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Dkm tunguska v2

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Could it be the radar working with 4 of them ? Causing LAG like the MTLB addon? rock.gif

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we're looking into that

Thanks, the Tunguska is one of the most important vehicles in cti to fight against the powerful west "airforce".

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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we're looking into that

Thanks, the Tunguska is one of the most important vehicles in cti to fight against the powerful west "airforce".

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

You mean the unrealistically over-powered US jet addons which come out? biggrin_o.gif

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we're looking into that

Thanks, the Tunguska is one of the most important vehicles in cti to fight against the powerful west "airforce".

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

You mean the unrealistically over-powered US jet addons which come out?  biggrin_o.gif

No, I am not using jet addons in my cti, only on aec(everon - malden - kolgujev) a FA18 is sometimes very useful.

I mean all those great choppers(Littlebirds, Kiowas, Blackhawk DAP, Cobra, Apache, Comanche).

The tunguska is the only vehicle who keeps the west choppers and a10s at range. smile_o.gif


We played again today.

Same problem as said above.

The more tunguska on the map, the more lag we get.

The fps count jumps up and down every second.


Thx for investigating on this "bug".

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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The A-10 is a pussy! - One 30mm cannon round and it's toast! :P And that aircraft is supposed to be one of the most heavily armored fixed-winged aircraft in the world!

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The A-10 is a pussy! - One 30mm cannon round and it's toast! :P And that aircraft is supposed to be one of the most heavily armored fixed-winged aircraft in the world!

Funny eh?

There are so many aircrafts made for ofp, but no one is going to make a "realistic" A10.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Easy now......The A-10 ain't exactly armored like a tank. In fact, no aircraft is armored at all. Yes the A-10 has a better chance of survival than other A/C, but even it, if at the wrong end of a shilka or tunguska or similar anti-air systems will come off second best. The only armor protection an A-10 has is the Titanium tub that the pilot sits in and the the armored glass that can sustain something with the force of a birdstrike. The A-10 has the firepower of a tank, but not it's armor. wink_o.gif

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I thought the engine's also had a bit of kevlar around them along with other critical components such as flight control systems and fuel lines.   From what I understand most modern combat aircraft have critical areas armored with some kevlar in order to protect against shrapnel from hits on other parts of the aircraft and from shrapnel from AA missiles that detonate via proximity fuzes.  

Regardless during the both wars in Iraq, many A10's took enormous amounts of dammage and were still able to fly back to their base.  Its entire design is created for the purpose of taking heavy amounts of dammage and still being able to fly.

It also should be noted that the A10 performed very well over the more sophisticated Serbian air defence system encountered during the conflicts in Bosnia and Kosovo.  

So while it's not an extremely high-tech aircraft.  It's an incredibly maneuverable, very tough, and highly effective close air support/tank-killing aircraft.   It's main shortcoming in my opinion is the horrific ecological devestation that its DU cannon rounds cause to enviornments and human/animal health from the radioactive dust it lets out.  

Here is an interesting story by a female A10 pilot (which surprised me as I was not aware that the Airforce had female A10 pilots) who was probably in one of those A10's you saw on the news swooping over Baghdad during the final assault spraying Baghdad buildings and streets with cannon fire.  Below is a pic from that story.



But with all that said, I have little doubt that the most advanced Russian air defense systems like the Tunguska AA tank would likely give the A10 and all low flying combat aircraft alot of problems... much more then the old ZSU-23-4 Shilka whose fire control systems and radar US pilots and ECM specialists have a lot of experience countering.

But in practical usage Russian AA systems have seen more success in urban warfare such as in Grozy where they were used to take out snipers firing from within buildings where counter-snipers couldn't see them.   A few 23mm or 30mm HE into the floor of a building tends to silence snipers nicely.  

Also any OFP player knows how quickly a Shilka can wipe out a squad of your men within a few seconds.  

Anyhoo... this DKM Tunguska addon is definitely a great addon and goes very nicely with their T12 tank addon that they just released.   So for modern Russian combat missions, it's a fantastic addon that really balances things.  

