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Who´s going to win ?

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I consider myself a pessimist so I say republicans. unclesam.gif

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Last time I checked, Bush had an approval rating over 50% unclesam.gif .

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Last time I checked, Bush had an approval rating over 50% unclesam.gif .

Bush's reelection wouldnt make me a happy camper smile_o.gif I think he is a dangerous person who is big bussiness lap dog and has no fear of starting wars to please his campaign contributors.

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Yes, and I can personally vouch that the lower class income and those with below poverty line income (Which is about 35 to 40% of US population.) are VERY displeased about his economic and financial policies.  Dispite the heavy attempts for U.S. president George Bush to appeal to the lower class and working poor, he will fail miserably at that.

G.W. Bush can only congratulate himself for homeland security and the war on terror a few times before people are going to be sick of hearing him gloat about it.

You tell me what president would NOT pass appropriate legislation for a department of homeland security or the other events recently after 9/11.

To say that Bush did anything more special than any other president that could have been in that circumstance is pure igorance on that person's part.  He did what was expected of him in a time of crisis, nothing more than what any other president would have done.

The problem with his "Economic Recovery Package" is it only truely benifited businesses and nothing directly was provided to help workers in finding jobs or helping them through this difficult economic time period.

Thus, businesses are beginning to prosper but few jobs are being created, that is because this aid package has actually hurt job creation by providing businesses a rationale thinking of doing even more work per employee, despite the need for more positions.

In addition, the U.S. tax cuts do nothing but provide a small "adrenaline shot" of money that could be better spent on helping many lower their health care costs, maintaining federal and assisting state programs for the working poor, and keeping the U.S. as far as possible from drowning in huge deficit.

If the U.S. president G.W. Bush is reelected, we can see the North Korean crisis grow even worse.  If he is reelected, the U.S. economy will assurely stagnate for at a minimum of 2 to 4 years.  At least one or two more new wars in which the U.S. will be entangled in.  At the end of that reelected term, the U.S. will be the most disliked and hated in 50 years.

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Yes, when it comes to his domestic policy, Bush is an idiot. As for foriegn policy - well yeah he hasn't exactly handled everything so smoothly. It's time for Bushie-wooshie to go the way of the dohdoh and for someone who doesn't see the world in black/white/good/evil to step in and take the wheel.

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I hope Bush isn't elected for the first time, but I fear he will be.

Religious fundamentalists = bad government.

You really should move back in time to the USSR, I think you'd be happier there. Here in America we welcome religion though.

Anyway, looks to me like Bush is going to win. The democrats haven't been able to pull out a strong candidate this time around and all they've really got to run on is "Hey, don't you guys hate Bush too?"

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I wouldn't be so quick to count Bush in yet. It's very very early. Bush Sr. was riding the same sentiment in 92' and slick willie pulled a fast one on him.

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You're right, it's not smart to put all your confidence in one candidate so early. But on the other hand the democrats don't have any Bill Clintons running this term, or even Al Gores. These are bottom-of-the-barrel candidates.

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LOL. IMO, Al Gore was NOT a great candidate. He had no personality and he talked down to the public as if they were kindergarteners.

I voted for Gore, but it was far from an easy decision to make. My vote in 2000 was one of those "lesser of two evils" votes.

We'll see.

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I hope Bush isn't elected for the first time, but I fear he will be.

Religious fundamentalists = bad government.

You really should move back in time to the USSR, I think you'd be happier there. Here in America we welcome religion though.

Anyway, looks to me like Bush is going to win. The democrats haven't been able to pull out a strong candidate this time around and all they've really got to run on is "Hey, don't you guys hate Bush too?"

A nation that was built on the principle of the seperation of church and state, and freedom of religion (and from religion) for all != Welcoming religion.

You're free to believe in whatever sky fairies you like, but it should not influence your government policies (as it heavily influences Bush's)

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goddamn it man, at less you guys got a choose

(i get stuck with that dumbass C.E. in hong knog ) crazy_o.gif

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LOL. IMO, Al Gore was NOT a great candidate. He had no personality and he talked down to the public as if they were kindergarteners.

I agree. Gore might have been a good president, but he had little charisma, which made him weak in contests of popularity, such as elections.

