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Thanks for posting up the news on the forums.

It includes the ICP Weapons pack too. I'll make new weapons for the Rangers and the upcoming Green Beretts.

Here's a pic. of a ranger:


Post you comments about the addon.  smile_o.gif

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Hmmm, what's the diffrence between them and the original Laser rangers?

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Here you go:


The right shoulder looks a little to green to me and a bit on the shiney side. Might just be that pic so I'll download and have a look myself wink_o.gif

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Excuse me for being ignorant, but why do we need another set of Rangers?

Especially ones which are practically identical to Lasers originals, bar a helmet texture?

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Anyone else have the feeling that BAS and USMC would have a hard time working together?

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every large team working together will run into trouble. THe best team consists of only three/four people; a modeler, a textureartist and a coder. That's it.

Suchey, Earl and Tact were a great team (this was th emain team, there were others also). Suchey did the modeling and textures for the soldiers, eal did the modeling and textures for the weapons and tact did the coding. Perfect; not two people working on the same thing with diffirent ideas about how it should be done.

but back on topic;

the rangers of laser were great, but the helmet needed a cammo-cover badly. This is now done, although I think it would have been better if laser had done this himself as an update on his pack.

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That´s true...there are lot of "Rangers" addon released,so I can´t understand those people who making another ones.

But addon don´t look so bad

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Thanks for the comments. I havent made any new Rangers, just updated them for the Mod. My goal is to make a pack, where all the best U.S. Army Units and Vehicles can be found.

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So what's the difference between these and LSR Rangers? The helmet texture and what else?

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I hope this sounds not to negative(I know it will in some ppl's ears).

I have BAS Delta/Ranger pack and the BOH old/modern "normal" us soldiers. All in desert and woodland camo.

This is exact what I need, not more. If there will be SEALS units one day, I will use them.

But I really need no other rangers, deltas, m4 in version xyz... etc.

Remember, this is only what I think. Not what everybody should think!

MfG Lee

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So what's the difference between these and LSR Rangers? The helmet texture and what else?

This was my point with my 1st post.

Apart from the helmet covers (and hopefully the config), there is NO difference between these and Lasers troops.

Wouldn't you think it better to speak with Laser about the updates of his units (which he has announced) rather than doubling them up with this texture edit.

@Lee - couldn't agree more. We've got good human-units, I would suggest to the NATO Mod to concentrate on making vehicles, rather than dupilcating infantry units...

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Obviously whoever made the addon thinks it's better the way that they did it. Otherwise why would they have done it? And why do you people feel the need to tell them that they shouldn't do that?

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i agree with everyone actually... we shouldnt discourage anyone from doing what they want to make, but on the other hand it would be more useful to make something that hasnt beeen made 6,000 times..




US "Regular" Army

Any kind of M16,M4,M249

Already been done to death. well not marines, but suchey and earl have satisfied the need with those. Addons needed badly are:

GOOD and RESISTANCE capatable:

AH64D Apache

Green Berets (US Army Special Forces)

Navy SEALs

US Airforce Combat Controllers

HUMMVEE'S!!! <--- (Somebody has to want to make these!!)

I cant believe we havent gotten a breakthrough hummer addon.. its just so popular in real life every little boys dream is to be GI Joe and drive around in one of these kickin ass.. and we still dont have a bugless version of these yet.

Overall Point: Other things can be made, dont just focus on something thats been made 6,000 times.

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What is with the thing? biggrin_o.gif Are we in a bad mood today?


I personally won't downloade them. I'm reorganizing my addons, is a right mess right now with so many Gigas of addons.

The last think I wanna do is download something that is so many and so good around.

I personally think that people should work in new models for other tipe of units, like mercenarys, Colombian guerrillas, Iraquis,winter units with brand new models made for winter units, not just retextured addons, now that would be something. some more variation rader than just Americans and Russians.


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AH64D Apache

Navy SEALs


AH64D is available together with BOH Mod 1.2 Many ppl have asked about a standalone version. No answer. I tried to seperate the US AH64D from the pack, to many bugs, I can't finish it.


Navy Seals are coming from BAS.

HMMWV's are also coming from BAS.

They have Marfy's hummer for 11month now, there must be a release this year. (check this. )


But you are right, talented ppl should not "waste" their time, doing stuff thats allready released, again. (The time is not really wasted, you learn something new, all the time)

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Duplicate units?

So, everyone is OK with 9,537 different M4 addons, and 1,203 M249 addons, but three sets of rangers is too many? rock.gif

BUT, in this case, I feel they may be an unneccesary duplication, as has been pointed out, because they are virtually unchanged from Laser's originals, which he was going to update anyway...

Having said that, each to their own, and feel free to make and release what you please. smile_o.gif

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Duplicate units?

So, everyone is OK with 9,537 different M4 addons, and 1,203 M249 addons, but three sets of rangers is too many?  rock.gif

BUT, in this case, I feel they may be an unneccesary duplication, as has been pointed out, because they are virtually unchanged from Laser's originals, which he was going to update anyway...

Having said that, each to their own, and feel free to make and release what you please.  smile_o.gif

Indeeed right on Fubar smile_o.gif

I agree these units were duplicated needlessly but then as the guy said it was for his own use and hes sharing it with us just so if anyone wants it they can use it.

And yeah down with the 295773992 vrsions of th M-4's crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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