afganc6 in afganc\, CSLA2_ADDONS in csla_cpp\

 LargeRunwayMarkerWhite in coloredlights\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_ATSoldier in pflp_troops\

 UN_AUS_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, SUCHusmc in suchusmc\, BAS_HH60 in bas_hh60g\

 hwk_C130 in hwk_c130\, KHA_PSG in kha_psg\, BAS_deraw in bas_deraw\, erba in erba\

 editorupdate102 in editorupdate102\, AH64 in apac\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_SC in pflp_troops\

 rflHMMWVM60 in rfl_hmwv\, UNHUMMER in unaddon\, nebelwerfer in nebelwerfer\

 D_Nurlax_PFLP_Comm in pflp_troops\, IMUC_inftr in imuc_inftr\, afganc7 in afganc\

 CBT_m113a in cbt_m113a_scripts\, sof2_mp5_sil in lsc_mp5\, DWRgeneral in dwrgeneral\

 MPIV_AH64 in mpiv_ah64\, UN_GER_OFFZ in unaddon\, W_LAV25 in w_usmclav\, Kolo in kolo\

 BISCamel in biscamel\, HKmw_ReammoBox in hkmp\

 EditorUpdate175Noe in editorupdate175noe\, BAS_JAM_Weap in bas_weap\

 CamoNet1 in camonet1\, upmortar in up_mortar\, VIT_ZU23M in vitapc\

 CWK_FishingBoat in cwk_fish\, RHS_CrewModels in rhs_crew\, UN_FIN_OFFZ in unaddon\

 UNWATER in unaddon\, RunwayMarkerBlue in coloredlights\, oyman_a10g in oyman_a10g\

 UNUH60 in unaddon\, UNJeep in unaddon\, UN_SA_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\

 UN_UK_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, afganc8 in afganc\, VIT_NSVHD in vitapc\

 Hunter in hunter\, afganc9 in afganc\, C8X_RUSS in c8x_russ\, CamoNet2 in camonet2\

 D_Nurlax_PFLP_Medic in pflp_troops\, UN_USSR_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\

 rflHMMWVm2 in rfl_hmwv\, VIT_BMP3 in vitapc\, UN_FIN_Sold_LAW in unaddon\

 PCcloud in 3dclouds\, BAS_Cargo in bas_cargo\, RHS_T55Pack in rhs_t55pack_scripts\

 BauElementeV01 in bauelementev01\, GMR_Effects in gmr_orig\

 inqdesCh47D in chinookdesert\, bas_kawa in bas_kawa\, vbswatowr in vbswatowr\

 Steyr in steyr\, UN_GER_Sold in unaddon\, EECP_RSC in eecp_rsc\, CamoNet3 in camonet3\

 RHS_T64DModels in sig_t64d\, UN_URAL_Repair in unaddon\

 Za_B52_beta1 in za_b52_beta1\, GMI_camera_tool in gmi_camera_tool\

 SIG_M11 in sig_m1\, SmallRunwayMarkerYellow in coloredlights\

 oyman_a10i in oyman_a10i\, DSL_a10 in dsl_a10\, MPIV_AH64_Europa in mpiv_ah64_eu\

 MortarE in unaddon\, F117 in pcf117\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_snip in pflp_troops\

 Flags1 in flags\, Farm_animal1 in mig_mule\, Diemaco_C7FT in unaddon\

 UN_US_Sold_MG in unaddon\, CameraMan in cameraman\

 uce_r_kuffiyaMachinegunner in uce_kuffiya\, Diemaco_C7 in unaddon\

 UN_GER_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, UN_FR_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, VIT_KORDR in vitapc\

 CamoNet4 in camonet4\, uce_aks74u in uce_aks74u\, UN_FIN_Sold in unaddon\

 SIG_M12 in sig_m1\, UN_UK_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, barackenworld in barackenworld\

 NUT_UUSMC in nut_uusmc\, RunwayMarkerWhite in coloredlights\

 RHS_T55Models in rhs_t55\, UN_UK_Sold_MG in unaddon\, UN_AUS_Sold_LAW in unaddon\

 IGW_Spot_Light in igw_spot_light\, RKTMod in rkt15e\, UN_SA_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\

 jelalhabat_isl in jelalhabat_isl\, MPIV_AH64_Asien in mpiv_ah64_as\

 h in owp_zil_scripts\, RKSL_SNWNets in rksl-netpack-uk\, HMMWV in humr\

 HKmw_SoldierUMP in hkmp\, INQ_WeaponPack in inq_weaponpack\

 UN_SWD_Sold_StinSWD in unaddon\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_Officer in pflp_troops\

