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Day of defeat

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Myself and Hellfish have played a couple time together in this game, and it's quite fun. For those of you who don't know, it's a WWII based game where you can play as American, British, or German troops. Battling it out C&H style for certain places.

A couple recent excerpts from just a few minutes ago:

Me using my Rifle Butt of the M1 Garand on Hellfish. Man that was satisfying biggrin_o.gif


And if I can't shoot you, I'll blow your ass to hell:


I killed more than four with that grenade, but only four are shown at one time.

Downloading Steam get's you DOD and other HL Engine based games.


Sorry but it's the only link I have. I'd suggest putting the download on over night since it takes forever to get through the line and I don't the the d/l rate is all too fast.

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I used to play it, but then it just turned into "who can exploit the most" most of the time. Plus, I was really frustrated with the constant running and shooting, then jumping(though only once) in the air with thompsan going full blast while my poor grenadier was still trying to pull the bolt. Not only that, most kills were that one shot to the arm, or the leg. But then you'd havedeaths where you fire ten rounds into somebody, only to miss for some odd reason, and have them run behind you, twist like a corckscrew and fire an entire clip.

The fire-from-the-hip MG shotgun came in, then the game had a downfall with the walking snipers of doom. Snipers would just walk out into streets and shoot, only to nick you in the ear and throw your guy into the wall.

Your grenade skills are weak. Try killing 10 guys wtih a grenade. I killed 14 once, but that was a fluke. The serve stacked up all the player above the sky box, just as I pulled the pin from the grenade during a firefight. The grenade hit the sky box, drifted down like it was in water, and blew an entire chunk out of this big "stack".

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Weapons are harldy accurate while running, and with a stamina bar you can't move fast forever. People don't clump enough for a 10kill grenade from my xp. The MG is piss poor accuracy now if you arent deployed. Must have been a while since you played.

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Indeed, not to mention STEAM is a buggy mother.

DoD is one of the best WWII themed quake type games (I think it's way better then RTCW, MOHAA, BF1942) but you can't beat constant subscriptions to WWII online or waiting for more OFP addon makers with more WWII equipment (face it, WWII stuff in OFP would be pretty neat.)

All we need is join-in-progress and we have a mini WWII online (assuming the desync issues are fixed) and multiple gunners are added.

Mmm, mutliple gunners.

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I had the version before the new one. I just get so frustrated with the game that I didn't find it enjoyable anymore.

Even with the piss-poor accuracy with the MG, I see(n) alot of players use it as a shotgun. Especially the MG42. And while the stanima bar was a good thing, it still didn't help much from the weird kills from happening.

And don't worry about the 10 kill grenades. All you have to do is wait for the buggers to all get together. Anyways, most of the time the 10 killers are ones where I threw it at an area where I only saw two.

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Indeed, not to mention STEAM is a buggy mother.

Everyone says that buy I never see how it is so buggy.

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Theres been alot of problems with Steam, considering that I beta tested it. But they seemed to have kinked out the bigger bugs. But I didn't find it at all useful when I already had HL to begin with. Considering it also had a good filter.

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I like this game for quick and dirty MP battles. I like that it's not totally realistic. I have OFP for realism, and sometimes I just feel like runnin' and gunnin'. Yeah, it can be frustrating at times - it seems like nobody else has a problem with killing me at 50m with a Thompson, yet I can't hit the side of a brick wall at 5m to save my life. I am pretty good with the MG42, though (yes, I am a master at hip shooting with it) but overall the game is a good experience with the best MP support system (Steam) that I've ever had. I like that I can see where my other friends are playing (most of my real world friends play this game too) and I can join their game instantly. I like the auto updates, I like having favorite servers bookmarked... all in all it is a very painless game to play.

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d... all in all it is a very painless game to play.

I think I'm so frustrated is because there was a big change whith th newer versions. I remember playing the old, old, old beta versions. Guess I never adopted the newer versions.

Maybe I'll give it another try.

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d... all in all it is a very painless game to play.

I think I'm so frustrated is because there was a big change whith th newer versions. I remember playing the old, old, old beta versions. Guess I never adopted the newer versions.

Maybe I'll give it another try.

Yeah, in the newer version if you stick with a weapon or two and learn how to use them effectively, you become good.

