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Silent hunteriii

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Im surprised there hasn’t been any posts about this sim since its release (not that I have seen anyway). I thought there were many sim-fans in here.  

Anyhow, this sim turned out really great! Best sim I have played in a very long time I must say. They delayed it and put in a dynamic campaign, which I’m really glad they did. Now no two missions are the same, you will never know where, when and how you’ll run into a ship or convoy. But you can always check the map with convoy routes to see where you will have the best chance of running into a convoy. You can start the campaign around 1938 (or is it 39, can't remember) in one of the smaller type II-A/D boats or choose to start the campaign latere into the war with a more advanced boats. At the beginning of the war its quite easy, not many of the ships have escort but as the war goes on the allies get better equipment to search for and destroy you and they start escorting the merchant convoys. You will also have aircraft’s to worry about when you are on the surface.

You will also get more experience crew (you can award them medals and give them promotions) and better subs as the war goes on. You can train a crewmember so that he gets better at certain things (mechanics, gunning and so on). While at sea you need move around the crew as they get tired and need to rest.

The graphics is great, everything from weather effects to explosions and so are the sound. The AI from what I have experience myself and heard from others is really good (they might do stupid thing occasionally as in all games smile_o.gif). I’m having so much fun with it. If you have any interest in naval warfare I really recommend getting this sim!  smile_o.gif

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I love this game. It has destroyed my life since I installed it.

I found the game to have a very steep learning, so I never got into it much sad_o.gif. I haven't had a lot of time to just learn the game inside-out, so I really haven't played it. Is it worth getting into Hellfish? Or will this be one of those play it for 2 weeks, then it's back on the shelf games?

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Been playing this coop with about 7 friends ....this game is not to hard to learn ...but it is soooooo much fun ....amazing graphics. Hunting in a wolf pack with your buddies is awesome ...I suggest all to try this great game.

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Reason I did not post is all the last days I was playing this game!

Realism is great! And the first mods improving it are beeing released! (unbelivable for such a new game).


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I should be getting my copy in about 2 weeks.

I hope I can do better than mopping the deck. sad_o.gif

I used to have "Enigma: Rising Tide", which I very much enjoyed, especially commanding subs. But I finished the missions and campaigns and uninstalled it a long time ago. I see that they've still not released a long awaited MP version.

SH3 looks much more challenging. I wish it offered playing as a US sub or topside ship commander but I'll manage.

I see that Gamespot just publish their SH3 review. They've also got links to the official and gameplay trailers.

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After looking at the screenshots on the RO forum, I decided to give this another try...and realized there were training missions and tutorials biggrin_o.gif! That made everything make sense smile_o.gif. I just started a career, 1939, out of some city in Northern Germany that starts with a W tounge_o.gif. I went on a patrol around AN56, and was semi-suprised I did not encounter any British ships wink_o.gif. The torpedos are hard to aim at moving ships, but still fairly easy. What I love about this game is the complexity of it, yet the simplicity as well tounge_o.gif. Overall, a terrific game, though I haven't really gotten into it yet wink_o.gif.

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I see that Gamespot just publish their SH3 review. They've also got links to the official and gameplay trailers.

Every rate got 9 except graphic?!

Errrm.. Has this guy been playing the game at all?

I got a old and terrible graphic card and the graphic is incredible!

EDIT: The card is been kicked out when the 512 MB cards are comming biggrin_o.gif

EDIT #2: Added quote.

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EDIT: The card is been kicked out when the 512 MB cards are comming biggrin_o.gif

Try to go for 1024. You won't be sorry.

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EDIT: The card is been kicked out when the 512 MB cards are comming biggrin_o.gif

Try to go for 1024. You won't be sorry.

I wonder if I will be in the "Guinness World Records" book if I wait that long xmas_o.gif

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I love this game. It has destroyed my life since I installed it.

I found the game to have a very steep learning, so I never got into it much sad_o.gif.  I haven't had a lot of time to just learn the game inside-out, so I really haven't played it.  Is it worth getting into Hellfish?  Or will this be one of those play it for 2 weeks, then it's back on the shelf games?

Actually, I didn't think it had a steep learning curve at all. I just dropped that keyboard command guide in front of me and I was sinking ships pretty quickly.

As for longevity... ask me if I'm still playing it in a month. I'd expect to say "Yes", but you never know.