I think that Bush will win the elections. People in USA don't appear to be to concerned about the whole lying-to-start-a-war thingie, and the economy is getting better.

From a general point of view, I think electing a man like Bush is a homage to dark-age mentality. He appeals to the oldest part of the human brain. Capping the brain stem is the R-Complex, the seat of aggression, ritual, territoriality and social heirarchy, which evolved hundreds of millions of years ago in our reptilian ancestors...on the outside, living in uneasy truce with the more primitive brains beneath, is the cerebal cortex...Civilisation is a product of the cerebal cortex.

Bush appeals to the reptilian brain. It would be nice with a candidate who appeals to the higher brain functions and the cerebal cortex.

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I hope Bush isn't elected for the first time, but I fear he will be.

Religious fundamentalists = bad government.

You really should move back in time to the USSR, I think you'd be happier there. Here in America we welcome religion though.

Anyway, looks to me like Bush is going to win. The democrats haven't been able to pull out a strong candidate this time around and all they've really got to run on is "Hey, don't you guys hate Bush too?"

Are you sure you live in the United States rock.gif

Go out on the street and ask your neighbour what he thinks of muslims biggrin_o.gifunclesam.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Go out on the street and ask your neighbour what he thinks of muslims

"Nothing." tounge_o.gif

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I will win, because I am l337 a55 ub3r seXee! tounge_o.gif

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Bush so far has a probability of 80% of being reelected. That is the stats! But no candidate of the republicans has become the clear candidate yet! Lets wait and see. If Bush wins again then I will see the country go down.

American freedom?

Yes sure with big brother watching you!

Everyone can become a millionaire?

Not realy. Tax cuts only for the rich, but what percentage in the US does get rich?

We fight terorism?

No you will just get more frantic about it. HALLUCINATIONS. If someones wants to bomb you, he is gonna do it, and no you wont catch him by storing Credit Card informations!

Freedom of press! Freedom to speak up!

Only if you dont speak against the government

Melting pot of cultures!

Except if you got french or muslim predeccessors!


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Quote[/b] ]We fight terorism?

No you will just get more frantic about it. HALLUCINATIONS. If someones wants to bomb you, he is gonna do it, and no you wont catch him by storing Credit Card informations!

No, but we can get more and more belligerant tounge_o.gifblues.gif .

Quote[/b] ]Freedom of press! Freedom to speak up!

Only if you dont speak against the government


Quote[/b] ]Tax cuts only for the rich, but what percentage in the US does get rich?

The rich here pay a huge percentage of the taxes, though they don't make up much of the population.

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Hmm...I'm for republicans but not for Bush. Dunno, it's one of those things.

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Of course you can speak up against Bush...,here in a little forum, that wont anoy anyone. but I am talking about REAL PUBLICITY on TV. Nothing will get banned, Murdock just wont show it on TV!

I just read that a CEO of a LLC or Plc gets about 112 times more than the average hands-on worker in his company. Now in germany that is 16 times and in Norway/sweden even only 14 times. That realy sounds like a hell lot of taxes to me! I am not a socialist but did you ever notice how few people in the US possess more than 70% of total wealth in the US. YOu would be surprised.

Last but not least. I cant hear this "fight the evil in the world" anymore. The Reps are basically always at war with everything. They convince people to give up their privacy by making them afraid of "terorists", "WMD", "French and european treason" and and and!

Oh and did I forget that they lied to you concerning WMD and Saddam? tounge_o.gif

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I don't know who will win, and neither do you, so the only logical answer to who will win is "I don't know." Now if you would have asked me who I think will win... biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

But anyway, I would put my money on the republicans.

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all depends.

if Iraq situation turns worst, which still is a posiibility, then Bush should tread carefully.

on one hand here is a funny research on which party brings more increase in stock market.


Quote[/b] ]NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - History shows the stock market does better under Democrats.

A recent study from the University of California at Los Angeles, published in the October issue of the Journal of Finance shows that between 1927 and 1998, the stock market returned approximately 11 percent more a year under a Democratic president versus safer, three-month Treasurys. By comparison, the stock market only returned 2 percent more a year versus the T-bills under Republicans.

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