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EECP - Enhanced ECP

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I am not sure if this has been asked before so please dont crusify me. tounge_o.gif

Where could I download a .cpp version of the most recent EECP? I would like to change some things but I am unable to because its a .bin and I have no idea how to open that file.

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I am not sure if this has been asked before so please dont crusify me. tounge_o.gif

Where could I download a .cpp version of the most recent EECP? I would like to change some things but I am unable to because its a .bin and I have no idea how to open that file.

Kurayami posted it a few pages back. I think this is what you are looking for here

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edit - D'oh!!


Sure. I always forget to upload this (I don't put it in the release archive since I don't want any confusion about which to play with.)

Here is the uncompiled 0.4.4 config. Keep in mind that you'll have to wait for the 0.4.4 version of EECP_RSC.pbo in order for this to be of any use.

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You can use it.

The required 0.4.4 files are downloadable from the first post.

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Hykakushiki just updated his Hky Modern Infantry pack. Will updating this mod in my addon folder by over-writing the old one adversely effect EECP?


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Hykakushiki just updated his Hky Modern Infantry pack. Will updating this mod in my addon folder by over-writing the old one adversely effect EECP?


It's probably fine. tounge_o.gif

It's untested, but there's no reason that you should have any sort of problem unless he changed the paths to models (and it doesn't look like he has.)

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A couple things. First of all. Great work, as usual.

I incorporated your update into my config. However, I think there is something I should point out to you. I noticed a significant drop in frame rate since I updated (say 20 to 30 percent). It seemed more prevalent during missions with tanks, but it was there at all times regardless. I did a lot of things all at once, so I couldn't pin point what the problem was. Well I started working backwards through everything I had done in the last week. I think I finally found the cause of my problems. The new EECP_RSC.pbo file. The file went from around 1.5 megs to almost 8 in your latest release. I think there might be some bloated code in there. I tried 500 ways to get my frame rate back up to speed, and then I replaced the new one with the old one and BAM! Back to the way it used to be. The problem might be specific to my config, so I don't know if anyone else had any such problems. But it may be worth looking into. Most people might not even notice or just attribute it to all the cool effects going on. Anyway, just a heads up that that particular file was taking off anywhere from 15-35 FPS in any given situation.

Secondly, and you obviously are under no obligation to comment on this, but since you know better than anyone....

How much needs to edited in the config to incorporate the new ECP? Is it mostly event handlers? or are there many other parts of the config I have to worry about when I upgrade?

Thanks man. I am hopefull that the problem with that file was either localized to me or if there is a problem with it, it is easily solveable for you! I found my own workaround so don't do anything for my sake.

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The file went from around 1.5 megs to almost 8 in your latest release. I think there might be some bloated code in there.

There's very little code in there. The config hasn't changed in probably 8 months and I don't think that I added any new scripts in the last release. The increase in size is due to new models and textures. Those won't degrade performance over past versions in any area other than loading speed.

I'm not sure what could be causing your performance hit. I haven't experienced it and I've received no other reports of this. However, I'll keep my eye out for anything that could be amiss while I'm working on the next version.

Quote[/b] ]Secondly, and you obviously are under no obligation to comment on this, but since you know better than anyone....

How much needs to edited in the config to incorporate the new ECP? Is it mostly event handlers? or are there many other parts of the config I have to worry about when I upgrade?

90% of ECP 1.075's changes come in the form of new or reworked scripts, but the config itself does have a fair number of changes to it. You shouldn't have too much difficulty adapting to the 1.075 config as long as you pay attention to the comments.

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What can give those framerate problems too is when a mission has already lot of scripting, add this to more scripts that came with effects mods or in those event handlers inserted in the config to trigger those effects, and that can kill your framerate (especially if a mission script conflict or already do the same job as one of the effect script).

I am afraid no real solution to this problem can be made without

-editing the mission to remove the scripts that can be conflicting or are doubled by a effect mod.

-playing without the effect mod.

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Does anybody have a working version of the EECP config.bin with wolfbane's tracerfx included. I have tried adding them myself, but cpp2bin won't compile it properly. I must be missing a bracket somewhere but I don't know where. Any help would be appreciated smile_o.gif

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New Config Bins?

Anyone care to post some changes they've made to EECP's config bin? Like what units / weapons you've replaced, any AI changes, etc?

Im not clever enough to edit my own config.bin successfully, so Im locked into playing with the standard EECP one. Which, of course, is absolutely great, but I'm curious as to what other people may have tweaked.


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The only change I made is I ported over the huge gas tank explosion from the Y2K3 mod (I'm pretty sure Pappy is ok with this since he has given permission to other moders to use all but his hand gun weapon sights in the past. I just PM'ed him to make absolutely sure).

You need the effectPack.pbo from his mod in your EECP addon folder. Then open up the config.cpp file and do a find for "FuelStation" and make it look like this...

Quote[/b] ]class FuelStation : Strategic












class EventHandlers


killed="[_this select 0] exec ""\EffectPack\FuellEffect\Init.sqs""";



The "Class EventHandlers" is the new part.

Then go to the very bottom of the config and add this "class GMR_exploMOD" to the bottom so that the last part of the config looks like this...

Quote[/b] ]//================================================>

class WeaponBIStudio











class MiscBIStudio




class ResistanceBIStudio




class GMR_exploMOD





};<--- This is the very last line in the config.cpp

Again, the new part is the class GMR_exploMOD entry, but I'm showing you the whole section so there's no mistakes.

This puts in an incredible looking explosion whenever a gas tank goes up in flames. It's straight out of a Die Hard movie. smile_o.gif Good mission to check it out is Shadowkiller.

