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Smokes, food, and random conversations

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I have something else, an Idea i'd love to have happen with this new Operation Flashpoint. Socializing. Not scripted out and repeated over and over again socializing but more realistic stuff.

Have say a soldier with a pack of smokes or perhaps you with smokes, one soldier asks for one, other passes it to him and gives him a light or perhaps a cassual conversation while patrolling or walking to a certian area, where you could reply to the people talking via action menu or just stay out of the conversation all together and enjoy the entertainment of a pleasant soldier to soldier conversation.

Or perhaps lets go eat some dinner or Breakfast before the patrol. The cook with his little oven and pot of meat or what not, you have your little cup, and so does your AI buddies, you each walk up to the guy, he lifts up his spoon, you move your hands over the spoon, he poors it in, and the ai and you go and sit down, then you use your spoon to put food in your mouth and stuff, but make this so its not more complicated then it seems. Pack it in a script and stuff and pbo. all the sounds and smoke and lighter and other things with it. Go in game and be able to activate all this in a mission automatically by putting in one simple command like, [] exec "humanstuff.sqs" and then throughout the missions things would happen, new things that you didn't see in the last mission and same things everyonce in a while.

I believe if we could possibly do this, then BIS sure as hell can do this and incoorprate it into the next game. I'm not sure that they will but I pray that they do. . .


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I would think that something like this could be implemented if a group is in "safe" mode. Adding audio conversation might be a bit much since that would demand more work for the processor. Having members within a group move around a bit and go through some minor talking animations like smoking a cigarette would be possible. The script that comes to mind is during the night watch mission in the fdf campaign where the civies look like they are talking and one is having a smoke.

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I want the script now!!

Anyhow, it wouldn't take up too much space possibly. BUt I mean, handing out a pack of cigs, or random talking animations, man, think something fun here, that would be fun and it wouldn't lag if you have lots of ram and a good video card and a 2.6 ghz pro. Like me, I can have tons of people talking at once ( tried it already ) in ofp because i have a 560mb ram card, new video card, and a 2.8 ghz pro and I aint have any lag though I didn't have any even when I had my 1.6 ghz pro.

But what i'm saying is like this would be the bomb. Walkin on patrol, guy asks you for some smokes, you say no, he calls you a name, he asks someone else, they give him one, he continues walkin while lightin the smoke up and smokes away while walkin along.

Or food packages and shit....man this needs to be taken into consideration for I haven't seen much thought like this into any other game before


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I can't run any longer, I need a smoke.

Im starving, lets go and eat behind that bush.

Im just kidding biggrin_o.gif

Great idea !

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I believe it can be done in this OFP, but better to include it in the newer one and stuff, with random conversations and stuff:

"Hey budy, when we gonna stoP?

"Pal, you got a smoke?"

or like when they're shot have them injured if they are hit in certian areas under certian circumstances they either hold that area and stuff or if there skill level is high enough, they fight as best they can the way they are


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we need this really bad

something that will make us laugh and think about a real life instead of a computer one, something that we can relate to

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I agree that it would be cool to see some interaction between our digital population in OFP2 - like random conversations or one-liners spoken when units are within a certain range of each other and their behavior is set to "safe" or "careless". Idle animations like cracking knuckles, stretching legs, scratching body parts, smoking, coughing, sneezing, sitting down and resting, etc. would make OFP2 seem more alive.

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yeh walkin throught a OFP2 street with civies talkin and smoking and sitting in cafes. Would be kinda cool. Sure as hell beat other First person simulation war games out on the market at that time in the furture.

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not to mention different animations for us too. I mean, you press one button, then your weapon goes to like aware type position, then you move really fast with mouse or sometin, goes back to combat position, so you could be walking around at aware, on a patrol, and the guy behind you starts talkin to you about hitler and punchin him in the face or saddam or somethin, and you have a choice of talkin to him, or ignoring him via action menu, u ignore him, he goes on and talks to someone else instead, or if two ai are chattin away, then you have hoice of joinin in and shootin the shit biggrin_o.gif

BIS mareuk please guys, do this for me!

