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Kenworth truck & trailer pack

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Verrrrrrry NICE, DaSquade!!!  biggrin_o.gif

The meaning of "Ambush a truck convoy" get's a new dimension!  tounge_o.gif


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Wacky_Iraqi[LtC] @ Feb. 24 2004,00:03)]
We're also looking at makeing a Texas DPS State Trooper (state police).

Is that the police semi-truck?

This is just a car, I tought a Ford Mustang wink_o.gif

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Wow thats really nice, when the rest of the texture work is done, it will look real !

Gonna have smoke out of the stacks and such I am sure, looks great!

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Did I ever tell anybody here that I love big trucks LOL.

I would love to drive a semi through the countryside of Everon on a cool summers evening tounge_o.gif

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This will go nice with USMC SNIPER'S Island, (have you decided on a name yet for the island, sniper?) just think it would look better in a "modern USA" city, if you know what I mean. Love the one with the flames....Nice....Keep it up DaSquade!!! (and DELTA HAWK)

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Wacky_Iraqi[LtC] @ April 13 2004,23:28)]This will go nice with USMC SNIPER'S Island, (have you decided on a name yet for the island, sniper?) just think it would look better in a "modern USA" city, if you know what I mean. Love the one with the flames....Nice....Keep it up DaSquade!!! (and DELTA HAWK)

We have plans to make our own USA map or island, no details yet but it's going to be in Texas style wink_o.gif

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@Lee: wizzwig helped Delta with the towing scripts. Unfortunatly he left recently. The scripts should work (but since we bought don't have much scripting exp. we didn't got it working ingame). So if anybody can help us out with the towing scripts, plz do. But for the moment the trailer(s) and tow function are put on hold (since we would like the trailer react to the surfuce. The current trailer with ani. stuff isn't usefull anymore or we need to reworked some parts).

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Ain't it beautiful? Last time i seen something so beautiful, it was wearing high heels. But lets all not forget who made the model, eh??? biggrin_o.gif lol can't wait until it's finished myself.

We plan to implement all the scripts and special animations after it's all textured. We still need help though. We're beginning to grow into a mod focused on Texas and 18-wheelers. We need help with the island and truck, so any help would be appreciated biggrin_o.gifsmoothbore120@hotmail.com

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If it's a Texas Island, then make sure to add the wildflowers along the sides of the highways. Right now, the highways around Central Texas look amazing after all the rain we've been getting with beautiful wildflowers all along the highways (in part thanks to Ladybird Johnson who promoted seeding of wildflowers along our highways).


Then we just need some of those nice Texas State Highway Patrol cars. I like the Mustangs they used to drive. smile_o.gif Everyonce in awhile you see them using Firebirds and Corvettes as well (seized in drug raids and repainted and refitted as high-speed interceptors). smile_o.gif

Truckers here fear those state troopers cuz they always bust them during random inspections looking for safety violations... them and Tex-Dot (Texas Dept. of Transportation) guys.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yes very nice work guys.DaSquade did show me some links and I tried the semi ingame and its real nice.

He mentioned that he could use some help,I didn't realize that you were left in limbo with the scripter.I can take care of the scripting/config and animations if you'd like.This is a very nice project and it would be a pleasure to help.

And its closer to my dream of a car hauler in OFP (we discussed the technicalities there)

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If it's a Texas Island, then make sure to add the wildflowers along the sides of the highways.  Right now, the highways around Central Texas look amazing after all the rain we've been getting with beautiful wildflowers all along the highways (in part thanks to Ladybird Johnson who promoted seeding of wildflowers along our highways).  


Then we just need some of those nice Texas State Highway Patrol cars.  I like the Mustangs they used to drive. smile_o.gif  Everyonce in awhile you see them using Firebirds and Corvettes as well (seized in drug raids and repainted and refitted as high-speed interceptors).  smile_o.gif

Truckers here fear those state troopers cuz they always bust them during random inspections looking for safety violations... them and Tex-Dot (Texas Dept. of Transportation) guys.

So you're from Texas, if you want to help mail Delta Hawk at:


or visit our temporary forums at:


Any help is welcome  wink_o.gif

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@ miles teg...yea, this rain helped...kind of turned everything into a swamp for a while lol 150% blue bonnets WILL be added smile_o.gif And we diffently want Texas DPS troopers too, but we need more help for that as i can not make good curved models (so help would be nice). I want to get a ford crown victory and a cheve camaro DPS cruisers for ofp and maybe ford mustangs. all depends

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I'm an okie, so i'm just up the street (so to speak) and i've visted texas a few times (maybe 10) MAKE SOUTH PADRE ISLAND!!!!! lol and don't forget galveston (make sure you add the San Louis (i think, it sounds San Loo-ee) as it is the fanciest hotel in galveston, anyways, just thought i'd add a few suggestions

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I can't wait for the release of this addon. Everyday i check the forums in hopes its released.... but alas...its not...yet... sad_o.gif

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sry, can't make the sleeper...too many polys. Trust me, too many polys crazy_o.gif well, the tractor AND trailer is about 5,000...what? expect a half ass addon from us?

We're currently disscussing the island right now and things are changing alot. We really need help with the island. Originally, i planned to have it extend from Beamount to Texarkana to Austin (???) and to the northern border of Oklahoma. Can't add Galveston. Who know, maybe in the end, we'll make Galveston? Or maybe we'll just make coreyell county. who knows, we got to discuss it.

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sry, can't make the sleeper...too many polys.  Trust me, too many polys crazy_o.gif    well, the tractor AND trailer is about 5,000...what?  expect a half ass addon from us?

We're currently disscussing the island right now and things are changing alot.  We really need help with the island.  Originally, i planned to have it extend from Beamount to Texarkana to Austin (???) and to the northern border of Oklahoma.  Can't add Galveston.  Who know, maybe in the end, we'll make Galveston?  Or maybe we'll just make coreyell county.  who knows, we got to discuss it.

Only 5,000?

Dude a sleeper wouldn't add more then 500 to 1,000 more pollies. I've been in several sleeprs before......

Trust me...... 5,000 is low for a vehicle.....

Hell my M249 and M4/m203 M16/m203 family runs between

6,000 and 5,500 with no problems... The Standard M16a1

I made, alone runs around 3,000 some pollies. Make it beter

for this game so you can stick it right into OFP 2.

Do it right.....

Do it ONCE....

And be done....


Just my 2 cents

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