 Diemaco_C8 in unaddon\, UN_NL_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\, UN_SWD_Sold_MG in unaddon\

 C8XJAM_USMC in c8x_usmcjam\, DKMM_RSC in dkmm_rsc\, CamoNet5 in camonet5\

 MAP_Noe in map_noe_cfg\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_Soldier in pflp_troops\

 UN_USSR_Sold_MG in unaddon\, GS_Pak36_S1 in gst_pak36\, ICP_weaponpack in icp_rfwp\

 SIG_M13 in sig_m1\, UN_AUS_Sold_MG in unaddon\, OWP_ZIL in owp_zil_scripts\

 talebMEDIC in taleb\, MortarG in unaddon\, UN_IT_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\

 Editorobjects in editorobjects\, HKmw_SaboteurUMP in hkmp\

 MPIV_AH64_MiddleEast in mpiv_ah64_me\, MAP_Heaps in map_heaps\

 CoC_NetworkServices in coc_ns\, rflHMMWVopenmg in rfl_hmwv\

 D_Nurlax_PFLP_Grenadier in pflp_troops\, UNJeepMG in unaddon\

 psy_sovrmod in psy_sov\, CamoNet6 in camonet6\, VIT_ZU23R in vitapc\

 UN_CAN_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, DWRcrewyellow in dwryellowcrew\

 GS_Pak36_S2 in gst_pak36\, SIG_M14 in sig_m1\, UN_5to in unaddon\

 UN_GER_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, MAF_M925 in maf_m925\

 RHS_Weap in rhs_weappack_scripts\, UN_Pilot in unaddon\, JJR_Rebels in jjr_rebels\

 RHS_Crew in rhs_crewpack_scripts\, Nurlax_PFLP_Spetznaz in pflp_troops\

 uce_r_kuffiyaSoldier in uce_kuffiya\, UNUH60MG in unaddon\, talebAT in taleb\

 UN_US_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\, Beretta_AR70 in unaddon\, CWKHueyDown in cwkuh1dn\

 UN_SWD_Sold in unaddon\, VIT_ZU23MR in vitapc\, CamoNet7 in camonet7\

 HEP_Soldiers in hep_soldiers\, KEGags17Res in kegags\, CCbunk4 in ccbunk4\

 snakeface in snakeface\, Su25 in su25\, Trabant in trab\, HKmw_OfficerMPN in hkmp\

 HKmw_SoldierMPN in hkmp\, BFV_GECKO in bfv_gecko\

 uce_r_kuffiyaRPGSoldier in uce_kuffiya\, CoC_CruiseMissiles in coc_cm\

 RunwayMarkerGreen in coloredlights\, NewBarrel in minenwarnung\

 SmokeCan in smokecan\, UN_AUS_OFFZ in unaddon\, CamoNet8 in camonet8\

 CWKMk82Trolley in cwkbaseobj\, SIG_M16 in sig_m1\

 LHO_5TDESERTREAMMO in lho_desert5t\, RHS_Music in rhs_m_s\, AAV7 in aav7\

 UN_SA_Sold in unaddon\, UNBRDM in unaddon\, BRDM in brmd\, Kozlice in kozl\

 MM1 in mm-1\, Noe in noe\, HKmw_SaboteurMPN in hkmp\, DWRcrewblue in dwrbluecrew\

 VIT_BMD3 in vitapc\, UN_AUS_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, DWRcrewred in dwrredcrew\

 RHS_WeapModels in rhs_weap\, UN_USSR_Sold_AK74SU in unaddon\, KEGdummy in kegags\

 sof2_mp5_op in lsc_mp5\, talebEN in taleb\, UN_FR_Sold_MG in unaddon\

 CamoNet9 in camonet9\, bas_soarpilots in bas_soarpilots\

 UN_CAN_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, rflHMMWVCO in rfl_hmwv\, G36a in g36a\

 CBT_m577 in cbt_m577_scripts\, RunwayMarkerYellow in coloredlights\

 CBT_misc in cbt_misc\, Markers in usmcsymbols\, facepack in facepack\

 VIT_KORD in vitapc\, Objects1 in objects1\, uce_r_kuffiyaGrenadier in uce_kuffiya\

 C130v1a in c130v1a\, VIT_NSVRHD in vitapc\, UN_UK_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\

 Baracken in baracken\, rflHMMWVarmoreddl in rfl_hmwv\

 uce_r_kuffiyaOfficer in uce_kuffiya\, VIT_NSVR in vitapc\

 LHO_5TOPENDESERT in lho_desert5t\, MAP_Noe_Tex in map_noe_tex\, VIT_ZU23 in vitapc\

 lsd in lsd\, OPEF_Objects in opefmisc\, UN_AUS_Sold in unaddon\, KEGak107 in kegak107\

 radiotower in radiotower\, BAS_MAH60 in bas_mah60\, UN_USSR_Sold_Sani in unaddon\

