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Marine assault pack

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omn a note actual THERE IS a difference in the models the grenader actual is wearign a grenader vest with 40mm pouchs.. and i beleive the MG guys have thew ammo pouches for them..

it is somethign called realism.. marines rarely wear boonie caps they usual wear the marine cover.. but never in combat..

boonie caps look cool but are not meant for combat..but this point still remains if you don't liek what he did jsut don't download it or use it you don't need to whine and whine aboot it...

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Hey guys...I have been hearing about this from quite a few people. Let me set this straight...for the record...the ONLY pack which will ever be considered "official" will be the one at digitalgrenade...v1.0 that was released by Earl, Myself, Tactician, and Jocko. With that being said, I think its easy to see how confusion may have entered the picture if you read the transcript from the emails we exchanged. I take partial responsibility for this myself as I probably wasn't as clear as I should have been. He did indeed have permission to edit the config, but this is NOT an official addon. (it does sound like he did alot of work on it though, and this it addressed a few issues that some folks had brought up)

It sounds like a big misunderstanding to me, so go easy on the guy. He was trying to do something nice for the community. In hind site, I can see where it may be misinterpreted that I was giving a nod for an "official" update.

For the record. V1.0 (the original version of the pack) is the last "official" pack that will be released by the original team. Any additions or editing are NOT "official", but many of them are really kewl. (I recommend you try some of them). It has been my plan to some day host ALL of the edits which have or will be made for the package as sort of a one-stop MAP PACK location, but I think now (with all the confusion which this has caused) that I will forgo this plan. (hosting space would have probably limited me on this anyway).

Theres still a bunch of stuff out there too (like that armored crew man that blackdog recently dug up) that will probably surface eventually.

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@CalmTerror - Don't even try to bring up realism. The recon cover is the mark of a Marine that has earned 0321, and it is worn by Recon Marines almost all the time. You work hard to earn the right to wear it.

The vest can easily pass as an assault vest too, so no biggie. It has lots of pouches - anything can go in them. Besides, there is no law that says an OFP mission is always an assault. I make quite a few combat patrol missions where Marines would wear soft covers, or recon covers if applicable. Here is another news flash for your realism - not every Marine carrying an M203 wears a grenade vest...so use the rifleman model if the recon cover throws you into a tizzy. The world won't end. I promise.

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BTW Calm Terror - Marine is a proper name and always capitalized when referring to a United States Marine. One of those realism things.

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someone needs to reskin these in woodland and 3 color desert

Someone did awhile ago and quit. He tried using a Marine model for modern US Army, then Hykaushi's modern Infantry showed up and that was that. Besides, Marines don't use Woodlands or 3 color desert, and trying to pass them off as army wont work since they use different vests, body armor etc.

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the marines did use woodland and 3 color desert up until very recently.. you saw quite a bit of it in the early stage of gulf war II and afganistan.. i dont want to pass them off as army guys... HYK and BAS have that covered

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Then use the BAS stuff... it ain't gonna be done, and if it is, chances are since Suchey didn't do it, it's gonna suck compared to the original pack!

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eh I will lower case marines all I want.

they are not that special like they want you to beleive.

they are just infantry that is not even it's own branch it is part of the navy.

and marines DO NOT wear patrol caps for anything but garason work.. but still you all need to stop whining and complaining just don't use it if you don't like it. it is not that big of a deal..

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eh I will lower case marines all I want.

they are not that special like they want you to beleive.

they are just infantry that is not even it's own branch it is part of the navy.

and marines DO NOT wear patrol caps for anything but garason work.. but still you all need to stop whining and complaining just don't use it if you don't like it. it is not that big of a deal..

yes the Marine qcb operatives do wear night caps for some operations.

BTW are you canadian?

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again SF troops will wear hats etc for patrols and crap but these marines are NORMAL marines..

and no I am not a canadian why?

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Its strange i dont see anyone complaining if the rni should be wearing head scarfs or not or the MFR using goggles with the beret rock.gif , cmon its there, it looks good and would be a shame not to be used wether its the most realistic or not.

Its not like we dont have the option... i think it would be better to see things added to this pack other than removed smile_o.gif .

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the marines did use woodland and 3 color desert up until very recently.. you saw quite a bit of it in the early stage of gulf war II and afganistan.. i dont want to pass them off as army guys... HYK and BAS have that covered

They still do. There are plenty of pictures of USMC in Iraq wearing both standard woodland and 3 color desert. I've even seen a few running around on TV in just plain OD green uniforms. Although I think they are tank crew There's a great pictures on the offical USMC site

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eh I will lower case marines all I want.

they are not that special like they want you to beleive.

they are just infantry that is not even it's own branch it is part of the navy.

and marines DO NOT wear patrol caps for anything but garason work.. but still you all need to stop whining and complaining just don't use it if you don't like it. it is not that big of a deal..

Calm Terror - you do have problems, don't you?

Capitalizing has nothing to do with being "special", it is proper grammer. Try it out sometime.

There is no such thing as a "patrol cap" in the USMC. No clue what you are going on about.

Recon Marines are Marines, the MAP is about Marines. Not a difficult concept. Recon Marines wear the recon cover.

Non-recon Marines wear soft covers for patrols, OP/LPs, and other field work where hearing and stealth are more important than shrapnel protection.

