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Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

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Sorry about this I was just mucking around in OFP and i was getting of the computer when the troops disenbarked and i taught it looke awsome, I didn't use any animations or place them, they just purely disembarked.


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I've been toying arround with a self-made Iraqi-like island

F/A 18's stationed at the international airport

Picture 1

Kiowa patrol over the city

Picture 2

Marine checkpoint

Picture 3

Rangers patrolling the hood

Picture 4

Even the cavalery needs a rest

Picture 5

They doesn't work! I am not allowed to hotlink does anybody know how to solve it? sad_o.gif

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A russian naval pt76 fires at a house suspected to be a rebel hidout:


A to late the realise they have let their guard down:


just fun with the csla addons tounge_o.gif

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damn pictures forgot to check sad_o.gif

VDV machine gunner:


VDV looking at grafeti..err maybe not

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This AN-2 looks fantastic! Is it released? And where do I find these VDV troops? I think I have missed a download somewhere...

It will be released as part of the nogovan armed forces project smile_o.gif Its still work in progress.

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The OFP:CP Awards polls will most likely run soon after the VIP's.  I'm hoping to spread out the voting joy tounge_o.gif

In either case, I've decided that the winners of the OFP:CP Awards should get a little something.  I want to give them a picture to put into their sigs.  (Avatar's such as the one's VIP's recieve are not feasable)  If you don't want to make a picture on your own, PLEASE submit an idea you may have or what you would like to see it look like.  I have a little something already that I'm working on, but I want to know what everyone really wants.  And if someone submits a really good one, then I'll surely run with that instead of mine.  Anyone to submits a winning idea or sig will be recognized, (Sorry, no prizes for you.  Just fame on the forums  wink_o.gif  )

If you submit a sig please include the text of 2003 and something about the combat photography. (Wether it be OFP:CP, or OFP Combat Photography, whatever, please include it so everyone knows what it is right off the bat).

Thanks in advance and good luck to all those top 10'ers in the contest.

(I'm thinking of creating a Wildcard poll during/after the contest, to recognize someone who deserves it, and/or someone who was not around during the contest's start.  There are a few newcomers that IMO really deserve to be recognized.  Just in case, please send a nomination for a wildcard and a reason why you think they should be nominated)

Edit: Please PM me all ideas/entries

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RHS + Iraqi (i forgot)






@Harnu: => Thx 4 inf.

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Marine checkpoint


Kiowa patrolling the city


Cavalery taking a break


Hoping this host lasts longer wink_o.gif

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