 INQ_M1A2 in inq_m1\, UN_FIN_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\

 MAP_Editorupgrade in map_editorupgrad\, Bradley in m2a2\, BAS_derad in bas_derad\

 naLAW in na\, EditorUpdate102 in editorupgrade102\, naSOL2 in na\

 SUCHruss in suchrus\, DKMM_Mod in dkmm_ukpack\, mortar2 in mortar2\

 UN_IT_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, VIT_NSV in vitapc\, JAM_Magazines in jam_magazines\

 RKSL_WLDNets in rksl-netpack-uk\, UN_CAN_OFFZ in unaddon\, CBT_Crew in cbt_crew\

 CoC_NetworkServices2 in coc_ns\, KTE_Grenades in kte_grenades\

 UN_FR_OFFZ in unaddon\, InvTargets in invtargets\, Bizon in bizon\

 LaserGuided in laserguided\, BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, Vulcan in vulcan\

 LHO_5TDESERTREPAIR in lho_desert5t\, Cover in fightposdes\, WRPdouble in wrpdouble\

 BAS_MH47185 in bas_mh47e_185\, UN_FIN_Sold_StinFIN in unaddon\

 GME_Patches in gme_smoke\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_HG in pflp_troops\, LSR_uswp in lsr_uswp\

 DWRcrewgreen in dwrgreencrew\, UN_FIN_Sold_MG in unaddon\, UN_NL_OFFZ in unaddon\

 UN_SA_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, afganobj in afgano\, Feuerwerk in bbs_feuerwerk\

 UN_NL_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, VIT_ZU23HD in vitapc\, DWRcrewpurple in dwrpurplecrew\

 MAP_Noe_Isl in map_noe\, FRC_m40_3006_sniper in rlk_rem700\

 UN_USSR_Sold_BIZON in unaddon\, RKSL_DESNets in rksl-netpack-uk\

 RHS_T55WModels in rhs_t55w\, NewMove in hunter_anims\, UNCH47 in unaddon\

 VIT_BTR80C in vitapc\, BTRT_A in btrt_a\, UN_CAN_Sold in unaddon\, c5galaxy in hwk_c5\

 UN_URALwrack in unaddon\, SIG_T72B in sig_t72b\, UN_SWD_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\

 rflM113A1 in rfl_hmwv\, talebOFF in taleb\, UN_FR_Sold in unaddon\

 ECP_Effects in ecp_effects\, ITA_AW in ita_awc\

 MPIV_Weapons_Aircraft in mpiv_air_weap\, Rockelauncher in nebelwerfer\

 Poppys in poppys\, RKSL_TNLNets in rksl-netpack-uk\, BTRT_B in btrt_b\

 D_Nurlax_PFLP_OfficerN in pflp_troops\, OPEF_Vehicles in opefmisc\

 rflHMMWVopen in rfl_hmwv\, UN_CAN_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\, HFR_AH64 in hfr_apac\

 UNVULCAN in unaddon\, VIT_BMD3_DES in vitapc\, hiluxmg in hiluxmg\, mk19gl in mk19gl\

 RHS_T55WreckModels in rhs_t55wreck\, UN_IT_OFFZ in unaddon\, SKC_A10 in skc_a10\

 BMP2 in bmp2\, KEGags17East in kegags\, UN_NL_Sold in unaddon\

 RHS_T64WModels in sig_t64w\, C8XJAM_RUSS in c8x_russjam\, narpg7 in na\, GMR in gmr\

 naOFF in na\, CBT_M113a_Models in cbt_m113a\, oyman_a10 in oyman_a10\

 MTYBelloh58b in mtybelloh58b\, bas_soar185 in bas_soar185\, BIS_Resistance in o\

 ITA_SHELTR2 in ita_sheltr2\, VIT_DKMM_APC in vitapc\

 CoC_CruiseMissiles2 in coc_cm2\, Nimitz in hwk_uss_nimitz\

 UN_AUS_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\, ThrowKOK in effectpack\, UN_US_Sold_LAW in unaddon\

 BTRT_D in btrt_d\, INQ_A10 in inq_a10\, RHS_T64Pack in rhs_t64pack_scripts\

 CBT_M978Models in cbt_m978\, UN_NL_Sold_Sani in unaddon\, talebMG in taleb\

 BAS_repairH in bas_repair\, naBOMB in na\, B1B in b1b\, CBT_M977 in cbt_m977\

 naAT in na\, Skelets in effectpack\, Groups in cwk_has\, DAVC_objects in davc_objects\

