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EECP - Enhanced ECP

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A sabot not exploding isn't a bug. In real life a sabot is just a shard of metal. Theres nothing to explode in it. BIS were incorrect when they placed explosive sabots in the original game.


I see that completely misunderstood what he was saying. I interpreted it as meaning the exact opposite of what he actually meant.

CopyrightPhilly: No, Sabotted anti-tank rounds aren't supposed to explode. They're kinetic energy weapons. In the picture you can see the sabot dropping away from the penetrator.

The penetrator itself is made of depleted uranium or tungsten. It basically functions like a giant dart. They're designed to litterally punch a hole through armor using their velocity and mass, and that mass comes from the fact that both DU and tungsten are dense.

HEAT rounds do explode. They're chemical energy weapons. They're basically shaped charges. ERA (explosive reactive armor) is very effective against HEAT, which is one of the reasons that it isn't quite as popular as APFSDS (armor-piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot.)

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hnagon if the sabot round doesnt explode
If you're refering to the game, it explodes because that is what happens to a vehicle unit when its armor value reaches zero. There's not a whole lot that you can do that that.

If you're referring to real life...

They don't. I've never seen a picture of an M1 hit with any sort of AP round, but I've seen several burned out Abrams from Iraq. Those were generally hit some sort of RPG-7 or two in a vulnerable place (often around the engine.) If the tank is deemed unsalvagable, then an airstrike is ordered on it. Those pictures are generally the results of an Abrams being hit by a Hellfire or two.

Quote[/b] ]why would the M1A1 explode wouldnt the armour just kind of crush and everyone inside be crushed to death


If a penetrator makes it through a tanks armor, it will generally kill a few of the crewers. Sometimes they'll even bounce around inside the tank a few times if they don't have the energy to make it out the other side.

They can hit fuel tanks or the engine, which can start a fire.

They can also hit autoloaders/ammo storage. DU is slightly pyrophoric, if I'm not mistaken. Live ammo is pretty volatile. It will cook off inside the tank. Most of the ammo cook offs in Russian tanks I've seen generally have the tank rocking a bit with gouts of flames coming out between the joint where the turret meets the chassis as opposed to exploding.

But you can't really simulate any of those effects in OFP. Hopefully OFP 2's damage modeling will be more advanced.

Quote[/b] ]and yh its nice to have it to explode but ofp's about realism but if you seriously want it to explode add a grenade round to the sabot and yh with one shot to destroy a tank atleast make it 3 or 4
I'm not really sure what you're saying here.

It IS realistic to have APFSDS rounds penetrating a tank in one hit. Either a round has enough energy to penetrate armor, or it doesn't. In the real world the location matters (I.E., shooting the frontal arc of an Abrams with an older AP round may yield very different results than shooting its comparitively vulnerable rear,) but this can't be simulated in any real detail in OFP. Sigma-6 did the best he could, and I have adopted his values.

Some of the tanks CAN survive more than one hit in this fashion. It depends upon the round used and the area of the tank hit. Again, I wish there was a way to better simulate a tank getting pretty much no damage from a penetrator not making it through its frontal arc or a tank getting a devastating hit to the rear, but OFP falls short here. Every hit subtracts from the vehicle's level of armor which eventually results in it exploding.

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Quote[/b] ]I'm not really sure what you're saying here.

Well i mean basically if in real life that round doesnt explode then dont make it but if people really want an exploding sabot round then make the explosion less like a grenade explosion.

Quote[/b] ]It IS realistic to have APFSDS rounds penetrating a tank in one hit

Well then i dunno, is it possible to make the difference alter like at 500m it needs 2 hits to destroy the tank but at closer range only 1. But it would be extremely hard if it was only 1 shot all the time if you dont see any tanks but a tank sees you bang your dead and sos the whole tank

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ok i think i started somthing i didnt mean to  rock.gif

I was just seeing if it was a bug or not, as it stands, its not a bug.

Now i wunder if i can get a simple answer to this one xmas_o.gif

even thow in real life it might be possable to take out an m1a1 with 1 sabot fired from another m1a1. Is this a bug in the game or not.

the reason for asking is that when i make mp missions i normally add 2 m1a1's and 1 m60 per side. I only ever do this because the m1a1 puts up more of a fight tank vs tank then the m60 dose.

a simple yes or no will do  ghostface.gif



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Is this a bug in the game or not.


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Please consider updating E-ECP using the current ECP technology. Tons of new material has come into the community since your last update. I don't want to see ECP's current hardship stiffle E-ECP's potential.


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Please consider updating E-ECP using the current ECP technology. Tons of new material has come into the community since your last update. I don't want to see ECP's current hardship stiffle E-ECP's potential.


I've considered it and actually took a stab at it, but it's really just too much work load at the moment.

I'm currently getting everything moved over to the latest ECP dev version. Once I get that squared away (meaning "running properly without any bugs,") I may do an update to 0.44 if it looks like the ECP release will not be coming within a short time frame. If it does look like it'll be wrapped up and ready for release quickly, I'll stay on top of keeping EECP current with ECP revisions. That will mean a faster turn around time once ECP finally goes public.

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Little update:

I'm almost done moving EECP over to ECP 1.079. I'll probably finish tonight or tomorrow night.

This is good news because it means that I will be able to easily keep on top of future ECP dev versions... And that means that I'll be able to release EECP very, very close to the ECP release... And that is not too far away.

