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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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After making changes in my Y2K3 install I get missing addon messages:

danm14 (in the Bomberman Mission)

RZN_Fpilot_USA (all missions including A10)

otherwise  it runs fine!

Can anyone help to find the missing addons?

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chops: open the editable config (OFP-Y2K3 6.0.cpp or something like that i forgot tounge_o.gif) and find "cloth" the gun smoke is right ABOVE the cloth class. change the fade time from 1.5 to 0.5 and change the other time to live (its marked with a comment that mentions the fade time too) that reads 1.5 to 0.5 for the gun smoke

yes you can change the mount and dismount sounds. thier commented out with a // all you need to do is uncomment those ones and comment (adding a //) the new ones. dont ask me which is which cuz i dont have time to go look right now as i have to get ready for work.

spy: does the mission still load and you still have an M21 or see the A10 pilot but you get a popup message that says "cannot load mission missing addons"? or does the game just up and die on you?

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The mission with the m21 just does not show the weapon in my hands, I can play though!

The A10 just crashes OFP.

Think I messed something up while experimenting with the newer versions.

I really like your addon collection and the original campaign works just fine with it.

Things that could be improved are the smoke and explosions: I really liked the good old golmember explosion mod and I like the RHS smoke.

So the last little thing that bugs me with OFP are the unarmed/pistol animations. But I am afraid it is not possible to change them.

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actualy on my site in the downloads section there is a reccomended animation replacment pack (or come to think of it.. im pretty sure i DID include it in the full installer with 6.0)

and check the Y2K3 site news page for the links to the M21 pack.

the downloads page for the "pilot & raft patch" for the pilot and required raft.

but when you download it.. install it to your desktop that way you can just get the addons and not overright he current config since im gonna go ahead and assume you are using the "limited edition" config or the newest one with the new tracer fx in it.

about the explosions.. umm well they are GMR.

when i set out for the perfect unit replacment mod i had 3 factors in mind:

INQ weapons

GMR Explosions

DR Sounds

beyond that it was a play-by-ear type thing. and the 3 things i stood firm on thru out the whole mod was i was NOT gonna change those 3 factors. so you are using GMR explosions (flamer version)

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Thanks for the help!

Glad to hear you used the GMR explosions! I preffered the "middel" version because I really like the smoke!

The anim pack is part of the download but it does not change the slow motions when you are unarmed/pistol. You are always faster with a rifle especially sideways.

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Someone on another forum raised the issue that when using y2k3 the ammo boxes in the Resistance campaign don't include ammo for the new weapons. Also the guns don't seem to get passed from one mission to the next (might just be game bug though).

If you could have an additional patch including some updated ammo boxes to replace the original ones so those playing the Resistance campaign can play it properly it would be much appreciated.

Apologies if this has already been mentioned - it is a long thread and I am doing this on someone elses behalf (so it works when I get around to using it).

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the guns not carrying over, that i do not know.

as far as the ammo boxes are concerned. hmmm

ok well the spec ops use the INQ M4, which fires INQ mags and BIS- XM177 mags.

pistol ammo, most ammo crates dont have pistol ammo so eh.

M24, theres extra mags for the M24 in all the ammo boxes and all the west trucks (or at least the 5tons)

RPG16, i belive i might have added a few extra rounds in ammo crates or trucks, but i think i went agasint it since RPG16's ownz all tanks in 1 or 2 shots. allowing the RPGer more then that is just wrong.

M249, i added no extra ammo for this due to the fact the machine gunner has 200 rounds per mag. x 5 = 1000 rounds of ammo. more then enough for a mission.

RPK, i thought i added some extra mags for that.

grenade launchers fire bis nades too, so nade vest only applies for default inserted units, but you can take on single shot nades too.

other then that i dont remember any other custom (non-bis) weapons i used

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Thanks for the reply, I forwarded it on to the guy who asked.

Want to give it a blat but my international cap is only 1gb/month so I save it for MP.

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Hey, can anyone help me with some config stuff? I am trying to modify the FLASHFXUR config. I am trying to replace the east pilot with the ones included in the mi26 pack. I am unsure how to make it so some selections do not appear. One of the selections is the owp pilot with the helmet stuck to his hand for when he takes his helmet off, but what I want is just the pilot with his helmet on. I replaced mc_pilote2.p3d in the config with /OWP_crew/owp_pilot1 but he appears with a helmet in his hand while carrying an ak74 (it looks kinda funny) How do I fix this? What should I add in the config so his helmet isn't stuck to his hand?

