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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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Cool I think I'll stick with the stable version for now and I CANT WAIT for the next stable version and hope that all the needed addons will be neatly packed into one EXE file like you did with this one. Im gonna play right now and check out those exploding bodies wink_o.gif

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Ok, I have encountered a problem....I cannot play with this mod  crazy_o.gif  .  For some reason, when I start with this mod enabled, OFP goes and does not show any splash screens even though I didnt fill in that command line, and then it just goes to a blank screen.  I have seen it go to many colors like pink, maroon, white, etc  biggrin_o.gif   but never any main screen dialogue.  mad_o.gif

PLZ PLZ PLZ be on so u can help  smile_o.gif

Im using Resistance v. 1.96

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I just reinstalled when I put this on my hard drive and now for some reason when an addon requires another addon, it goes to that screen rock.gif So, with your modification, I am missing some red hammer studio addon...did u not include this?


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I just reinstalled when I put this on my hard drive and now for some reason when an addon requires another addon, it goes to that screen  rock.gif   So, with your modification, I am missing some red hammer studio addon...did u not include this?


chcek my site and downlaod the RHS t55 pack sepretly. . there was a probelm with 99% of all RHS t55 mirrors that held several coorupt files that wherent needed really, so downlaod the RHS T55 pack and try again

any other bugs you enounter i dont really know how much help i can be since its been 2 months since i messed with 5.1

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lol for real the next verson could u put all addons need already in iam to damn lazy sorry rock.gif

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Pappy da man! I haven't played any games for a month due to video card problems but I am looking forward to trying the new version. Glad to see you finally gave in and changed the chinook.  tounge_o.gif

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Ok I installed all of the Red Hammer Studios things but it still goes to the pink screen of death rock.gif

Did u try to make a new main menu screen and messed up terribly or supthin??

Does any1 have any ideas? Avon? wink_o.gif

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Pappy da man! I haven't played any games for a month due to video card problems but I am looking forward to trying the new version. Glad to see you finally gave in and changed the chinook.  tounge_o.gif

yea 150 people beg me to do it. . . i do it. . . 200 people bitch about it  crazy_o.gif i quickly remembered WHY i didnt do it before  crazy_o.gif

@sniper_kyle: no i did not do a custom GUI., i considered it and found it to be too damn hard.  . . mabe try an OFP launcher or something? i use All Seeing Eye but there are plent of launchers specificly for OFP.

check www.ofp.info for them

edit: also check the config 5.1 downlaod (to the side of the installer download) and install the resource.cpp next to your resource.bin too. . .perhaps it might FUBAR with out it crazy_o.gif

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I think I do need an OFP launcher because it is not just YOUR mod, it is also mods with lots of addons like Cessena Fun , etc.  So, I'll try a launcher from ofp.info and hope for the best. wink_o.gif

EDIT: I tried AJ's OFP launcher with the same result. The thing that ticks me off is that OFP loads and I can hear the background music of the ingame GUI and when i roll my mouse around I can hear the *click* sound of hitting an option....so I am definitely in game, just I cant see anything.... rock.gifrock.gifrock.gifmad_o.gif

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lol for real the next verson could u put all addons need already in iam to damn lazy sorry  rock.gif

yea that was my orginal intention with the first installer. . but with 4 addon folders its hard to keep track of all teh addons i used sad_o.gif i will try my very best next installer to ensure i get ALL addons used.

umm this may seem like an odd request. . .

but anyone using the X-Y2K3 Version (Up to date) that has all their addons orginaized into mod folders and such. . could you kindly PM me a full list of all the pbo names of all the addons used. . . i will prolly get 2 or 3 different ppl PM me. . but at least this way ill be able to cross referance the lists to come up with a positive match of what addons were used. please include all BIS pbos as well.

this will help me to ensure that the next installer will have EVERYTHING you need. BAS addons will still be in a seperate installer, and i plan on putting all BAS addons used or not into an installer for easier conviencace of Mod and Non Mod users.

