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Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

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Hunting season is open ... but this time it's gazelles' turn to be the hunters :

Tactical flight


Careless ennemi tanks near gazelle's patrol zone.


target aquired, ready to engage.


first shoot, russian crew didn't see anything due to gazelle's landscape advantages use.


armored target missed (thanks OFP's AI smile_o.gif ).. but tank crew killed.


second shoot


this time, russians are a little less lucky


mission accomplished, threat destroyed


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some pics i took:

Rangers Stacked up along side of HMMWV:


where did you get that Marine Hummer from

well its not exactly a Marine Hummer, actully its the Army's hummer, and its maned by BAS's Desert Rangers. and it comes with War Games addon pack/MOD thing. i think its a great pack, although some people dont see the diffrence crazy_o.gif

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first magic photoshop rule:

#forget about that blend spot filter!


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I wish someone would re-texture that frenchpoint gazelle, or bring the malvinas one over to the West.

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@Acecombat: Bah, what explosion script/effect is that?

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Absolutly amazing pictures Ace, really good. Is the island the Afghan Island by CATSHIT that is being worked on by that other guy now? (that's not released yet)

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AGREE!!!  wow_o.gif  Those pics are AWESOME!!

Me want wallpaper! Me want wallpaper! Me want wallpaper!

If you have a high res version of the above two pics I would be really happy! Again; thse are GREAT pics!

[edit] What island is that in the first pic of th above two?? Looks like a new version of the afghanistan map. It looks awesome [/edit]

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Thank you peeps for appreciating the pics  smile_o.gif

That island is CAT SHIT ONES previously latest version (confused ?  biggrin_o.gif ) , well it was the version he last worked on now mad aussie is making it anew so its NOT the VERY LATEST version. Anyway i put some tonal objects and those OFP Serbia mods mosque , its real nice.

That explosion is from RUDE DOGS bradley it uses RHS scripts so you all should better explode your T-55s and see if they blow up the same way , i just lurve that bradley it explodes like a mini nuke  tounge_o.gif

P.S: Incase someone was wondering what Palm trees are doing in afghanistan then you should know i was trying to simulate ethopia/eritrea here just like the Ghost recon theme since these new army units remind me of GR.

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Para's place. Only the unit list on the bottom got cropped.

2500m view distance, 2560x1024x32 on a 256mb 5600. Dual 19" monitors. A7N8X-DLX with the AGP underpower bug. sad_o.gif

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