I had those new tracers working at one point to but I didn't care for them, they're a bit buggy and lag inducing if attached to a rapid firing weapon. Unfortunatly I didn't save the .cpp that had it working. If you look for my name in the tracer thread you can see where I learned how to do it.

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thats fine he can use it i dont care  smile_o.gif

on the note abotu the tracers is new version isnt so laggy. modding my gunsmoke to last no more then 1.2 seconds in lenght.. fireing a PK full auto.. all 200 rounds... i lost 1 to 2 frames and that was it.

having 8 shilkas shooting at me at the same time i lost 5 frames... mainly had to do with 9000 rounds flying thru the air at the same time thou  tounge_o.gif

PS: in my topic on the last posted in page i released my config that i edited to use the tracers with a quickie "how to" to change it yourself. so anyone that wants to do that (drax) go ahead and download it and copy and paste stuff to get it workin for you

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Good to hear about the tracers running more efficiently.

Quote[/b] ]PS: in my topic on the last posted in page i released my config that i edited to use the tracers with a quickie "how to" to change it yourself. so anyone that wants to do that (drax) go ahead and download it and copy and paste stuff to get it workin for you

Will check it out.

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I managed to get EECP working with the tracerfx.

You can download it here.

I've included the cpp version as well as the bin so you can alter the tracerfx parameters to taste. They are located under "class soldierwb" and "class soldiereb"

@Kurayami - for the AK74M and AKS74 in the config they use "c8x_ak*" bullets, but previously in the config you have defined the bullets as "c8xak*", without the underscore. As far as bugs go it's tiny and easily fixed but I thought you might like to know smile_o.gif

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Thank you very much for posting your bin, I just tested it out and had no problems.  However, I tested it with the M249 SAW, and I noticed I could still see the little yellow "laser beam" tracers too.  Under options, rifle bullet tracers was off.

Do you notice this too?

Again, thank you for posting your bin.  Anyone else with modified EECP bins feel free to post them too!!!

Looking forward to trying out some new ones.

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Thats the problem. If tracers are off in Flashpoint options, the game uses the default yellow lines. For the proper effect, enable the tracers in the options. This way it will the use EECP tracers which are now invisible, leaving only the tracerfx to be seen. Sounds back to front but trust me it works perfectly smile_o.gif

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Thanks again, I tested it that way, and it works fine. No yellow lasers.

The tracer addon is great, but it's a little "too much" for me. Especially when you see red balls spraying from your MP5 that bounce along the dirt, like skipping stones on water. Also, certain weapons like the M-16 and MP5 are rarely, if ever, loaded with tracer rounds. And on top of that, if these weapons are loaded with tracer rounds, its every 4th or 5th round. I was testing the MP5 and every round came out with the big red-ball tracer.

I think this tracer addon would work great, but just for vehicles. The Vulcan, Shika, Apache cannon, etc would benefit the most from an addon like this.

How tough would it be to tweak my config.bin? I'd like to do this for a more realistic game:

-remove the new tracer script from all the handheld rifles

-make sure when the "Rifle Tracer" option is enabled, that rifle tracers come out "blank", and not the yellow laser beam.

-add the "occasional" tracer to M249, M60s, and vehcile weapons

Am I way out of my leauge? Has anyone else attempted something like this?

PS: I settle for the the standard EECP Config.bin w/ the yellow laser beam tracer removed from all rifles.


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i havnt checked this treadh for a couple of days now, could anyone give me a update of wich the latest version is? what new addons are required?

and finaly, where do i get it? biggrin_o.gif


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The latest version of this mod can be found in the first post of this thread.

All the required addons with download links are available on this same first post.

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In the edit which I made, the tracerfx scripts are loaded onto the soldiers, so the script will work no matter which gun they use. It should be possible, I suppose, to load the scripts onto the guns instead but I don't know how.

You can edit the size, colour, richochet and frequency of tracer rounds used quite easily. Just open the config.cpp and search for wbe_tracerfx. It should be present under "class soldierwb" and "class soldiereb"

It should look like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers


init="[(_this select 0),1,1,2,{red},3,0.5] exec {\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs}";


Read the tracerfx readme to find out what the different parameters do. If you don't want tracers at all you can either delete this line completely or changing the first 1 to 0. This will just leave invisible tracers in game. Save the config and make it into a .bin using cpp2bin

Hope that helps smile_o.gif

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Thanks for all the info. I adjusted the tracer frequency to 5 or so, and I think it seems a little more realistic. Hopefully in some future version it will be possible to assign the script to certain weapons, instead of just "east" and "west" men as a whole.

Hey, how tough would it be to replace the damn XM-177S in EECP with something else? I hate that gun! Looks silly too.

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It is not that tough , look in the config for :

Class XMS:M4

the XMS definition is not included in the BIS config.bin as it is a BIS addon that had been added with a patch (and so it has its own pbo and his own config.cpp/bin)

If this class definition is not in the E:ECP config.cpp , you can add it yourself, just give a look to this thread of the Mission Editing/Scripting forum, scroll down a bit until you see my post related to it, i explained there how to do.

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@Kurayami - for the AK74M and AKS74 in the config they use "c8x_ak*" bullets, but previously in the config you have defined the bullets as "c8xak*", without the underscore. As far as bugs go it's tiny and easily fixed but I thought you might like to know smile_o.gif

I'll check it out. Thanks.

Hey, how tough would it be to replace the damn XM-177S in EECP with something else? I hate that gun! Looks silly too.

I keep forgetting to do this. I just put it on my to do list for 0.5.

Hey, Sanctuary, want to be my PR officer? It's nice to have everything already answered when I check the thread. tounge_o.gif

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