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yeah i love both ideas. the talking to the AI is would be a great addition to the game. maybe giving each AI member a random personality. there could be the guy who begs for that smoke, the smart ass, grumpy or the funny guy. it might make your care for soilder a bit more instead of them just being number with a face. but if it going to be at random in user mission, it should be higher the skill level the less they talk. because i dont want to see specail forces soilder behind enemy line, asking for a smoke. smile_o.gif

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IMHO, the amount of time to implement this, while make it behaving realistically, could be spent for more important things.

50% of things suggested in this forum would be easy to make, if BIS gives us more in-depth scripting and lots of them are possible to script even in OFp.

I do think that it is better if BIS concentrates on crucial things and gives us the instruments to make not so important extras such as this.

Frgive my silly Engrish I may still be drunk a bit.

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IMHO, the amount of time to implement this, while make it behaving realistically, could be spent for more important things.

50% of things suggested in this forum would be easy to make, if BIS gives us more in-depth scripting and lots of them are possible to script even in OFp.

I do think that it is better if BIS concentrates on crucial things and gives us the instruments to make not so important extras such as this.

Frgive my silly Engrish I may still be drunk a bit.


There are more important things on the front to do.

OFP isn't The Sims.

OFP is combat simulation, not soldier's everyday life simulation.

It would be a good addition but there are way more important things to do.

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IMHO, the amount of time to implement this, while make it behaving realistically, could be spent for more important things.

50% of things suggested in this forum would be easy to make, if BIS gives us more in-depth scripting and lots of them are possible to script even in OFp.

I do think that it is better if BIS concentrates on crucial things and gives us the instruments to make not so important extras such as this.

Frgive my silly Engrish I may still be drunk a bit.


There are more important things on the front to do.

OFP isn't The Sims.

OFP is combat simulation, not soldier's everyday life simulation.

It would be a good addition but there are way more important things to do.

Agreed. Sure it might add variety, but having AI chat amongst themselves is not really necessary. Especially when such conversations could be implemented through scripts. And you'd get sick of the same voices asking for a ciggo, a drink, a whatever. After maybe a week or two, I'd want the conversations to stop, and if that means shooting the speaking soldier, then so be it.

Besides, what good is it if the AI starts randomly talking about something that a scripted cut-scene might have said otherwise. Not everything that the AI might talk about could be relevant for the situation that is trying to be conveyed by the maker. Small talk and actions between 'characters' should be left to scripts and/or cutscenes.

What i would like to see though, is the soldiers have random anmations during times of little action, like scratching an itch, taking a good look around, checking the weapon e.t.c.

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Its a good idea...but i think more concentration should be put on shooting and military aspects...this is a FPS...not the Sims or Sim city or something like that.

I suppose this could be implemented as a cut scene for and ambush...got ambushed whille having tea....or something like that....but having a whole mission (or whatever) would be rather boring...i think smile_o.gif

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No, its not a combat simulation without everyday interaction that makes it a combat simulation. Its not realistic when I walk around, look at a few soldiers, they just look at me like shit, doing nothing. Like they are dumb or something. I mean god damn, my budy falls down by the hand of a sword from my enemy, i'm going to be like god damnit really loudly yelling and swearing to hell or whispering so as not to expose my position to the enemy. I'm just saying that this should be made into the game so that I feel more comfortable and possibly a little bit more attached to my AI budies so as I don't spare there lives all the time.

A Little more life to the simulation will make so much more difference then probably what you can imagine. You're playing a soldier here with other soldiers, not a bunch of idiotic robots that are mute.


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one more thing

unreal 2: the awakening

I like the talkin to people in that one

but wit ofp we can make it better

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When we are talking about food; I don´t wanna have food as a health power up.

For ex: When I eat food I get full health.

