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Us presidential election 2004

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even if there is a gramatical error in it. "notre president est un ...

it's a wash instructions label, not literature  smile_o.gif

edit: besides, most Americans ne parle pas Freedom anyways  unclesam.gif

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Hi all

Republicans are beginning to fear that not only will they loose the presidency they will loose the senate as well.

The major factor has been the TBA's failed war on Iraq. It is being increasingly blaimed for the continuing fall in Republican support.

Quote[/b] ]A Pew Research Center national survey conducted this week shows that the majority of Americans now disapprove of President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. Adding to the GOP dilemma, on Election Day there is more at stake for Republicans than the White House alone.

"For the first time in this election cycle there is some doubt about whether the Republicans will be able to hold onto the Senate," Cook said, adding his own critique of the Iraq war effort.

"Whether you agree about whether we should've done it or not, it is hard to say the war is being done well."


Looks like the Republican's Knives are out for TBA and George Bush Jnr.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

On a more positive note democratic candidate for President J. F. Kerry has prommised a return to the fiscal certainty and responcibility of the Clinton Presindency when he unvailed his budget proposals.

In Stark contrast to the Republicans Tax and Spend policies he is promissing a return to strong fiscal policies designed to bring the US economy back to the Clinton Democratic Golden age when average US incomes were at the highest ever recorded and when the US budget was balanced.

Quote[/b] ]John Kerry says if he's elected president, he will cap government spending – even if it means cutting some of his own programs.

"When I say a cap on spending, I mean it," the Democratic presidential contender said in a speech Wednesday at Georgetown University. "We will have to make real choices – and that includes priorities of my own."

Kerry said he won’t let government programs outside of security and education grow beyond the rate of inflation. He said that with the growing deficit, he'd have to "slow down" some of his campaign promises or phase them in over a longer period.


Meanwhile Republican Tax by loan is still driving down the US economy to such a level that the US dollar has been devalued by the international investors this has lead to the Massive Hike in Gas Pump Prices for US citizens. US Citizens are the only ones suffering these price hikes as no other countries currency has been so devalued and George Bush whos famly is founded on the Oil Business and many others in TBA who are Oil people too are laughing all the way to the bank.

Republican stealth TAXES must be stopped the only way is for the electorate to remove George Bush Jnr. and Oily Cronies by reminding them in the election.

Its the Economy Stupid!

With democratic candidate for President J. F. Kerry increasingly in the driving seat in the US elections he is looking relaxed and quipped

Quote[/b] ]"A deficit-reduction promise from George W. Bush is not exactly a gilt-edged bond."
A return to Clintonomics would certainly improve the US economy and many in business feel the same.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]With democratic candidate for President J. F. Kerry increasingly in the driving seat in the US elections he is looking relaxed and quipped

Polls put the race very close. To close to call now! sorry wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]With democratic candidate for President J. F. Kerry increasingly in the driving seat in the US elections he is looking relaxed and quipped

Polls put the race very close. To close to call now! sorry wink_o.gif

considering that someon psoted a statistics showing Bush leading just a week or so ago, this is a big turn around. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]considering that someon psoted a statistics showing Bush leading just a week or so ago, this is a big turn around.

You mean Ipsos Poll? I posted that because Walker stated that "Bush Jnr.'s election campaign that he was a war president has snapped" and it did not. They (Ipsos) even believe it is a tight race.

Must get sleep (4:36 am)zzzzzzz

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In Stark contrast to the Republicans Tax and Spend policies...

Actually, Bush's policy has been 'tax and spend' minus the tax part. That's why we have a 500 Billion budget deficit right now.

Our federal budget deficits is the number one issue for me in this election and has been ever since I started to vote. I voted for Clinton because he stressed the importance of reducing our debt - which he would have done if it weren't for ole' dubya, who threw the Clinton administrations work into the proverbial toilet, and made sure to flush twice.

As a result of Republicans and Democrats both being poll whores, all of the other issues besides our debt are pretty much taken care of in a manner consistent with the will of the American people. The debt however is one issue that people just don't seem to care about. As a result our government keeps on running up a tab and addressing the bill to the American people.

I really wish Americans would wake up and understand exactly what the national debt entails and WHO owes all this money.

Here are some good links about public debt for any American's here that are thinking about voting for Bush. The first site is a government site that spells out exactly what our debt entails. If you have any economics knowledge (or if you have a credit card and understand how it works), you'll be able to figure out just from that page why our national debt is a very very bad thing. The other sites seem to be very liberal leaning, but the points they make are not just liberal propaganda.




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There is presidential press conference/adress right now, and I can tell you I could not stand this guy. Always answers in rhetoric and that's it.

upon question about how how feels about private contractors being the 3rd largest group in Iraq, he trails off to how Iraq could be better off and how they can discuss about world peace blah blah blah.

serious brain damage was expected, so i turned it off.