Hopefully you guys will find it worth the wait. The next version of EECP should be the best yet by a very wide margin.

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Even if I do finish tonight, it won't be released until the next ECP build is. I'm also going to have to upgrade to the 1.080 dev when I get it.

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make sure you use an installer im not going to bother to install every single addon sepetely ill just keep with the version i got

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This going to be quite a release, definitely not something that should be rushed if that means bugs and errors can be eliminated beforehand. The current ECP is an awesome mod to begin with, I think everyone is just waiting to see how this new version will be top off even more than the previous one.

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Take ya time K man - ive been impressed by your work


Im expecting ECP to come out in 1-3 weeks if im reading peoples comments correctly - ie read between the lines.

Im sure what you will add with EECP will be totally tits.

All the best

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hmmm, is this EECP released thing on the first page somthing

i should try ? is it newish ?

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theres an installer a few pages back and i prefer this compared to FlashFxUR 3.5 and 4.5 because htis has barely any lags on mission wich had a lot with FFUR, but im going to download FFUR 5.0 becuase FFUR 3.5 seemed a bit more less hastle like EECP has all thses extra things like lower goggles higher goggles whislt FFUR only had that on the leader's

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yeah , plus you'll have the choice between several configs in the incoming FFUR .

btw EECP mod's friendly for very low CPU smile_o.gif

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news on the incoming ECP is on ofpec the home page its an interview but i coldnt be bothered to read the whole thing so im not to sure whenits coming out

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This going to be quite a release, definitely not something that should be rushed if that means bugs and errors can be eliminated beforehand.
I've actually been finding a lot of little minor bugs in the last release version while working on the new core. Nobody has even reported them, so I guess I'm the only one that has noticed them. tounge_o.gif

There's going to have to be an extensive amount of testing this time around... Everything is going to have to be tested simply because the structure of ECP has changed so much and I'm juggling old stuff along with the new. If I can release without any major bugs, I'll be happy.

A few more substantial updates:

-An official installer is definitely going to happen. I don't know if it will happen in the next version, but it will happen soon. BAS, CBT, RHS, and other modmakers have given me their support, so there isn't much standing in the way at this point.

-In case you couldn't tell by my last hint, Russian infantry will be replaced by RHS' motorized infantry, the sniper by RHS' GRU sniper, and the Spetsnaz will most likely be replaced by RHS' GRU operatives. The RHS weapon pack will also be well used.

-If the CSLA update comes before I'm ready for release, expect me to work in a lot of that stuff since I have standing permission from Maa to do so. The CSLA update will give the Resistance forces a face lift especially.

-Performance should be improved over EECP 0.44. While ECP has always been pretty smooth, performance with the latest versions has improved signifigantly. The new core means less overhead.

-There will no longer be a need for me to release the source--ECP no longer uses a compiled config. I figured that this would make people happy since I always forget to release the uncompiled config until somebody reminds me.

-I'm considering making a few additional configuration options for things like optional loadouts and optional units in the editor. This will keep things simple and would allow people to, for example, switch between the Carl Gustav and Javelin very easily.

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What a fabulous mod! I use it in conjunction with loads of more addons and it's working just great. Major job!

A small question smile_o.gif In the coop mission Silent Wings and others that are based on it (uses the 21vbglide addon) after opening, the parachute isnt steerable but just a normal parachute...when I turn off ECP it becomes a steerable one again... anyone any clue on a workaround/fix? Thanks!!

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A small question smile_o.gif In the coop mission Silent Wings and others that are based on it (uses the 21vbglide addon) after opening, the parachute isnt steerable but just a normal parachute...when I turn off ECP it becomes a steerable one again... anyone any clue on a workaround/fix? Thanks!!

I just took a quick look at the addon itself and nothing immediately jumped out at me. It sounds like ECP's HALO script is stepping on the toes of a script either used by that addon or that mission (though, I'm not really sure why this would happen because all of ECP's global variables are tagged "ECP_")

I'm not familiar with that mission. If you could link me to it, I'll look into it more.

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I just took a quick look at the addon itself and nothing immediately jumped out at me. It sounds like ECP's HALO script is stepping on the toes of a script either used by that addon or that mission (though, I'm not really sure why this would happen because all of ECP's global variables are tagged "ECP_")

I'm not familiar with that mission. If you could link me to it, I'll look into it more.

Thanks for the fast help Kurayami, ill send you a pm with the link info. Thanks again

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I just took a quick look at the addon itself and nothing immediately jumped out at me. It sounds like ECP's HALO script is stepping on the toes of a script either used by that addon or that mission (though, I'm not really sure why this would happen because all of ECP's global variables are tagged "ECP_")

I'm not familiar with that mission. If you could link me to it, I'll look into it more.

uhrm, bump bump smile_o.gif no reply yet sad_o.gif

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uhrm, bump bump smile_o.gif no reply yet sad_o.gif

Yeah, sorry. tounge_o.gif

I got the PM and the mission, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.

I'll let you know what I find.

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uhrm, bump bump smile_o.gif no reply yet sad_o.gif

Yeah, sorry. tounge_o.gif

I got the PM and the mission, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.

I'll let you know what I find.

Thanks again man smile_o.gif)) We make loads of missions with jumping out of a plane as start, with steerable gliders, so it's kinda vital for our missions. But I never want to give up the ECP modifications ehehe, they truely are amazing!

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