 MPIV_MISC in mpiv_misc\, UN_FR_Sold_LAW in unaddon\, UN_URAL in unaddon\

 RZN_Fpilot in rznfpilot\, UN_SA_Sold_MG in unaddon\, UN_UK_Sold_Stinger in unaddon\

 VIT_BMD3M_DES in vitapc\, SmallRunwayMarkerBlue in coloredlights\

 Des_west in des_west\, SPD_ARTYLERY in spdart\, D_Nurlax_PFLP_Miner in pflp_troops\

 UN_GER_Sold_HKMP5 in unaddon\, BAS_AirWeap in bas_airweap\, talebAA in taleb\

 UN_IT_Sold in unaddon\, UN_URAL_REFUEL in unaddon\, rflHMMWVtt in rfl_hmwv\

 talebrpg7 in taleb\, F14 in f14\, JOF_Objects1 in jof_objects1\

 BAS_Jkawa in bas_kawa\, sof2_mp5_op_sil in lsc_mp5\, rflM113A1m60 in rfl_hmwv\

 LHO_5TDESERTFUEL in lho_desert5t\, CBT_M577Models in cbt_m577\, Ch47D in ch47\

 C8X_USMC in c8x_usmc\, inqdescob in inqdesertcobra\, GS_Pak36Launch in gst_pak36\

 LestersRL in reallights\, bas_deraJ in bas_derajam\, HEP_Weapons in hep\

 CBT_BradModels in cbt_brad\, talebBOMB in taleb\, UNM6Bradley in unaddon\, m2p in m2p\

 Objects in editorupgrade1\, UNOH58 in unaddon\, Mini in mini\, OH58 in oh58\

 jeepMTP in customanimmtp\, CWK_HAS in cwk_has\, BAS_weap in bas_weap\

 UN_UK_Sold in unaddon\, UNM113A2 in unaddon\, ECP_Blood in ecp_blood\

 CBT_M2IFV in cbt_brad_scripts\, UN_US_Sold_Sani in unaddon\

 SmallRunwayMarkerWhite in coloredlights\, UN_FIN_Sold_Sani in unaddon\

 UN_NL_Sold_MG in unaddon\, WRPquad in wrpquad\, BAS_OPFOR in bas_opcpp\

 UN_USA_OFFZ in unaddon\, UN_USSR_OFFZ in unaddon\, CBT_HMMWV in cbt_hmmwv\

 m2peast in m2p\, 6G30 in 6g30\, UNZelt in unaddon\, RKSL_Hangers in rksl-hangers\

 ak47cs in ak47n\, VIT_BMP3_Arena in vitapc\, ccbunk12 in ccbunk12\

 OPEF_Men in opefmisc\, rflHMMWVSAW in rfl_hmwv\

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still missing

OPEF_Vehicles OPEF_Objects OPEF_Faces ECP_Blood, mg36sm OPEF_Men, MPIV_MISC, radiotower


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guerilla @ May 03 2005,21:48)]still missing

OPEF_Vehicles OPEF_Objects OPEF_Faces ECP_Blood, mg36sm OPEF_Men, MPIV_MISC, radiotower





OPEF_Men all OPEF_*** are in the OPEF_Misc.pbo

[*normal Addons with a new config f.e. BAS Deltas => OPEF_Misc make them to OPEF_Men (West)]




mg36sm are in unaddon.pbo you'll find them at ofp.info.cz

- suceed?

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Ok Im starting know my quest for the addons smile_o.gif

If somebody have them all and host it, will be super. wink_o.gif

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All my 3 computers crashes by using the collected addons. After comparing your addon-sizes with my addons i found some differences. Some of your addons are smaller than my. For example the bas_cargo.pbo ... me: 1989Kb you: 681Kb ... rock.gif

I didn`t check all of them, but i think there could be the problem... sad_o.gif

I´m 95% shure to have the lastest revisions of the addons... wink_o.gif

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try to find out what addons are necessary: addon list

so i can upload them on my ftp (i got 300mb)

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after i gathered all addons from your addonlist i had still missing:

ECP_Blood, Skelets, throwkok, INQ_WeaponPack

ecp 'n inq was easy to find but i had to remove throwkok and skelets in the missions.sqm's res/addons because they cant be found. aswell i havent found:

pcf117.pbo / poopys.pbo

unfortunately, the mission doesnt run, i keep stuck in the convoi, coz the ai driver havent been paid.

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Is the mod still active? By the looks of the neat pictures you posted it looks better than anything ive ever seen in MP ofp. Good Luck!



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i dont mean to drag up an old topic, but is this modification still active ?

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