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1 Thing that struck in my eye was that the reporters were quite agressive, and asked tough questions. Bush answered them quite well, but didnt say anything :P

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1 Thing that struck in my eye was that the reporters were quite agressive, and asked tough questions. Bush answered them quite well, but didnt say anything :P

you sure? he paused for a long time intermittenly even for a rhetoric-laced standard reply.

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Disgraceful. According to all the news outlets, he even spent the last two days at Crawford preparing explicitly for this conference. Somehow he managed to avoid saying anything at all new, and still he bumbled and stuttered over the same old rhetoric. It's kind of embarassing, if you ask me.

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1 Thing that struck in my eye was that the reporters were quite agressive, and asked tough questions. Bush answered them quite well, but didnt say anything :P

Were we watching the same "press conference"?  First of all, how can you call it a press conference when there was an 18 minute rehearsed opening diatribe about how much better we all are now that Iraq is occupied?  Second, how can you say he fielded any of the dozen or so questions he recieved (and did not answer), well?

What were the strengths of his response?  The fact that he danced around any substantive answers?  Or maybe it was all the umms and uhhs and ahhs between incoherent rambling statements that stayed on theme with his opening monologue.

He flat out couldn't even answer a few of the questions.

This is absolutely pathetic.  The man has an entire fucking staff to think up and anticipate the questions he would be asked.  That's all they do, think up answers for him in advance.  None of these questions came out of left field.  They were all legitimate questions whose answers are matters of legitmate concern for the American people, and yet he reacted as if he was taken completely by surprise by most of them.  It's a testament to his stupidity and dishonesty.  I'm surprised he didn't have Cheney (the real President) up there to hold his hand like he will be before the 9-11 commission.

I mean really, there still may be WMD in Iraq?  And what the fuck was all that nonsense about turkey farms?

There is only one turkey I can see, and its time for the American people to send him back to the farm.  Should things go to shit in Iraq, I wouldn't even afford him that luxury.  Who wants the dark meat, I'll take a drumstick.  Turkey anyone?

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It was more of what we are used to from Bush a lot of talking in circles and no answers given.

And once again he brings religion into it with his statement that freedom is given to all the people by God and we have to be the ones to spread it.

Kinda sounds like the crusades to me.

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This might be offtopic but it is Bush related.

Today the president came to Buffalo, NY(large city close to mine) We were able to watch him get off the plane and him posing in a photograph in Global Studies. This event marks the first 747 to come to Buffalo.(might be wrong though) There was plenty of protestors in Buffalo today. There was Military helicopters flying near our school earlier that day and the following happened in Biology.

Quote[/b] ]Teacher:I heard attack helicopters today.

*Agreeing murmurs*

Student1:Yeah, like 4 of them.

Student2: They looked like blackhawks.


The Frenchman: OH MY GOD! They found my secret stash!


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Kerry releases military records.

This file contains documents on the awarding of John Kerry's military service awards: 3 Purple Hearts, 1 Bronze Star, and 1 Silver Star.


Quote[/b] ]John Kerry (news - web sites)'s campaign is posting his military records on the Internet as his critics question the combat injuries that earned him three Purple Hearts and an early exit from Vietnam.

The first records posted Tuesday night on Kerry's campaign Web site documented the awards that have been a highlight of Kerry's biography as the Democrat seeks to oust President Bush (news - web sites) in November.

During nearly five months as the commander of a Navy swiftboat in the Mekong Delta, Kerry was awarded the Bronze Star for heroic achievement, the Silver Star for gallantry in action and three Purple Hearts for injuries that included shrapnel wounds to his arms, legs and buttocks.

Conservatives, talk radio hosts and some newspaper editorials have questioned the seriousness of his injuries and whether the Massachusetts senator was deserving of the three Purple Hearts, which resulted in his reassignment out of Vietnam.

Kerry's former commanding officer, Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard, told the Boston Globe last week that Kerry's first Purple Heart came from minor wound, resembling a fingernail scrape.

Besides the citations and certificates posted on the Internet, Kerry's campaign provided The Associated Press with declassified reports that briefly explain the injuries that led to Kerry's final two Purple Heart awards.

They show Kerry had shrapnel wounds in his left thigh after his boat came under intense fire on Feb. 20, 1969, and he suffered shrapnel wounds in his left buttock and contusions on his right forearm when a mine detonated close to his boat on March 13, 1969.

The campaign could not locate a similar report for Kerry's original Purple Heart. As evidence that Kerry was wounded, campaign spokesman Michael Meehan showed The Associated Press a "Sick Call Treatment Record" from Kerry's personal files that included a brief written note dated Dec. 3, 1968, and stamped from the naval support facility at Cam Ranh Bay.