thanks in advance smile_o.gif

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I think I do need an OFP launcher because it is not just YOUR mod, it is also mods with lots of addons like Cessena Fun , etc.  So, I'll try a launcher from ofp.info and hope for the best. wink_o.gif

EDIT: I tried AJ's OFP launcher with the same result.  The thing that ticks me off is that OFP loads and I can hear the background music of the ingame GUI and when i roll my mouse around I can hear the *click* sound of hitting an option....so I am definitely in game, just I cant see anything.... rock.gif  rock.gif  rock.gif  mad_o.gif


try this. . .start your game up (how i dont care) then alt tab to your desktop. ..then bring your game back up.

this sounds like a display error with your video card. . .i used to have it sometimes too (long before Y2K3)

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I'll try this with my fingers crossed tounge_o.gif

UPDATE : Nope....didnt work but it did get rid of that annoying windows mouse error introduced in the latest patches (need more patches to get rid of these things)

Any other suggestions ppl?

I cant even alt tab OUT of the game, it just kind of flickers and show the task manager and then flickers back. crazy_o.gif

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A guy on the Troubleshooting thread helped me and I was just missing the command line -nomap. This mod is really good but it does kind of slow down with a lot of units. wink_o.gif

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A guy on the Troubleshooting thread helped me and I was just missing the command line -nomap.  This mod is really good but it does kind of slow down with a lot of units. wink_o.gif

you want 800 ugly soldiers killing eath other with ugly weapons, and stupid sounds?

or you want better looking weapons, units, sounds, and other enhancments and limit your battles to 100 men tounge_o.gif

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Yo, Pappy.

Fix the pistol sounds, the latest EECP mod changes all the pistols so they dont sound like crap anymore. Please do somthing like that if you have the time.

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Yo, Pappy.

Fix the pistol sounds, the latest EECP mod changes all the pistols so they dont sound like crap anymore. Please do somthing like that if you have the time.


now i have to kill you!!!!  mad_o.gif

i just got done doing that.

only . . his sounds sounded like shit too. . go figure  tounge_o.gif

searched the net to the addons packs compiling the best of the best of the best of whats left  tounge_o.gif

and the sounds are beautiful

PS: EECP, who is hell bent on realisum . . . left out a tiny detail. the M92 carries 15 rounds in the magazine. . which it will in about 20 minutes when i update it smile_o.gif

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ok sorry about that. . .there was some jackass in another forum who took my opinion about a generic story type as a personal attack. . .some ppl can be so stupid sometimes  mad_o.gif i mean ffs dont make something fo rthe public and expect everyone in the world to like it. .then get pissed when someone out there says they dont like it. . .i mean hell theres alot of ppl that dont like Y2K3. . for those ppl theres EECP. and thats fine. . but dont throw a big hissy fit when someone says "i dont like this kind of work becuz its like this" so damn personal  crazy_o.gif

also on teh topic of opinions and jugdments. . . i just want to clear up any smoke that may cloud the water, i have no problem with EECP, and there is no "mod rivaly" . EECP is for people who require absolute 100% realisum. and Y2K3 is a combination of Realisum, and Fun. my mod is aimed more at "realisum for gamers" as EECP is made for 100% realisum no if's and's or buts about it. Kur got his thing goin, and i got mine here. so could we stop these rumors that kur and i are somehow in compatition with each other.

and on that note:

the new config is updated. the Configs.rar includes the config you need and a file called Y2K3_EF.pbo (ef = Extra File) that goes in your addons folder and includes all the hand gun sound fx.

