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War on drugs?

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What if OPF2 had a campaign about the US war on drugs in south america.

It would be interesting to see a campaign where you do guerrila warfare against south american drug cartels, or even colombias FARC military.

Or what about this.. .. the war against Cuba, the bay of pigs .. or something like that.

It would be completely untouched territory!

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Problem is that politics with S America tend to prevent any military intervention by a foriegn power.

And bombing drug bases tends to piss the locals off I guess. Call it collateral damage maybe.

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Quote[/b] ]It would be interesting to see a campaign where you do guerrila warfare against south american drug cartels, or even colombias FARC military.

Nightstalker Mod (Forums)

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That's cool smile_o.gif

I think its a great idea, just not exactly something the sequel should really focus on. Just for authenticity reasons.

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You're not getting me Freidchicken, the U.S. has in the past used Special Operations Units to combat the drug cartels in South America.

I am suggesting 1 of the 3 campaigns in OPF2 be completely a guerrilla warfare one that utilized US Army Special Forces.

That would be a unique change. Instead of fighting states or military forces, you would be combating drug lords, and various other players in the South American drug cartels. It would be a "dirty uncoventional" campaign.

Or as for my 2nd idea, : A US campaign against Cuba. I think that is a new idea, definitely different from all these "Nam" ideas, or another cold war campaign, or something like that.

Personally I think they should do ANYTHING except for another Cold War campaign. They've already done that exceptionally well in CWC, Red Hammer, and Resistence. No need to do it again.

Cmon now, no more Soviets. Some other Nation.

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Cmon now, no more Soviets.  Some other Nation.

Oh yeah? How about no more Americans? I think that would be VERY original. smile_o.gif

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Ok, I surrender smile_o.gif

Sounds like a great idea. There's the Ghost Recon Expansion pack in cuba which was really fun.

But then no one ever wins a drug war, people still smoke the stuff in the end

wink_o.gif like how people really do pay for your diamond, one soul at a time

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What if OPF2 had a campaign about the US war on drugs in south america.

It would be interesting to see a campaign where you do guerrila warfare against south american drug cartels, or even colombias FARC military.

Or what about this.. ..   the war against Cuba, the bay of pigs .. or something like that.

It would be completely untouched territory!

What about Attack Helicopters? What about tanks? what about planes?

last time I checked the police took care of drug deals, not the American Military branches.

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What if OPF2 had a campaign about the US war on drugs in south america.

It would be interesting to see a campaign where you do guerrila warfare against south american drug cartels, or even colombias FARC military.

Or what about this.. ..   the war against Cuba, the bay of pigs .. or something like that.

It would be completely untouched territory!

What about Attack Helicopters?  What about tanks?  what about planes?

last time I checked the police took care of drug deals, not the American Military branches.

If you didn't notice, you also quoted a Cuba suggestion...sure, tanks etc. would be included there but...Cuba would be even less of a fight than Iraq, IMO.

Icefire, do you have any theme suggestions that would include even a teeny bit balanced sides?

It's either USSR, China or space aliens, I think... wink_o.gif

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SpecOp, as for your comment, yes, the US military has definitely taken guerilla action against drug cartels in South America.  That is what I was refering to about the war on drugs.  

And Gollum, it WOULD be balanced.  Remember our forces fighting the drug lords and guerilla militias were primarily Special Forces groups.  They would do raids and the such.  I also remember reading about the US using Cobra and Apache choppers to attack enemy forces there.

It was one of our "dirty little wars" down there, no tanks, no artillery.   Just a ton of Special Forces leading groups of resistence fighters in a dirty "unofficial" war down in South America.  I believe Special Forces also trained, and worked with the various South American governments to help in the fight against these guerillas and drug cartels, who were often more powerful than even the governments down there.

Tell me that this does not sound like a promising premise for a campaign.  Cmon, it is just loaded with possibility.

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Quote[/b] ]It was one of our "dirty little wars" down there, no tanks, no artillery.   Just a ton of Special Forces leading groups of resistence fighters in a dirty "unofficial" war down in South America.  I believe Special Forces also trained, and worked with the various South American governments to help in the fight against these guerillas and drug cartels, who were often more powerful than even the governments down there.

Tell me that this does not sound like a promising premise for a campaign.  Cmon, it is just loaded with possibility.

That's why we (Nightstalker) are making our mod. Jungles, special forces, and drug cartels... biggrin_o.gifwow_o.gif

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I get the feeling these people ignored your 1st post M21man wink_o.gif

My MOD, nightstalker, is ALL ABOUT this, fighting with US and British Special (Yup, SAS was in colombia to "train" the colombian army) forces in colombia (and eventually Borneo

when we get to it). Nice dirty little forgotten wars noone is even meant to know about.

Guerilla warfare, in the dirt, close proximity action against the ELN and FARC groups.

Nightstalker Mod

Nightstalker Mod Forums

We've been going about 8 months, weve just been keeping quiet and working our asses off instead of boasting about every little bit of progress we make..... smile_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

BTW, the idea for this mod came while taking a shower about 9 months ago smile_o.gif just thought thats really quite amusing and had to add it :P

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Quote[/b] ]BTW, the idea for this mod came while taking a shower about 9 months ago

wink_o.gif I sometimes have ideas for islands at 2:00 AM, so I go downstairs and add something tounge_o.gif .