"Shrapnel in left arm above elbow. Shrapnel removed and appl bacitracin dressing. Ret to Duty," it said. The note is followed by a signature that appears to say "JCCarreon" and some illegible letters that Meehan said probably designate the medical official's rank.

Meehan said the campaign would allow a reporter to see the record at the campaign's headquarters, but not take a copy. He said it would not be made available to the public because Kerry considers it a private medical record.

Documentation for the other two injuries shows that Kerry was deemed to be in good condition and returned to active duty after treatment. The documentation does not describe the severity of the injuries.

After the third Purple Heart, the Navy was required to reassign Kerry out of Vietnam, and a document dated March 17, 1969, said Kerry requested duty as a personal aide in Boston, New York or the Washington area. Kerry could have volunteered to stay in Vietnam, but left the country in early April 1969.

Along with his final Purple Heart, Kerry received the Bronze Star after being wounded by the mine. One of his boatmates was thrown overboard in the blast, but Kerry pulled him to safety.

Kerry did this with "his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety," according to the citation. Kerry and the man who went overboard, retired Los Angeles police officer Jim Rassmann, had an emotional public reunion in January, two days before Kerry would win the Iowa caucuses.

Democrats have been touting Kerry's decorated service during the wartime presidential race and contrasting it with President Bush's lack of combat experience.

"We are happy to compare Senator Kerry's record of service to anybody in the Bush campaign who has or has not served," Meehan said.

Bush was in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, but did not serve in combat. Bush released hundreds of pages of his Vietnam-era military records in February to counter Democrats' suggestions that he shirked his duty in the Texas Air National Guard.

The White House said the documents comprise his entire military record. The records did not provide evidence that Bush attended drills while in Alabama during a period when Democrats have questioned whether he reported for service. The records did include a dental examination at an Alabama military facility.

When asked about the questions surrounding his Purple Hearts Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Kerry said all his military records are available to the public. Meehan said Kerry requested a copy of his record from the Navy last month and received roughly 150 pages last week. He said the entire file would be posted online.

Facsimiles of reports describing Kerry's wounds

I´m laughing my ass off that some guys try to dicredit him for going home from Vietnam with 3 purple hearts.

I mean sorry, but if you get 3 times wounded and you received 1 bronze and 1 silver star you should be treated different than a bollock who avoided National guard...

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...sure that´s why Mr number 1 republican Bush was alcoholic and had to take cocain. biggrin_o.gif

It only made him an even more dangerous weapon for the crusade of the willing or what was it ? wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Only a REPUBLICAN can have the guts to go to war and fight as a brave soldier!

get this now once for all BALS!

1.) It was Kerry's CO that bought up the issue not the republicans in a interview with the Boston Globe.

2.) His commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Grant Hibberd, suggested that Kerry perhaps didn't earn his first Purple Heart and question whether he should have left Vietnam after six months in a interview with the Boston Globe.

3.) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tm....id=2043

Quote[/b] ]The campaign could not locate a similar report for Kerry's original Purple Heart. As evidence that Kerry was wounded, Meehan showed The Associated Press a "Sick Call Treatment Record" from Kerry's personal files that included a brief written note dated Dec. 3, 1968, and stamped from the naval support facility at Cam Ranh Bay.

4.) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4772030/

Quote[/b] ]MR. RUSSERT:  But you'll make all your records public.

SEN. KERRY:  They are.  People can come and see them at headquarters and take a look at them.  I'm not going to--but I'll tell you this.  I'm proud of my service.  I'm proud of what we did.  I know what happened.  And the Navy 35 years ago made a decision and it's the Navy's decision and I think it was the right decision.


Quote[/b] ]

But when a reporter from The Boston Globe sought to review the records on Monday, campaign spokesman Michael Meehan said no records beyond those already given to this newspaper would be released. ''He is releasing all military records he has released to The Boston Globe," Meehan said.

Quote[/b] ]The campaign has released records that are publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act, but many papers can remain secret under privacy law and thus can only be distributed at Kerry's discretion.

5. Lt. Commander Grant Hibberd almost denied Kerry's third ph because he considered it being scratched by a thorn.

6. He would of probably denied if Kerry was going to use a "SICK CALL WOUND" as a pretext do get out of 'nam early.

7. How can Kerry promote his medals, and he threw his ribbons over the White House fence when protesting the war? (for years people believed he threw his medals over the fence but it was somebody else.)

8. Just posting stuff.

9. late for class. tounge_o.gif

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What´s the case ?

He was fighting in vietnam.

Bush was not.