For example? I was pretty good with the BAR. Medium range you can sorta give it a little two-round "squirt" and for longer range, go prone real fast.

The problem with Half-Life is that many cheats are still not fixed. I remember being fed up in CS and resorting to cheating myself. I remember the three weeks in which the "speed cheat" was working. Hilarity ensued (have you ever seen an AWP or autoshotgun fired REALLY fast like your guy was taking speed?). But it was fixed eventually (thank god) but wallhack still works.

Hope they fix it with HL2...

But OFP is still my favorite game.

I mean it sort of has an edge over HL to where you can create a dynamic mission on the fly instead of editing missions bulkily with WorldCraft.

I wish more developers would make internal scripting languages on the level OFP has. In OFP, creating a mod is ten times simplier. It's brilliant.

Ah, cheers to our friends, BIS.

But DoD is fun assuming you can find an admin heavy server (to ward off cheaters).

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Cheating is vastly blown out of proportion. I've played CS for YEARS and still barely see cheaters. In DoD I haven't noticed anyone cheating either. Not to say just because I can't see it it's not there, but if I can maintain a positive ration and pick off each person on the opposing team, if they are cheating, they suck at that too.

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Blah...use to play DoD since beta 1...heh still remember the G43 sniper biggrin_o.gif and the old old Omaha map crazy_o.gif

Good times

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Cheating is vastly blown out of proportion.  I've played CS for YEARS and still barely see cheaters.  In DoD I haven't noticed anyone cheating either.  Not to say just because I can't see it it's not there, but if I can maintain a positive ration and pick off each person on the opposing team, if they are cheating, they suck at that too.

I think I see people cheating all the time, but it's usually just me lashing out at others cos I suck so bad most of the time. crazy_o.gif

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I shall let you in on a little piece of priceless knowledge. If you killed them, it is skill. If they obviously cheated. smile_o.gif Yes, everytime you die, accuse everyone else on the server (even your own team mates) of cheating, yelling it over and over, untill you go hoarse.

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I loved DoD but I haven't played 1.1 (or whatever they're up to now). Last v I played was 1.0. That's not because I don't wanna, just because I'm playing nothing online until I get another broadband connection sorted out (maybe by March!!! smile_o.gif ). Wish they hadn't nerfed the MGs so thoroughly though. Wish they hadn't got rid of Heutau for 1.0 either. There's some really good clan servers for it and you could almost always find a decent game going on somewhere.

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I've been playing DoD since the very early betas. I think my favourite version was 2.0 (that was the big change which introduced MGs, deploying, stamina etc.)

1.1 is definitely better than 1.0 though. The MGs are better (though not as good as 2.0 - MGs were amazingly good in 2.0, really really nerfed for 3.0, same 3.1, slightly nerfed for 1.0(wallshooting), made a little better for 1.1)

I don't play as MG, but fighting against good MGs is great.

I miss heutau too. And bleeding. Those are the two things I want back most, I think.

As DoD has gotten more popular, its been getting simplified for all the newer, CS style or quake style players... .very bad thing IMO- I don't want CS in WWII.

Steam isn't that bad now. People don't realise the logistical difficulties that it faced when it first started.

Most of the 'cheap' exploits are fixed now. The only one that remains is the 'change direction and the game thinks you have stopped = accurate shot' bug, which the team claim to be unable to fix.... hmm.

Very, very good mod though.

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A little bug I had the other some fun with is the scoped pistol smile_o.gif

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Day of defeat can be really fun if you can play it with two ,my brother isn't into Ofp (he refuses to try it because it looks to complicated sad_o.gif ) ,but he is like i a regular DoD players as we play toghether in the weekends from time to time.

Best to find a good server though ,i don't know if anybody of you guys know "the kustom kettle" ? A custom map server with players that know how to make it hard for you.

Still Dod has a lot of small nice details that are fun.Like you can "cook" (prime) a grenade ,so that it bursts in the air for ex. for max dammage ,or doesnt give youre enemy the time to flee from the nade.If a grenade isn't cooked and thrown at you ,you can even pick it up and throw it back at youre enemy.I once killed half a team (about 8 men) coming from their spawn as allie with a german nade that was thrown to me ,man have i been called cheater that day.

