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Wild animals pack!

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I could always reimport Bucky from Deer Advenger III into OFP add him to the HYK units as a heavy weapons man. ;)

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From the list? Hmm, maybe a snake i like snakes but a wolf, a camel and some birds would be great too, like vultures, eagles and other ones.

MIG, you should definetly try diferent birds because the anims are already available in OPF's seagull wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif .

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lama. plz i want lama. they are so sweet  smile_o.gif

meh? rock.gifcrazy_o.gif

ah well, if u make 1, include a spit attack please tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]meh?

i dont care if placebo kills kittens or seals. but i will cry if he kills a lamma bebe sad_o.gif

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lama. plz i want lama. they are so sweet  smile_o.gif

I believe that an alpaca not a lama

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No point making animals that cant work properly. Crocodile would be like superhypercoollikeshit but it has to have proper anims, it has to swim AND walk on the beach and most importantly it has to be dangerous.

Anybody heard of the incindent during WW2 in Burma(?) where brits chased japanese group of 4000 men to a large swamp. Brits didnt follow because night was coming and they feared an ambush.

In the morning all they found was about 200 japanese soldiers and countless of crocodiles.

That particular type crodoliles is the largest and most dangerous of them. Its way bigger than the nile crocodile.

Ofcourse it would be very stupid if the crocodile killed you by shooting or similar shit. It has to have proper attack animations. Still it wouldnt be all that great as in real life the crocodiles wont just bite, they get you and hold you under water until you drown. Not bossible in OFP that one.

That said IF theres a decent way to make all that happen I, and brobably many others, would be very happy. biggrin_o.gif

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tounge_o.gif what about godzilla he would kl.....................................................................................so is some realy making animals here?

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so is some realy making animals here?

mig asked a few days ago for a mad cow script so probably yes smile_o.gif

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co@ 12 quiet morning at ranch.texas wink_o.gif

How about converting those big fat ugly seagulls to something less visible like bumblebee or hornet (the insect, not plane)?

It's annoying to see flock of seagulls hovering over last alive comrades in A&D fights. Or even in that same area.

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let's see... in random order:

1) bull

2) cow

3) dogs

4) bear

maybe some japanese hornets too, but that's just too lethal biggrin_o.gif .

a dog is alraedy ingame, cow... well, invasion 1944 would prolly kiss you for that , a bear, is faster then a average men, deadly, but won't attack men without reason...

birds = good idea

animals of prey = good idea

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tounge_o.gif what about baby deer? (u no from that film where the deer dies the kidy film


just gimme a wolf tounge_o.gif

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