Now I just wish someone figures out how to make a Humvee based Avenger AA system... probably not possible in OFP, but I hear Footmunch (I think it was him) is working on the problem of firing missiles from cars so maybe there is some hope for such systems in OFP as well as perhaps some of the older SA-9 GASKIN BRDM based AA armored cars  that have been widely used all over the world in many conflicts.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]Its entire design is created for the purpose of taking heavy amounts of dammage and still being able to fly.

That's right. The A-10 has duplicates of all major systems. Allowing it to take heavy damage, as in if one system is damaged, it's duplicate will take over, and allow the aircraft to function as per usual. Any Kevlar in an aircraft, is as you mentioned, for protection against missle schrapnel. This armor, In my view, is a token form of armor.

I was, however, speaking in reference to Wonder proclaiming the A-10 being a 'pussy' for coming down with a single burst of 30 mm cannon, and Lee saying that a more realistic A-10 is required in OFP. I agree, a more realistic A-10 is required, but it's current amor values are just fine, if not a little to high.

In regard to Wonders comment, Of course it would. Look at what the GAU-8 of the A-10 does to MBT's. And MBT's have inches of Armor. Reverse the situation, and have a 30mm cannon pointed at an Aluminium skinned aircraft with armor designed to protect the pilot and the systems from schrapnel, and of course the airplane will come down. What I really should have said was that no airplane is really 'heavily armored'. Yes, the A-10 is heavily armored, for a plane, but when a weapon that takes tanks apart is pointed at a plane, it will literally, rip the plane the shreads, or poke more holes in it than a can used for BB gun practice. smile_o.gif

Oh, and BTW, I used that same pic in a thread ages ago when discussing the surviveability of an A-10 over the modern battlefield, compared to the single engined JSF . wink_o.gif

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I have a little problem, can someone please test following situation:

Fly a FA18 over tonal with setviewdistance 3000.

Place a group of 4 tunguska.

Please tell me if you get a lag ~every second.

Then remove the tunguska group and fly again and look if the lag is gone.

Thank you.

MfG Lee

I have this problem to; perhaps is the @ECP script who cause bug with DKMM addons rock.gif

I don't know rock.gif

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The lag might be caused by long range radar of the tung, we will reduce the range, so hopefully it will run smoother. But it will take some time untill we release that version.

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The lag might be caused by long range radar of the tung, we will reduce the range, so hopefully it will run smoother. But it will take some time untill we release that version.

It would be cool to keep realistic range radar scan, perhaps you can improve your script, to be faster... Ask to Red & Snypir, they have a good knowledge of script programmation in OFP.

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We dont use a script, it is the default radar of OFP. That should allready be the fastest possible implementation.

But we scan atm 15 km around the Tung (a 30 km circle, so over the map borders). This is not really necessary and it wont make the Tung fire earlier (well we could make it fire earlier, but then flying in OFP would be real hell).

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If you need some "live" testings of a new config, you can send me a copy, if you want.

I would be glad to test it with my mates on our server.

MfG Lee

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But we scan atm 15 km around the Tung (a 30 km circle, so over the map borders). This is not really necessary and it wont make the Tung fire earlier (well we could make it fire earlier, but then flying in OFP would be real hell).

Ok But you can set the shooting range at 7KM and scanning range to 20km circle... Also the tung shoot to late... Only whne target is 1KM, is to short...

Perhaps somehone can make a good Anti Radar Script, like thos find in VIT plane or DKMM choppers, but with improvement, when I activate this fonction, the gunner cut it off, so could it be possible to add a script that works until you push it off... Also somehone shoold create a big map, dedicated for air fight... But large enough to be fun...

Still needed for AIRPLANE:

- Anti Radar Script who's not cut itself off autamticaly...

- Alarm Sound to prevent missile strike (could be done with @ECP)...

- Flares script for all plane (could be done with @ECP)...

- A JAM_Missiles files to Help addon maker creation, whit realistic parameter missile...

- Remove Dust/smoke effect, to be compatible with @ECP one...

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I love haveing no radar! It really brings a realistic aspect to OPF. We need to have a option to turn off the radar.

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