Anyone else who has it - whats the largest ship you've sunk in your career? I got a 12000 ton T3 tanker, but I also stumbled across a Fiji-class light cruiser in the middle of the night near Scapa Flow that was a whole lot of fun to sink (one torpedo blew off the bow and the sucker went under fast - and it was a 2000m shot at a light cruiser moving at 30 knots!)

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Are you all playing with realistic torpedo aiming?

Not at the moment but I’m reading up on it and I’m definitely going to switch over to manual firing solution in the near future. It will make the game more challenging and it must feel even more rewarding to sink a ship knowing you did all the calculations yourself.

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No. I'm at 25% realism. I don't "do" manual firing - in fact, I always have my weapons officer plot and fire the torps. I just find and close with the targets.

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I play at 100% realism and that is not that difficult at least when you use your WO to calculate a fiering solution. Nearly 100% of my torpedos hit. I would like to use manual TDC but I can not figure out how to measure the target speed with that stop watch...

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How do you reload your torpedos? I just went on my 2nd patrol and found a English Merchantship, hit him with torpedos, then my torpedos wouldn't reload...I thought they reloaded automatically, but it looks like that isn't the case. There is nothing in the manual either sad_o.gif. Any hints?

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-mann your torpedo room

-no silent running

In the weapon screen you can see the status of the reload.

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The more people you have in your torpedo room, the faster you'll reload. If the green bar above the room is all green, then they're going to work at max speed - it'll be only a few minutes till your tubes reload. I usually have an officer and four warrant officers all with Torpedoman skill plus some seamen working in the bow torpedo room when I'm in a fight. I can usually get all tubes reloaded very fast. Helps when you're in the middle of a convoy.

If you're rigged for silent running, though, you will not be able to reload torps or repair damage until you secure from silent running.

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The more people you have in your torpedo room, the faster you'll reload. If the green bar above the room is all green, then they're going to work at max speed - it'll be only a few minutes till your tubes reload. I usually have an officer and four warrant officers all with Torpedoman skill plus some seamen working in the bow torpedo room when I'm in a fight. I can usually get all tubes reloaded very fast. Helps when you're in the middle of a convoy.

If you're rigged for silent running, though, you will not be able to reload torps or repair damage until you secure from silent running.

I had 3 guys in there....and the torpedos went 4 days without reloading (then I returned to port). How do you turn silent running on/off? I don't think I was in silent running, considering I was going flank speed tounge_o.gif. Thanks for the suggestions though smile_o.gif.

By the way, is there a way to recruit more crew members or something?

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The more people you have in your torpedo room, the faster you'll reload. If the green bar above the room is all green, then they're going to work at max speed - it'll be only a few minutes till your tubes reload. I usually have an officer and four warrant officers all with Torpedoman skill plus some seamen working in the bow torpedo room when I'm in a fight. I can usually get all tubes reloaded very fast. Helps when you're in the middle of a convoy.

If you're rigged for silent running, though, you will not be able to reload torps or repair damage until you secure from silent running.

I had 3 guys in there....and the torpedos went 4 days without reloading (then I returned to port).  How do you turn silent running on/off?  I don't think I was in silent running, considering I was going flank speed tounge_o.gif.  Thanks for the suggestions though smile_o.gif.

By the way, is there a way to recruit more crew members or something?

Click on you Chief Engineer and then on "Propulsion", there you will find the "Rig for silent running" option.

And yes, you can recruit more crew members. While in base you can click on the file cabinet (top, left). Some have more experience and will cost you "renown".

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The more people you have in your torpedo room, the faster you'll reload. If the green bar above the room is all green, then they're going to work at max speed - it'll be only a few minutes till your tubes reload. I usually have an officer and four warrant officers all with Torpedoman skill plus some seamen working in the bow torpedo room when I'm in a fight. I can usually get all tubes reloaded very fast. Helps when you're in the middle of a convoy.

If you're rigged for silent running, though, you will not be able to reload torps or repair damage until you secure from silent running.

I had 3 guys in there....and the torpedos went 4 days without reloading (then I returned to port).  How do you turn silent running on/off?  I don't think I was in silent running, considering I was going flank speed tounge_o.gif.  Thanks for the suggestions though smile_o.gif.

By the way, is there a way to recruit more crew members or something?

I don't think three people can lift and load a 1000lb (at least) torpedo, no matter how much time you give them. wink_o.gif

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