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Anyone play star wars galaxies

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Just wondering if anyone plays this...considering venturing into Massively Online gaming and wondered if this was a good start.

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i never pay to play but if i would take a game it would definatly be star wars galaxies or final fantasy 11

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As soon as they implement the features they promised, then I will get this.

Until then, I am not going to bother.

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The last thime I heard of SWG it was shit. It wasn't even close to what they promised. Dunno if there has been any patches.

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Dunno if there has been any patches.

I heard alot of the problems were fixed with alot of patches, as in any MMORPG.

I play Anarchy Online, but I hope to soon try SWG.

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I'm waiting for Enigma: Rising Tide's MMORPG version.

I'm all alone! sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

NO offfense but that game sucked, i prefer playing TrainZ Railroad Simulator 2004

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yes I have it.. I actually just got done playing it jsut now.

It's a very fun game, SWG and OFP are probably the 2 biggest games that I play. Most the bugs have been fixed with SWG, and it's nearly perfect now...sure you gotta pay to play, but it's not an overwhelming price at all. No biggie.

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Never did try SW:G. But if you are longing for a great Star Wars gaming experience try Star Wars Knights. Of The Old Republic. One of the best games to come out in a fair while, and definatley worth a purchase if you like the Star Wars universe. Nothing quite like farting about in a jedi robe cozying about in that ancient old wisdom tounge_o.gif

As for returning on-topic.

Personally I don't really see the charm in MMORPG's sure I had a nice time with people who could actually roleplay on a semi private Ultima Online server, but as for going public just to see little trolls running around shouting "n00b" and "cr4aft m33 4 l337 haXxX0r suit of leather 4rm0r dr00d" for oh say what 12$ a month? When I play a RPG I want to roleplay I don't want to just play, there's a sandbox on the corner for that wink_o.gif

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I did'nt really enjoy Knights of the old republic that much... the beggining was pretty boring...

I jsut want my lightsabers and I'm all set smile_o.gif

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SWG is one of the best MMO's out there, no contest. Still, it suffers from many of the same problems as the others.

To me, these kind of games get tedious after a while because it all becomes routine. Nothing really changes. Nothing happens.

I think the reason it gets that way is the fact that characters never really die and there is pretty much no risk in whatever you do. You cant lose that much even if you pull insanely stupid stunts.

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I was a Beta tester for the game and was very disappointed when they released it with all the bugs still in it. I just recently heard that now you can ride an animal (Taun-Taun maybe?) so maybe i will get a copy for me and one for my daughter so we can save the galaxy together wink_o.gif

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Just got this for son a few weeks ago and set him up,he plays it and likes it.

I actually haven't even seen any screens or watched him play it yet.So I can't say much.

I play Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic , I have a savegame going, but its not really my thing,it plays like Red Faction,Halflife and along those lines

unrelated:I just beat sp Call Of Duty (its easy,not enough missions)

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My only expirience in MMORPGs was a 14-day free trial of Earth & Beyond, and I have to say it was pretty dang good. Haven't heard much good of SWG, though.

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I play Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic , I have a savegame going, but its not really my thing,it plays like Red Faction,Halflife and along those lines  

Errmm... what? KotoR's an RPG, mang.

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I have and play Star Wars Galaxies, but must say: I would suggest waiting 6 months or so before getting in. As of now, about the only thing that makes it "Star Wars" is the graphics. The "civil war" is a joke (basically the only defining element is what symbol is above someones head if they have declared themselves to a particular side.) There is VERY little content to the game. "Missions" are ultra repetetive go to point A where some critters will spawn. Kill, go get another mission that plays the same way. They have a fabulous groundwork layed out. Now they need to put some content in to make it FEEL like Star Wars, let alone make it seem like you are doing something, rather than killing the same looking critters over and over again. Beyond that, you can mine resources, and build stuff. Land vehicles don't work, as when you repair them, the repairs dissapear. (And they are merely a means of travel. No combat with vehicles either. sad_o.gif ) If Sony gets their ass in gear, they can easily make this a masterpiece. As is, it makes me think Lucasarts would have been better served to let someone else do the game. (As is, I don't think it should have been released, even in the state it is in now. Still has a ways to go to get close to what was "sold" to the customer.)

One other point: The "Battlefields" (where factional players can go to fight at any time) have been removed to be fixed. This makes the weak modeling of a civil war go from bad, to a horrible joke.

I am gonna cancel my account probably this month, and then toggle on and off every 3 months, till it is up to muster. (Your account will remain intact after being cancelled for 3 months. After that, no guarantee.. so can "buy" 1 month every 3, and still keep your stats, gear, etc.) If you do get in now, you can at least build up your character, and maybee if and when it is built up to a respectable game, have yourself at a level where you can go mix it up in the universe, and not get killed by a little mouse or something. biggrin_o.gif

Don't wish to sound so negative, but just being honest. It is so agrevating to see so much potential, even with what is there, but for it to go unused, as the devs are more worried about tweaking weapon stats, than putting meaningful content into the game. I don't give a crap if my gun does X or X+1 dammage, but I sure as hell care if I can do unique missions that give some feeling of the Star Wars universe as it existed on film, and in literary volumes. Be part of the Empire or Rebellion, not someone who gets 1 of 2 symbols floating over my head, must buy the troops I command, the equipment I use, only to have it lost, and buy it again. It just feels like the whole civil war was an afterthough, and so they put the symbols in to try and fool people. smile_o.gif

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I'm planning on getting SWG this summer, after i get a job and upgrade my computer.

At the moment i occasionally play the game on my friend's account. Baron's observations are good ones. In the coming months they are adding much to the game.

However, it is about the same as every other MMORPG. They did need to have the game out now so they could sift through all the problems.

In all of the MMORPG i have played you will never get the atmosphere of the game world if you go out and rely on the game to give it to you. What will make SWG really come alive will be the players.

Well, that is my opinion. Now all i need to do is power up my computer and get the damn game.

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I play Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic , I have a savegame going, but its not really my thing,it plays like Red Faction,Halflife and along those lines  

Errmm... what? KotoR's an RPG, mang.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is an RPG, and a fun one at that.

The storyline they came up with is much better than that POS one they are using in the new movies.

If your looking for all out nonstop action DONT get this game. But, if your looking for a game that immerses (sp?) you in an great story and has its fair share of Hacking and Blasting then DO buy this game.

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