Boosting guys up weird places is cool to ,youll be called cheater just because they cant find you.Assshooting is even funnier ,there are places on the maps of DOD where you can sit and watch the enmy move by withought them noticing you ,and then you just kill them off in the back.Theyll never know what hit them if you do it right.My brother once had a score of 80 with 0 death's because i had boosted him on the building left of the allies spawn in Caen (if youre coming from that spawn) and he could just shoot all these guys in the back with his Kar withought being seen.

Then there are the dark rooms ,mucho fun if there arn't lamers using full brightness.Just sit in the dark waiting till an enemy passes by ,if it's dark enough hell never see you even if he's 50centimeters away from you.Then when he has passed shoot him in the back.

Another cool thing at DOD ,every weapon has it's own sound ,even if it isnt being shot.You can hear what gun an enemy carries just by the sound of him running.You can also surpress the sound of you moving by using crouch ,and when firing from the dark the pistol is the only weapon withought mussleflash so it doesn't show youre position.I remember a lot of total dark room fights when one bagan to fire in the wild ,others see the mussleflash and shoot on that ,showing mussleflash themselfs ,and some smart ass just kills them all with his pistol.  biggrin_o.gif

DoD can be the ultimate stealth game if you play it well ,real fun.Afcourse it depends of the map though ,standard DoD maps usually have less potential for the stealth player and more for the assault player.

There is also the enourmous flexibilety of movement.The jumping in DoD can be very fun if you are used to it ,vets can jump trough windows and over walls much easier than noobs do ,it's a question of handling the shift key well when jumping.But i know a lot of DoD maps with some tricky jump spots that can be cool.Avalanche for ex ,when coming from the allies spawn on the main road there is a arc over that ,you can use that arc as a third route however it can require some acrobatics ,and if you fail it can result in a deadly fall.

Same goes for the Axis in that map ,there is a small Arc leading to a gap in the church wall near the axis spawn but it's not always easy to use ,especially as allies.

i love Avalanche btw.

Dod is very fun because there are so much fun details that can be usd to youre advantage.

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Cheating is still there.

I remember on this map Anzio was it? It's the building with the church is to the left of allies spawn and there is a house to the right with three floors and a backway leading to a flag.

Anyway, an axis grenadier kept going in that house and throwing grenades near our spawn, somehow he knew how to "time them just right" and he would always know exactly when we were outside defending that flag.

But that doesn't mean he could have been cheating, just extremely good.

I know one time I went on a roll with my rifle. Oh my god. It was a british vs axis map, it must be new with the new version because I haven't played it that much (I played DoD when it was early) and I must have killed 25 people before I died, then spawned and did it again.

...Of course there was cries of cheater but when somebody is straifing down where a whole column of axis players are and they have poor aim, there really isn't anything you can do execpt fire your damn weapon; use cover fire. They didn't, which is why I owned them.

Still, I bet I could go on google find a cheat and it would work. Which is sad.

I remember playing since beta 2.0 CS with my uncle (I was like, sheesh, 12) good times. I remember in version... 4.0 was it? Sig Commando was too accurate... heh heh.

Me and him had the oppertunity to go to a giant clan based torny that was coming to NJ, the entry fee was $100 and dunno what the prize was... think it was decked out computers or video cards or something. We didn't go because we had nobody else in the family who were as good as us or knew anybody so it was only us.

Yeah. I write too much.

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I find it odd that many people are complaining about shotgun MGs while the true (auto)shotgun is MP-44. I mean it has great accuracy for automatic weapon, nice 30 rounds mag and more power than other smgs. In narrow maps it's the ultimate weapon. I remember capturing all points and killing all allies I saw along the way with another MP-44 player, in less than one minute.

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I think the MP-44 is the rough equivalent of the BAR. I actually prefer the BAR when I'm playing the US. When I play the British, I prefer being on the German side. wink_o.gif

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Want a more realistic WWII Multiplayer FPS?

Got Unreal Tournament 2003?

Well... Red Orchestra is the answer



OFP is the answer.

OFP is the answer to everything!

Well, besides strategy games.

In which case, the Combat Mission series of games rules.

Speaking of which, I need to find Afrika Corps and install.

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