Enjoy  smile_o.gif

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ok sorry about that. . .there was some jackass in another forum who took my opinion about a generic story type as a personal attack. . .some ppl can be so stupid sometimes  mad_o.gif i mean ffs dont make something fo rthe public and expect everyone in the world to like it. .then get pissed when someone out there says they dont like it. . .i mean hell theres alot of ppl that dont like Y2K3. . for those ppl theres EECP. and thats fine. . but dont throw a big hissy fit when someone says "i dont like this kind of work becuz its like this" so damn personal  crazy_o.gif

also on teh topic of opinions and jugdments. . . i just want to clear up any smoke that may cloud the water, i have no problem with EECP, and there is no "mod rivaly" . EECP is for people who require absolute 100% realisum. and Y2K3 is a combination of Realisum, and Fun. my mod is aimed more at "realisum for gamers" as EECP is made for 100% realisum no if's and's or buts about it. Kur got his thing goin, and i got mine here. so could we stop these rumors that kur and i are somehow in compatition with each other.

and on that note:

the new config is updated. the Configs.rar includes the config you need and a file called Y2K3_EF.pbo (ef = Extra File) that goes in your addons folder and includes all the hand gun sound fx.

Enjoy  smile_o.gif

You rock biggrin_o.gif

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im with you pappy, wotever you want to change i will just nod with agreement. theres lots of us silent majority here smile_o.gif

.... BAS chinook ownzzzzz muahah

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@ July 09 2004,05:16)]im with you pappy, wotever you want to change i will just nod with agreement. theres lots of us silent majority here smile_o.gif

.... BAS chinook ownzzzzz muahah

my personal opinoin still lies int eh fact that i think the default CH47 was fine. thats why i should forewarn everyone. . that in the final version (installer) will have the defautl BIS CH47 in it. . .the CH47 to MH47E will be included in the BIS Replacment pack as an optional download. . but thats weeks away so no need to mention it. . .

also: i will be gone tomorow into saturday night returning late saturday. so no updates or bug fixes til then.

Enjoy smile_o.gif

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just a quick few things to mention before i am off to bed, then off to work for the next day and a half

first things First: INQ's version of the Su25, (in the beta pack required by y2k3) has a uniqe and perfected rocket sound. . folks have asked me to make this the default sound for the FFARs. . and i forgot until now. . this does not warrent a special release as of right this second. . but the next release will have that sound in it. . the sound will be maped to INQ's Su25 (su25.pbo in the beta pack). so when i change this. . if i hear "FFARs have no sound" rest assure you wil be drug out, and bitch slaped repeatedly.

for users of the Exploding Body effect (default version). if you are playing a mission/user misison that has AI respawnif you hit him with a rocket or some such feature to make his body explod into a billion gorry peices. . .he will NOT respawn again. quite handy for the "accidentl" respawn of AI. gets rid of them fast quick and in a hurry.

this, however, does not apply to respawning players. . . thier bodys both explode. . and remain body parts are thrown out. . but the players body still remains on the gorund. . this is due to it being the "player"

alright. .see you all saturday evening smile_o.gif

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I know you wont get this till tomorrow night, but I've found one problem with the official mission Vulcan. Right after the cutscene when you start sitting on the beach there's some sort of huge memory leak that occurs (at least for me). The game immediatly begins to slow down and within 4 minutes the game terminates with a windows error saying the program ran out of memory.

I've tried at least 6-8 other random missions with no problems at all. Perhaps it's the Hinds? (this is with your most recent update).

I discovered your mod and the "other" big mod all around the same time, a little under a week ago. They are both incredibly nice additions to the game, I'm kinda more partial to yours (choices of units and all wrapped up in an extra candy coating smile_o.gif ), however he just added one new widget I would love to see here to and that is smoke grenades that actualy block the AI's sight. If your's already has this feature, 1,000 pardons for my ignorance... if not consider this a humble request.

This game takes a mod'in and keeps on...... uh.... .....rockin' ...yeah that's it.

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Hi Pappy,

just a small suggestion. How about changing the EC1911 to the one included in Homers engagement pack. EC`s nice but Homers` absolutly killer tounge_o.gif

That would even spare one addon cause Y2K3 already uses the HEP-weaponpack.

What do you think wink_o.gif

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The exploding bodies ran away!  I was playing last night enjoying blowing people up in big battles and stuff and having fun, and then all of the sudden I play today and whenever I shoot someone with a antitank / sabot / heat round they just fly up in the air like normal and no one is blowing up....jeesh nothing is working for me lately....

EDIT: OK theyre back now idk what was happening.....

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