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Hi; you may to add this lines too

Quote[/b] ] wounds[]={"xicht_a.paa","xicht_a_zranen","xicht_b.paa","xicht_a_





















































































and you must to choose one class between these 3 classes, I suggest you to try the 3

Quote[/b] ] class OWP_Pilothg: OWP_Pilot


scope = public;

hiddenSelections[] = {"arm_patch","shlem","shlem2"};

displayName= $STR_OWP_Pilothg;


Quote[/b] ]

class OWP_Pilothm: OWP_Pilot


scope = public;

hiddenSelections[] = {"arm_patch","headgear","shlem2"};

displayName= $STR_OWP_Pilothm;


Quote[/b] ] class OWP_Pilotwh: OWP_Pilot


scope = public;

hiddenSelections[] = {"arm_patch","shlem","shlem2","headgear"};

displayName= $STR_OWP_Pilot;


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Dear Pappy! Any chance you could be so kind as to tell me what lines to insert into your fantastic config that would enable me to play with Bn880's tracer thingumijig.Once again thank you very much biggrin_o.gif

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yea i did it to my personal version... but i did it on my laptop. so later im gonna bin and upload it to my site and ofer it for download in a lil while when i get to work. plus ill post here how to do it.

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Hi. I've just tried running Avons new campaign 'Pigs Can Fly' while running Y2K3.

However, I'm getting the following message during gameplay:

missing addons: gmr_crater

any idea what this might be? Do I need to install a different version of GM Explosion?


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Top man!!can't wait smile_o.gif

you can stop waiting biggrin_o.gif

Y2K3 Limited Edition Tracers

this is based off the LE (limited edition) version i gave yall earlier. you need BOTH wolfebanes and bn880's tracer addons.

wolfbanes is for the tanks and helos and bn880's is for the soldiers.

now if you just want to find out how to add bn880's tracers to your own custom version of Y2K3, all you need to do is look at the eventhandler for soldierwb, soldiereb, and soldiergb namely the init eventhandler and make your Y2K3 config look the same

**ensure that you edit the included Y2K3-xxx.cpp that is with every release, and do NOT unbin the config.bin otherwise data loss will be inevetiable smile_o.gif

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Pappy,i can edit my own version of the PE config with BN880 tracer thing no problem!But on my Y2K3 config(not the PE one)I have this line on east west and res soldiers:-init="_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs"";[] exec ""\ECP_Blood\blood_init.sqs"""; Now this is a bit more of an headache because i don't seem to be able to insert the line for the tracers correctly.As always your help is greatly appreciated rock.gif

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Pappy,i can edit my own version of the PE config with BN880 tracer thing no problem!But on my Y2K3 config(not the PE one)I have this line on east west and res soldiers:-init="_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs"";[] exec ""\ECP_Blood\blood_init.sqs""";  Now this is a bit more of an headache because i don't seem to be able to insert the line for the tracers correctly.As always your help is greatly appreciated rock.gif

init="_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs"";[] exec ""\ECP_Blood\blood_init.sqs""<span style='color:blue'>;[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf""</span>";

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Thanks!! you guys should be charging for the excellent sevice biggrin_o.gif turns out you only need to leaveone of these little things in- " and it won't work! I don't know how you guys remember it all

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I have freshly installed OFp, updated to 1.96, and installed Y2K3.

I then started getting the auto save bug so I deleted Y2K3 but kept ECP, and there is no problem now saving or retrying. Is there something in Y2K3 that could cause this bug?

There are a couple of other threads on this bug, but there are no soultions to it. They all say its all to do with variables caused by ECP but thats not the case with me.

Any suggestions?


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For some reason the Cobra has no sounds, and I'm getting barely any sounds for explosions. The nades and small arms are fine, but my FFARs and AH1 have no sounds.

Also, at the same time, Dynamic Range has stopped working, even though I reinstalled it.

Something quite odd is going on with my PC, could installing BinViewer have anything to do with that? This all happened right after.

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i wont get anyones hope up until i experiance it for myself.

but with the help of thunderbird (creator of the Flash FX Unit Replacment mod) Y2K3 may very well have its own GUI for the main menu.

ive created the image i want to use along with a demonstration on how i want the menu arranged and sent the nessacary files to thunderbird. so hopefuly Y2K3 will very soon have its own GUI totaly customizing your OFP experiance

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