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Dkm tunguska v2

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Ok. I did'nt know the two 30mm calibers where different. I should have seen that (Warzav and NATO calibers used to be  a little different).

So the Tunguska has 4 single-barrelled guns?

I thought it had twin Gatlings. I've never looked into details on the Tunguska. Thanks for the headsup smile_o.gif

So does it have a higher ROF than a Shilka?

It seems it is alot more lethal than a Shilka in both OFP and LOMAC.

I believe the ROF has more impact than the caliber difference (14.5mm vs 30mm) when it comes to shooting down small aircrafts like a A-10 for instance. I could be wrong.

btw The Avenger GAU8 has 7 barrells but only one triggering-mechanism. I consider it as one cannon since it only changes barrells so they can cool down and to keep a high loading- and extracting-pace.

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So the Tunguska has 4 single-barrelled guns?

I thought it had twin Gatlings. I've never looked into details on the Tunguska. Thanks for the headsup smile_o.gif

Well, sort of... The weapon is actually the 2A38M 30mm twin barrel cannon. However, unlike the "conventional" style of gatling gun, the barrels dont' rotate, they simply fire alterately (so on the Tungska you only ever have 2 barrels firing at once, which effectively means that if they were 4 seperate cannons [like the Shilka] then it would have twice the RoF, making it an impressive 9,600 RPM!)

More info about the cannons can be found here.

Quote[/b] ]So does it have a higher ROF than a Shilka?

The ZSU-23-4, has 4 23x151mm AZP-23 cannons, each of which has an individual RoF of 800RPM. So in effect the Shilka has an "all up" RoF of 3,200 RPM, so yeah, the Tungska does fire faster, by a few 100 RPM. More info here.

Quote[/b] ]I believe the ROF has more impact than the caliber difference (14.5mm vs 30mm) when it comes to shooting down small aircrafts like a A-10 for instance. I could be wrong.

Yes, the RoF does come into it, since putting a screen of several thousand rounds up is much more effective than a few rounds. Imagine here having a Shilka, Tungska or Vulcan providing air defence, or a "slow" firing Bofors 40mm. Both functioning on optical guidance only, the rapid fire weapons would have a much higher chance of actually hitting the target than the slower RoF weapons. However, if the weapon system is only of a small calibre (say the NATO 7.62x 54mm of the M134, or even the 12.7x99mm of the M2 HB) then that calibre may not be powerful enough to do enough damage to the airframe in order to make it inoperable.

Note here that US UH-60A Blackhawk helicopters were still able to operate during Operation "Urgent Fury" in Grenada, even after recieving 100's of hits from small arms fire. One airframe was even found to have 76 bullet holes in its main and tail rotors, and 47 hits in drive shafts and other hydraulic systems, varying in size from 7.62 to 12.7mm. However it remained in flight, and all the crew returned to base safely. It wasnt until the AZP-23 23mm weapons of the ZSU-23-2 weapons opened fire that any Blackhawks were lost to ground fire.

Quote[/b] ]btw The Avenger GAU8 has 7 barrells but only one triggering-mechanism. I consider it as one cannon since it only changes barrells so they can cool down and to keep a high loading- and extracting-pace.

This is indeed true, however the main limiting factor on the RoF of "gatling" type weapons is overheating of the barrels, so the extra 6 barrels effectively make it equivalent to 7 weapons firing at the same time. And in the same manner, whilst the 2A38M has 2 barrels and 2 trigger mechanisms, only 1 operates at a time.

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deadmeat is quite right..

the tunguska's gun fires effectively with 1200 rpm per barrel, considering we are speaking of a 30mm cannon this is by NO means a small feat.

even the smaller 20mm vulcan of the F16 (combined rof of 6000 rpm) 'only ' fires ~860 rounds per barrel per minute

each tunguska barrel has the same rof as the MG3.. which is as far as i know one of the fastest firing machinegun to date.


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the tunguska's gun fires effectively with 1200 rpm per barrel, considering we are speaking of a 30mm cannon this is by NO means a small feat.

If you want to put that into perspective, each barrel of the weapon is firing a half-pint milk bottle size projectile every 0.05 of a minute.

Thats 3 milk bottles every second, per barrel...


Edit: I tried the "Tungska Vs. Abrams" earlier, and 1 on 1, with you as either the gunner or commander of the Tungska, the Abrams doesnt stand a chance. As soon as you factor in the AI capabilities, or switch to human control of the Abrams, the Tungska is toast. wink_o.gif

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each tunguska barrel has the same rof as the MG3.. which is as far as i know one of the fastest firing machinegun to date.


