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Yeah yeah. The lamps of the drop/ apc - are they working ?smile_o.gif

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Looks cool, but why on the first pic of Drop, there's only one ray of light ?

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Because that's how it's currently done. Neph mentioned that she was working on something better, but no word when but I assume she'll get both working.

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the light on the ds will get a overhaul

i gonna try gettign that cone off....

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Nice Ship! How will it fly, like a plane or a helocopter or both? Have you made any soldiers yet? In the may issue of popular mechanics they showed a design of the uniform for a furturist soldier. I thought he would look cool for your mod if you wanted to make him. Here is a link. The picture isn't the best but I can send you a scanned copy of the magazine if you want it. They also had stetches of sci-fi fighter jets and tanks predicted to be in combat around 2025.

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if u browse back u will find some pics of early progress soldiers

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Nice Ship! How will it fly, like a plane or a helocopter or both? Have you made any soldiers yet? In the may issue of popular mechanics they showed a design of the uniform for a furturist soldier. I thought he would look cool for your mod if you wanted to make him. Here is a link. The picture isn't the best but I can send you a scanned copy of the magazine if you want it. They also had stetches of sci-fi fighter jets and tanks predicted to be in combat around 2025.

Like a helo for the most part, but there's a script that allows forward flight (limited forward flight I would say, don't expect it to fly like a fighter.....).  But there's a description on the earlier pages as well, starting say, from 33 and on.

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will it work like the wanzer hoverer? that was like a heli normally, then at a click of a switch went halfway between jet and heli

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will it work like the wanzer hoverer? that was like a heli normally, then at a click of a switch went halfway between jet and heli

Essentially, though neph has modified it to use key combos, which isn't too bad to do, rather than having to deal with the Action Menu.

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Messed around with some metal textures, adding (I think) a better effect to the dropship cargo bay walls:


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Hey Eric, could you send mi those textures via e mail - I work on photoshop a bit, so maybe I could play with them smile_o.gif

My e-mail : [email protected]

cheers !

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ok dudes

any whises please post here:

u wanna the sulaco? post!

u wanna aliens ? post!


give it to me dudes!

Ok i didnt understand anything you said except "Give it to me dudes"

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ok dudes

any whises please post here:

u wanna the sulaco? post!

u wanna aliens ? post!


give it to me dudes!

Ok i didnt understand anything you said except "Give it to me dudes"

Well you should its plain english, but anyways here is your translation:

Ok dudes

Please post any wishes here:

You want the sulaco? Post! (here)

You want aliens? Post! (here)

More more more more more more etc....

Does that help there buddy? If not I suggest you either go see a doctor or take an english language course. wink_o.gif

If you are being sarcastic then just shutup.

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ok dudes

any whises please post here:

u wanna the sulaco? post!

u wanna aliens ? post!


give it to me dudes!

Ok i didnt understand anything you said except "Give it to me dudes"

Well you should its plain english, but anyways here is your translation:

Ok dudes

Please post any wishes here:

You want the sulaco? Post! (here)

You want aliens? Post! (here)

More more more more more more etc....

Does that help there buddy? If not I suggest you either go see a doctor or take an english language course. wink_o.gif

If you are being sarcastic then just shutup.

Its the english language being murdered so why dont you shut up. wink_o.gif

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ok dudes

any whises please post here:

u wanna the sulaco? post!

u wanna aliens ? post!


give it to me dudes!

aliens please tounge_o.gif

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so i see snake is still doing his siggies haven't been to atwar for a while send him my greetz will ya?just the same name as here

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Hey rogaty, just to keep you updated, I submitted screenies to neph yesterday, and just waiting a word from her.

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And how does it look ?

Imo it looks cool, but dunno how it looks on the model, in the game smile_o.gif

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I would say I like the second image, BayNew2 if I remember correctly..

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Looks rather cool...Though I have mixed emotions smile_o.gif

I forgot that after resizing, textures will loose their sharpness smile_o.gif

But, despite this, they looks more 3d now, don't ya think people ?

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Some Flying Bananas work:




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Just a small question will aliens be able to build a hive? And if so will one be able to go inside it?

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