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How to make an addon

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Hello bennie,

There's still some good tutorials on the first page

of this thread.

For re-skins you don't nescessarily need O2.If the

object has already been mapped.You can

simply repaint the textures,PBO and view ingame.

Although O2 may be handy for a quick view,I find

it still doesn't look quite as it would while ingame.

I generally don't use Texview anymore.PAAtool

gives a higher quality image.

I'm not sure about Gimp?/GimpPortable?As I've never

used it/them.But apparently Gimp is a very good

image editor.

You can use Texview to open a Paa file,as long as

it hasn't been created using PAAtool.I always seem

to get an error if I try this.But if you can view it

with Texview,you can also use it to save the Paa/Pac

as a Tga.Which can be opened and edited by pretty

much every package out there.

Once you've got what you want you then convert

that edited TGA back to Paa/Pac.Using either Texview,

PAAtool or Paaplug.


PaaTool will only accept a 32bit Tga.

PaaPlug is a photoshop plugin.

If you have any more questions feel free to

send me a PM.



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please, i wanna know how to install addons to operation flashpoint cold war crisis , i have version 1.00, please i really wanna know how:confused:

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Hi you need to upgrade to version 1.10 atleast. Ofp before that did not accept addons go here and look at the bottom of the page:


When that is done you can download all pre resistance addons(the very old ones) got to ofpr.info has a lot and opflashpoint.org still has some old addons. Then I will recomend that you go(order on the internet) buy OFP resistance or GOTY edition so you can upgrade and use all the more recent addons made for the game.


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Anyone have idea about link to downlnad paa tool.i try to found it but its nowhere.

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No offence, but anyone who wants to create addons for OFP these days is in for some tough luck : Most of the websites with the tutorials (and not just these tutorials) are dead. Even OFPEC doesn't care that most of the stuff that could be useful for OFP modders is neglected and often missing (I've seen far more dead links to their OFP databases than functioning ones and it's getting tiresome not being able to find anything related to OFP).

So, besides that one page that still works... Are there any decent tutes on setting up Oxygen Light and the External Viewer somewhere on the net ? Or over here, perhaps ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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What, like BrsSebs Tutorial Collection?

OFPEC does care if links to their resources do not work, but this needs to be brought to their attention. Also, it makes more sense to search within the site itself than rely on links from a 3rd party.

Yes, I know. :o I just wanted to point to this minor annoyance. ;)

Oh, and I've already found those tutorials you mentioned, but by sheer accident (I've haven't been on the forums since my last post in this thread). Great stuff. Seems I'll finally know a lot more on how create custom objects. I loved the tutorial for the rifle and the rest look pretty accessible and well written as well. :cool:

Edited by Petike

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If there is anything missing in this list, I'll edit this post.

Some bad links bro.

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It does look very shabby next to the newer titles.But it still has a small niche for those

who can't afford high end gaming rigs.Regardless of the visual aspect it's still a damn

good game.That's one aspect that doesn't change much with time.

Once you know what you're doing,getting an addon in game is pretty fast.

I'm still creating content for it myself.It might get used by as many as 3 people. :D

But so what?

If there's any specific questions regarding addons there's still people around

willing to assist.Even for 'ol Flash.I'd count myself amongst them.

(Not everybody playing it,is necessarily a member here.)

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Does anyone know any tutorial on how to make an infantry model? I was trying to remove nvg from one of the Sanctuary's models and I've succeeded but soldier now looks like one of those creatures from The Thing movie.

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Yeah.Sounds like you did a bit more than just remove a proxy.

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Did you rotate the model at all?Is it still in the default pose in O2?

Removing a proxy certainly wouldn't cause something like that. :)

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Nope, I didn't rotate it. How do you binarize p3d? :D I can't find CfgModels file in ww4 mod. I can't binarize without it.

Edited by BlackSidras

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Go back to Sanctuary's original model and begin the process of removing the goggles again.

You probably deleted an important point by accident. How did you select the parts you want removed?

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