Its just idiotick.

So what can we just food for then?

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well, na, wat I mean, eat food, you dont get more health, you're faster and such, if you haven't had food for like a while, ya know, you fill your hunger and crap.

Or it can just be for show and tell. Smokes though, oh ya man, that would be so fricken sweet. But hell, I just want to chat with my fellow Ai players. I'm thinking about creating a mission with over 40 ogg files where you can actually chat to them with over 40 different things

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well, na, wat I mean, eat food, you dont get more health, you're faster and such, if you haven't had food for like a while, ya know, you fill your hunger and crap.

Well I like the idea. Except the crap idea. In the huge battle your health meter fill and need to do a crap. Start squiating in a trenche and then a grenade land under you.


Bad idea.

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I think there are more important things to do than this. This is a gimmick, essentially eye candy, and I think the novelty would wear off when you see soldiers asking each other for a smoke the 10th time.

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not if its blended in or if they are whispering, its not essentially about the entertainment, listening, it gives a more feel to being with your men, to being with the man next to you.

Gives you better environment to work in.

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I agree with bmg,

an extremely large part of a good combat sim is atmosphere.

A very large part of atmosphere is sound.

When a weapon fires you generally hear it first unless hes right in front of you then youll see it--and die lol.

Same goes for almost everything in ofp--as in a good combat sim--as in RL. That being good directional accurate audio. The end result being used to inform the listener and affect tactical decisions.

Folks, this isnt eye/ear candy at all.

So--people dont talk in combat? Erm well last time I saw a documentary of US marines doing a live firing excersize they were screaming their heads off constantly.

I understand the comments with regards to repetition and becoming boring. Well my answer is that thats because its never really ever be done well before. I agree, every game in the past (that Ive played) thats ever attempted this has ended up boring me eventually. But I think the people for the job would be BIS. The trick will be that the dialogue actually MEANS something.

There are many examples of where this could truly enhance the game.

1) A sniper in  cover (so dense that he cant see) that has been over run by the enemy waits till he hears the enemy call retreat or move on.

2) Terrified Civilians screaming out  when they see opfor go into combat mode would help player a few blocks away get an incling that something was going down.

3)Stealth missions where Bops need to rece will know when dudes are behind a wall and are eating dinner/smoking or are lying in wait when he hears "pssst--see anything Gregor?"

The list goes on.

Im sorry but I totally disagree that its ear candy and think thatwere it done well it would enhance that game to a level thats never been seen before.

Zay smile_o.gif

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I like the idea. but i think, if bis choose to implement this in the game, it would have to be a limited version. Like there is in Call of Duty where there is a set of commands, responses and statements. And of course it can get annoying but it definitely serves a purpose. One is for positioning in relation to the enemy. I think it would be most useful in close range combat. That is something which is missing from ofp, so it will probably be incorporated in ofp2.

Now, about grabbing some food and doing craps in the bushes..... rock.gif

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I think ear candy is important - combat is loud and noisy. The louder and noisier it is, the better a combat sim it will be.

But what's this talk about eating food? There is no health bar in OFP... why should food be important? If it was a dynamic, real-time battlefield environment, I'd say that food might be important. But as I understand it, OFP2 will have a campaign structure similar to OFP1 - scripted missions.

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If OFP2 implements all you guys have suggested until now and if they would add very interactive women too, I'd pack my bags say friends good bye and I'd move into the virtual world.

But I think OFP2 will not come at this point of uselessness, yes it's a good idea but don't put too much in it, for example let soldiers say few words like "Man! I need to piss!" then you have to go piss if you want your soldier run correctly, or you have to stop eat a sandwich for very long missions so your soldier won't fall on the ground with his hands on his stomach biggrin_o.gif , or if you want him to be more calm and keep his weapon steady then you have to smoke a cigarette before

In my opinion every eyecandy that will be implemented should have an influence on soldier's capabilities in combat so they will seem more realistic.

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