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I don't know... I jsut see Operation Flashpoint more of a solid "war" theme. War on Drugs seems a bit thrown out there... but it could definately be used as a mod for OFP2...but the actual game itself? BIS would'nt dare..

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Quote[/b] ]I don't know... I jsut see Operation Flashpoint more of a solid "war" theme.

So do I. BIS should stick to basic war campaigns and let mod teams do the rest.

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Hey Pathy, what you described and the way you described it was EXACTLY what I had in mind.

"Dirty little forgotten wars that noone is meant to know about".

As for what you said about the idea coming to you in the shower.

Hehe, I get lots of great ideas in the shower. In fact many people do. It's kind of a phenomenon as to how some people feel very inspired and come up with brilliant ideas while in the shower.

It happens to me so often that I have even considered keeping a pen and pad of paper in the shower to write down ideas. Only if there was a way to get past the whole "wetness" factor.

Anyhow, I think I have articulated well enough what I would hope to see in such a "drug war" campaign.

I don't see why BIS would avoid it if they are willing to do a "Resistance" type campaign. Resistence arn't even a real military army. It's a guerilla militia.

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It happens to me so often that I have even considered keeping a pen and pad of paper in the shower to write down ideas. Only if there was a way to get past the whole "wetness" factor.

War on Drugs idea doesn't sound like much fun TBH, but:

Get a chinagraph pencil and a waterproof notebook if you want to write in the shower.

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Quote[/b] ]War on Drugs idea doesn't sound like much fun TBH

What's not fun about jungle warfare rock.gif ?

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The whole idea may only be a part of the sequel's scope but it would make a great expansion for updated mechanics and such.

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It could have an interesting story line, but game play could get boring, since there'd be a very low chance of anything other than infantry.

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And Gollum, it WOULD be balanced.  Remember our forces fighting the drug lords and guerilla militias were primarily Special Forces groups.  They would do raids and the such.  I also remember reading about the US using Cobra and Apache choppers to attack enemy forces there.

It was one of our "dirty little wars" down there, no tanks, no artillery.   Just a ton of Special Forces leading groups of resistence fighters in a dirty "unofficial" war down in South America.  I believe Special Forces also trained, and worked with the various South American governments to help in the fight against these guerillas and drug cartels, who were often more powerful than even the governments down there.

Tell me that this does not sound like a promising premise for a campaign.  Cmon, it is just loaded with possibility.

I am telling you that this does not sound like a promising premise for a campaign.

You convinced me even further.

OFP is not just about infantry combat, the whole point with the massive playing areas is that you can use different vehicles to get around. You mentioned helicopters. And spec ops. Yup, = Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, or Soldier of Fortune 2. Wow, maybe a jeep thrown in too! wow_o.gif

Did the drug dealers ever actually repel a raid? Did the spec ops lose more than 10 men (if ANY)? Goodbye, seeing the fight from many perspectives and balanced sides!

Also, only jungle and 3rd world urban areas would be modelled.

OFP is a war game with balanced sides, free playing areas and the ability to operate any vehicles, for cryin' out loud!

While what you described might make a fun game, it is the exact opposite of Operation Flashpoint, as far as semi-realistic action games go! crazy_o.gif

Loaded with possibility? Yes, what kind of craazy plot twists will happen before the U.S spec ops WIN, as you knew from the beginning!?

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I dunno if this is regarding the Nightstalker MOD, or if it is more general, so ill treat it as the 1st one....


You obviously dont see it as well as you think you do wow_o.gif

1)Infantry combat was what OFP was all about...for me, the other parts were just a boring interlude while i waited to get back into the infantry missions...

2) there are 15000 FARC and 10000 ELN guerillas, it is a war, not some minor ops....they are well equipped, well funded, and although not the best trained, they know the jungle....it has more potential for being a new vietnam that Iraq has....sure there are just "advisers" there now, thats what vietnam started out as......but jungle wars tend to be almost unwinnable, especially if the US piss off the locals, which is one of their tendancies.

3) you have no idea what our campaign has instore for the player. I'd bet on a balanced point of view.

4) Does it matter what areas are modelled?....you are pretty much saying the only realistic war scenario is one in 1st world cities or European style countryside...infact, its the 3rd world/jungle areas most likely to have seen war in the past 50 years.....

5)a war in the jungle is as realistic as a war anywhere else, and even more difficult to fight. (your fighting the environment as well)

6) Did the USA win vietnam? No, but at the start it was expected....war is not clear cut, especially in the jungle....

@EDC, yeh, all infantry combat, with helo insertions of course, BUT, there is alot more scope than most realise for infantry combat.......and as i recall, most soldier games, like ghost recon, or the delta force ones, are infantry only, and they are as popular as OFP...

@Icefire, glad we are along the right lines tounge_o.gif

@ everyone else, i hope BIS doesnt make a war on drugs campaign, because it will have already been covered.....

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