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How about a forum night?

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check PM... i don't have the time to play. i would be glad if you two can come on saturday again wink_o.gif

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Does mapfact have a server running regularly? I can't seem to find the adress on your site.

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Does mapfact have a server running regularly? I can't seem to find the adress on your site.

it is not open to everyone. we use it most times for beta-testing MP missions. but lately we used it often just to play. i'll send you a PM with all required stuff.

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I could host a some coop's as long as we are few but I don't have any missions. We could play some of the old BAS missions. I guess you all have BAS addons.

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happy birthdaay albert smile_o.gif


when you guys need a playground again feel free to use the ofpc server, we regulary only use it on wednesdays and saturdays. it´s running 24/7 and has all bas addons, few missions though..but that´s likely to change during the time

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best wishes to your birthday, albert!

@burns: i'd have some objects for a little photoshooting soon... wink_o.gif do you know a good photographer? rock.gif

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The CiA server is up..

Read the server rules

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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It seems like this isn't working very well so I put the co-op night on hold until I see a reason to have it again.

Thanx to those who've been joining the server in the past. We've had some great games, but unfortunatly the good never lasts forever.

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sad_o.gif This is indeed sad. But I can understand you don't want to waste your time on an empty server waiting for some fellow player who won't show up for the entire night. I had great fun playing the Cia COOP nights, and hope COOP nights can still be arranged if it turns out many people are willing to play on a night in the future.

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Hmmm maybe you should let us know early enough that you're about to put up the server. I'm sure you would get much more peeps to play then. I just missed the whole session and I would still gladly play coops as I haven't played for a long time. Darn, I hope you could still arrange those fun coop nights in the near future. Please!!

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It's really sad. The few MP coops I played were on CIA and I really liked them, though I had few time. I just went on the forum to join the server afterwards and read this message. Well . . though luck.

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The CiA server has had coop's on wednesdays at 22:00 CET and on Sundays at 20:00 CET since OFP was released. The last months often noone or just one shows up. So I decided to try friday at 21:00 CET as appearantly the other days seemed bad. Unfortunatly Friday was a bad day too.. Maybe I should give Friday a second chance but there's no point in trying to get something going on Wednesdays and Sundays as people should know what times we play, at least those who've joined our server more than 30 times.

Today I started the server at 21:00 CET and played a game alone for an hour without anyone joining except one who didn't even have FDF so he got disconnected.

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As there seems to be so many around right now maybe we could do the best of it and play a few games instead?

Read the server rules

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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As there seems to be so many around right now maybe we could do the best of it and play a few games instead?

Sounds good to me ... on my way tounge_o.gif

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