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Game like ofp

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I remember looking on the forums recently about a Game like OFP where you could control air,land and sea vechiles.

does anyoone have any idea of what i am talking about.

I THINK THINK it was set in the balkens but i reely dont know



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never heard of such a game. there is one i know of thats similar but its not in the Balkans but in North Korea.

Mercenaries  its like OFP in terms of the vehicles you can control, and its also a little bit like Stalker where you earn money and buy stuff.

i was thinking about making a seperate thread about this game since it the pics and the gameplay sounded pretty cool.

bad news is that PC gamers will be S.O.L. because its only coming out for PS2 and Xbox. anyway im kinda good at finding new games if i see anything that fits your discription, i'll post it




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That Mercenaries game is a perfect example of how OFP has ruined a lot of games for me. They look lush and high-detailled....out to 100-150m then there is the fog. My view distance on OFP is a bit over 2km. OFP ROCKS!!! biggrin_o.gif

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Combat in land, air and sea vehicles?

GTA- Vice City biggrin_o.gif

Plus you get an excellent sound track.

(you can even burn the radio stations on CDs; I listen to them in my car biggrin_o.gif)

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Quote[/b] ]That Mercenaries game is a perfect example of how OFP has ruined a lot of games for me. They look lush and high-detailled....out to 100-150m then there is the fog. My view distance on OFP is a bit over 2km. OFP ROCKS!!!

Indeed. Ofp > every other wannabe OFP game.

If you've seen other screens of Soldner you'd notice it's got some pretty weird features. Like guys with goalie masks and what appeared to be jackbooted neo SS types. To me it looks like a bastardization of OFP for the CS demographic.

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Looks really good. Although because of that it seems like it'd give even newer computers a run for their money in terms of decent performance.

I'd enjoy it if OFP looked like that, but it's certainly not essential to make a game enjoyable. Besides, in a year this game will look old anyhow. I'd go with the expandability and replayability of OFP any day if it came to a choice.

Looks neat. Still. I'm not a huge fan of UBI soft. Gauranteed the guns all use that rotten expanding ring system. I personally can't wait until Rv6: athena sword comes out...

So I can steal the sounds like I did from Rv6. tounge_o.gif

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<span id='ME'><center>Gollum1 hides under a table!</center></span>


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Hunter?   tounge_o.gif


EDIT: Söldner!

Thanks guys and yes it was soldner

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FarCry = FPS tunnel game.  Looks pretty though.

How about this one: Full Spectrum Warrior

Hmmm...After looking at the screens from this game it seems to be all urban combat (restricted movement) type maps. DARN - everything else looks beutiful!!

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Söldners driving and flying model was pretty poor compared to ofp (driving a lada to a ramp caused the damn thing to explode and M1A1s get stuck on single trees biggrin_o.gif), the visibility and trees did look nice though. Better than OFP. wow_o.gif

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Söldners driving and flying model was pretty poor compared to ofp (driving a lada to a ramp caused the damn thing to explode and M1A1s get stuck on single trees biggrin_o.gif), the visibility and trees did look nice though. Better than OFP. wow_o.gif

and how did you tested that? wow_o.gif

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Söldners driving and flying model was pretty poor compared to ofp (driving a lada to a ramp caused the damn thing to explode and M1A1s get stuck on single trees biggrin_o.gif), the visibility and trees did look nice though. Better than OFP. wow_o.gif

and how did you tested that?  wow_o.gif

beta tester?

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Söldners driving and flying model was pretty poor compared to ofp (driving a lada to a ramp caused the damn thing to explode and M1A1s get stuck on single trees biggrin_o.gif), the visibility and trees did look nice though. Better than OFP. wow_o.gif

and how did you tested that? wow_o.gif

beta tester?

Uhh, played it at a friends house, did not bother to ask how he got it. tounge_o.gif

Of course it was only a beta, those things could be improved before the final release.

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Full Spectrum Warrior isn't an FPS. You command, you don't shoot.

I never said Full Spectrum was an FPS.  I made that comment about Far Cry.

My observation about Full Spectrum is that it appears from the screen shots that the maps are all urban combat, and would not have the freedom of movement(tactics), presumably, that OFP allows.

After further reading at the FSW site they state that this game is all about commanding 2 fireteams in M.O.U.T simulation.

Quote[/b] ]MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) is the term used to describe any type of military action where battles take place in an environment where man-made construction or high population density is the dominant feature, such as a city or town....In Full Spectrum Warrior, all combat is conducted in the capital city of Zekistan.

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LOL Ralph ! Hey I play Bf42

And in the sense of 3d gameplay ,it is similiar.If you don't mind featureless vehicles (no gauges,fuel,lights,canopies,turn out etc...)

And I will say again, OFP Corsair would smoke the crap outta the BF42 one,even with the unrealistic bomb payload of the BF42 one.

Only advantage that BF42 has is walking on moving vehicles and multiple turrets.

The Warbirds engine is similiar (even has a mission maker thing).And Armored Assault (same company)

They are free to try and free single player


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heh, i was just thinking about installing BF again. But the whole thing with all the patches and the punkbuster looks complicated

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there´s a lot of games like ofp but there isn´t a single which can reach ofp.

>> BF42+ addons:

not really much to say about, eh?  tounge_o.gif

>> Söldner:

looks llike another BF42+ canditate

>> FSwarrior:

another invade- the- opposite´s- country army trainer...

>> mercs:

*yawn- another arcade BF clone

>> jointops:

.oO(it´s slowly getting a "*yawn*" loop...) n´ah mean  wink_o.gif

>> farcry:

sums it up to the BF- ofp clones.

too much eye AI candy- too less gameplay possibilties.


let´s conclude:

there´s nothing compareable like...

*ofp´s main idea

*ofp´s gameplay

*ofp´s original storyboard atmosphere

*ofp´s support... reaching nearly 1.97 now and a great modding community which has limited possibilities but produces incredible results

*ofp´s "ofp was first bonus"... and be honest: the rest looks like a bad ripoff with nice graphics but poor content.

call me ingnorant but you can´t switch from ofp to another wanna-be game- if you have played ofp before and tasted it´s flavour you don´t want anything else than ofp 1.5 (?)/ ofp 2. why? because it´s beeing developed by guys that exactly know where they come from, where they´ve been and what they want to be up to...

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