Nice. My favourite weapon to shoot while I was in the Norwegian AirForce was the MG-3. Partly because of the belt-length (in other words, no mag changing) biggrin_o.gif and the lovely high ROF tounge_o.gif

I did'nt get to shoot two at once though. Can't see why not tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]It wasnt until the AZP-23 23mm weapons of the ZSU-23-2 weapons opened fire that any Blackhawks were lost to ground fire.

I read somewhere that in areas such as Somalia, crews were effectively told to ignore small arms fire unless unavoidable, and to engage anything 12.7mm or bigger immediatly..

To the issues of it engaging ground threats; In the mission I am currently making, the crew engages a 5T truck without any targeting from myself, just because the gunner saw it.. so this thing doesn't mind getting invloved with ground targets.

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very great addon,but the smoke after missile launch disappear too much fast

srry for my english

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I like this addon very much!!!!! especially for its radar comunication, the precision of rockets and new textures cool things wink_o.gif                Littel oftopic now could you do something with Marfy's SA-13 from MT-LB pack because i realy like this pack  but the rockets of SA-13 are the worst i seen in ofp they have problems even hitting the ch-47 with no flares  crazy_o.gif  !! So could you do better rocket.I now you guys are good at this    biggrin_o.gif          

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Can anyone explaing how the group uplink thing works?

I have no clue what I am supposed to do with it and or what its even supposed to do. Didnt see anything about it in the readme sad_o.gif

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How come I need OFP v1.92 to use this addon ? I already have v1.94B, but it still asking me for v1.92.. anyway to fix this ?

Sorry fo the delayed answer.

Make sure you start the flashpointbeta.exe instead of the flashpointresistance.exe, else your game would run on 1.91 instead off 1.94.

Quote[/b] ]This is just a suggestion, I've never edited a vehicle in OFP...

...But why not have the two missile racks seperate? Like, you have to cycle to them? So you'd have Rack 1 and Rack 2, Rack 1 would fire missiles from the left rack, and rack 2 would fire missiles from the right rack.

Unfortunally that wouldn't solve the problem, since still only one firing point is allowed, so the both racks would share this point.

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Nice addon but I have a problem with its size.. it is to big..  just look at this



It's huge!! looks like it's atleas 1m too tall.. ok the RHS T64 is abit smallish..

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Chassis Length Overall (m) 7.93

Height (m)

TAR up 4.02

TAR down 3.36

Width Overall (m) 3.24


Length: 9.10 m (including gun)

6.40 m (hull)

Width 3.4 m

Height 2.2 m

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also notice how the roadwheels seem to be 'lifted'

obviously the suspension has been tampered with/failed in that photo. you can see that the chassis is on the ground.

let me make it more clear with this:


i think you guys will now see that this thing actually IS huge

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When I try to put the 2S6M-D on editor, the program bugs and stops...

I don't know why...

I use @ECP mod & Hisky...

Can you help ?

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When I try to put the 2S6M-D on editor, the program bugs and stops...

I don't know why...

I use @ECP mod & Hisky...

Can you help ?

I perhaps find the bug, the files was name DKMM_tungunska.pbo instead of DKMM_tunguska.pbo.

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let me make it more clear with this:


i think you guys will now see that this thing actually IS huge

Yes but it still looks oversized. The height of the people standing behind it seems to reach the top or near top of the chasis.

Whereas, in Bergmania's pic, above, the soldier is a head below it.

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yeah in the real photo the wheels go to the people's knees it looks, while in OFP it looks as if it goes to yer chest.

A tad too big, but still very nice!

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let me make it more clear with this:


i think you guys will now see that this thing actually IS huge

Yes but it still looks oversized. The height of the people standing behind it seems to reach the top or near top of the chasis.

Whereas, in Bergmania's pic, above, the soldier is a head below it.

They are russian so they're size are probably 2m... I m sure that the size is corret smile_o.gif

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I am sorry but I have to report again.

Using 3-4 Tunguska in a mission is causing a lag every second.

When playing CTI and the AI Commander is building 3-4, the game is getting laggy.

It has nothing to do with fps, you can look at the sky, having 100fps, and you see the clouds stop moving ~every second for a short moment.(lag)

MfG Lee

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