He got injured several times.

Bush got a nose full of cocain and his brain weakened by alcohol.

Kerry received the bronze star for rescuing a crewmember of his patrolboat who went overboard during heavy fighting. Kerry risked his live to save the guy.

Bush, uhm dissapeared from his Nation Guardd duties magically.

Kerry received the silver star.

Bush danced naked in bars.

It´s a shame that a guy who actually served in vietnam and fulfilled his duty and more than that is compared to a runaway alcoholic who would be working on the blacktop if his daddy wasn´t a Bushy.

Quote[/b] ]7. How can Kerry promote his medals, and he threw his ribbons over the White House fence when protesting the war? (for years people believed he threw his medals over the fence but it was somebody else.)

Does he promote them or does he only lay open his records ?

Anyone who still thinks Vietnam war was a good thing has to stop watching Hollywood "history" movies.

And just in case you missed it:

Kerry military record PDF file

PDF on Kerry´s injuries.

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Quote[/b] ]It´s a shame that a guy who actually served in vietnam and fulfilled his duty and more than that is compared to a runaway alcoholic who would be working on the blacktop if his daddy wasn´t a Bushy.

It's a shame for what he did after he came back.


Quote[/b] ]Senator John Kerry, the presumed Democratic presidential candidate who is trading on his Vietnam war record to campaign against President George W Bush, tried to defer his military service for a year, according to a newly rediscovered article in a Harvard University newspaper.

Also, how he used a obscure rule to get out out Vietnam(vets say).

Quote[/b] ]Does he promote them or does he only lay open his records ?

Anyone who still thinks Vietnam war was a good thing has to stop watching Hollywood "history" movies.

He promotes them.

Also, not all vietnam vets. are with Kerry:


Quote[/b] ]

And just in case you missed it:

Kerry military record PDF file

PDF on Kerry´s injuries.

In case you miss it:

Quote[/b] ]

The campaign could not locate a similar report for Kerry's original Purple Heart. As evidence that Kerry was wounded, Meehan showed The Associated Press a "Sick Call Treatment Record" from Kerry's personal files that included a brief written note dated Dec. 3, 1968, and stamped from the naval support facility at Cam Ranh Bay.

How he earned the silver star:

Quote[/b] ]

The boat's machine gunner hit and wounded the fleeing Viet Cong as he darted behind a hootch. The twin .50s gunner fired at the Viet Cong. He said he "laid 50 rounds" into the hootch before Kerry leaped from the boat and dashed in to administer a "coup de grace" (killed) to the wounded Viet Cong. Kerry returned with the B-40 rocket and launcher.

I give respect for his 1 1/2 tour of duty but not for what he did after he came back.

Late for class, again..................... wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Anyone who still thinks Vietnam war was a good thing has to stop watching Hollywood "history" movies.

In every Hollywood film about Vietnam (Excluding "We Were Soldiers", where you see no civvies), Americans are portrayed as semi-feral murderering rapists. They torch towns, incinerate old women with WP grenades, literally rip apart the enemy, wear "trophies", shoot their own officers, use heroin/cocaine while on patrol, and more. In fact, it's virtually impossible to find a standard Hollywood "moment of heroic bravery" in a movie about Vietnam.

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Quote[/b] ]Only a REPUBLICAN can have the guts to go to war and fight as a brave soldier!

get this now once for all BALS!

1.) It was Kerry's CO that bought up the issue not the republicans in a interview with the Boston Globe.

2.) His commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Grant Hibberd, suggested that Kerry perhaps didn't earn his first Purple Heart and question whether he should have left Vietnam after six months in a interview with the Boston Globe.

read the article quoted by Bals again, it says conservatives also questioned Kerry's awards.


Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]

But when a reporter from The Boston Globe sought to review the records on Monday, campaign spokesman Michael Meehan said no records beyond those already given to this newspaper would be released. ''He is releasing all military records he has released to The Boston Globe," Meehan said.

Quote[/b] ]The campaign has released records that are publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act, but many papers can remain secret under privacy law and thus can only be distributed at Kerry's discretion.

I wonder why Bush has not released his full record either. oh wait, maybe there isn't one in Alabama?

Quote[/b] ]5. Lt. Commander Grant Hibberd almost denied Kerry's third ph because he considered it being scratched by a thorn.

what was final decision then?

Quote[/b] ]6. He would of probably denied if Kerry was going to use a "SICK CALL WOUND" as a pretext do get out of 'nam early.

but he didn't

Quote[/b] ]7. How can Kerry promote his medals, and he threw his ribbons over the White House fence when protesting the war? (for years people believed he threw his medals over the fence but it was somebody else.)

there are more versions of this story then OFP beta patches. was the ribbon even his?

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