The USMC is not part of the US Navy. The US Navy and the USMC are sister services of the Department of the Navy. It is not like other naval infantry forces of other countries, where their marines are naval soldiers. It is a seperate service in the US.

If you need any more information about the USMC feel free to ask, just try some nicer manners next time.

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Quote[/b] ]

Then use the BAS stuff... it ain't gonna be done, and if it is, chances are since Suchey didn't do it, it's gonna suck compared to the original pack!

what an amazing sentiment.. it will be tough though.. since BAS didnt make Marines.

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Calm Terror - you do have problems, don't you?

Capitalizing has nothing to do with being "special", it is proper grammer. Try it out sometime.

There is no such thing as a "patrol cap" in the USMC. No clue what you are going on about.

Recon Marines are Marines, the MAP is about Marines. Not a difficult concept. Recon Marines wear the recon cover.

Non-recon Marines wear soft covers for patrols, OP/LPs, and other field work where hearing and stealth are more important than shrapnel protection.

The USMC is not part of the US Navy. The US Navy and the USMC are sister services of the Department of the Navy. It is not like other naval infantry forces of other countries, where their marines are naval soldiers. It is a seperate service in the US.

If you need any more information about the USMC feel free to ask, just try some nicer manners next time.

Not trying to get into your argument guys. But the Marines are indeed a separate Military branch. US Marines do wear cloth hats and sometimes not hats at all for recon work. Here is a picture from the USMC homepage. It is small but at the bottom there is a link for a high res and low res blow up.


Typically recon units of all nations will wear soft cover as they usually travel long distances and stealth is required. A helmet is both heavy and can cause noise. Besides, if you’re a good recon unit you won’t be under any fire heavy enough to require a ballistic helmet smile_o.gif

To an extent your both right. Normally a main assualting unit would wear a helmet but it depends on circumstance

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Kammak, Calm_terror: consider yourselves both OFFICIALLY warned. If you want to squabble like that, you can expect to be PR'd. I don't much care who started it, but it stops now. You can discuss matters about realism etc. in a civil matter, or not at all.

People are trying to have a discussion about addons here. mad_o.gif

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again SF troops will wear hats etc for patrols and crap but these marines are NORMAL marines..

and no I am not a canadian why?

the eh at the start of your post... just wondering...

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the marines did use woodland and 3 color desert up until very recently.. you saw quite a bit of it in the early stage of gulf war II and afganistan.. i dont want to pass them off as army guys... HYK and BAS have that covered

They still do. There are plenty of pictures of USMC in Iraq wearing both standard woodland and 3 color desert. I've even seen a few running around on TV in just plain OD green uniforms. Although I think they are tank crew There's a great pictures on the offical USMC site

Did anyone say that these Marines are portraying Marines in Iraq?

After all, it was originally just the USMC MARPAT that were being made by Suchey and Earl. Then the decision came that an equal opponent had to be made, thus the Naval Infantry were born (in beta two or three). It was originally going to be named the USMC MARPAT Marines pack or whatever. Not the "USMC MARPAT and a couple of guys who didn't get their new uniforms yet" or the "USMC MARPAT pack that portrays only the brief transisition period between 3 color and digital camera instead of all/most conflicts in the near future, 2-3 years pack".

The marines all have different hats etc so it is easy to distinguish in multiplayer what you are up against.

I don't understand why you are ignoring my request to change the classnames, Mako.

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all i did was comment that someone should reskin these units.

i didnt say suchey should reskin them.

i didnt say that the marpat pack should have woodland guys.

but since the general thrust of this thread for the last 7 pages has been modifications of this pack i thought id throw taht out there.. it would be nice to have some woodland and 3 color camo marines, to represent deployments(not just iraq) currently going on, in the recent past and in the near future.

I didnt present this in a mean or confrontational way, demanding that it be made. it was just a suggestion.

...some people wonder why they have so many warning bars.. for god sake play nice.

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all i did was comment that someone should reskin these units.

i didnt say suchey should reskin them.

i didnt say that the marpat pack should have woodland guys.

but since the general thrust of this thread for the last 7 pages has been modifications of this pack i thought id throw taht out there.. it would be nice to have some woodland and 3 color camo marines, to represent deployments(not just iraq) currently going on, in the recent past and in the near future.

I didnt present this in a mean or confrontational way, demanding that it be made. it was just a suggestion.

...some people wonder why they have so many warning bars.. for god sake play nice.

Grandpa's war scars come from things like bashing democrats (though if I bashed republicans everything would be A-OK). And posting two pictures of Peter Pan. And for bashing BAS, deleting my post 20 seconds later, knowing what would eventually happen and ending up being quoted thus stuck in an infinate pit of DOOM.

I didn't mean to make it sound bad either. It's just that if it was to be done, it should be done right, and preferabley by Suchey himself.

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Kammak, Calm_terror: consider yourselves both OFFICIALLY warned. If you want to squabble like that, you can expect to be PR'd. I don't much care who started it, but it stops now. You can discuss matters about realism etc. in a civil matter, or not at all.

People are trying to have a discussion about addons here.  mad_o.gif

I agree, but lies are lies and will called out. As will ignorant statements with no bearing on reality.

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No problem - so long as you are aware that if you (or anyone else) do it in a manner that can be interpreted as flaming, you will receive a ban from these forums. If you wish further clarification, you can PM me.

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lol. Im sorry, Blackdog. I can commiserate, as i live in Tampa and that peter pan guy comes into my bookstore all the time.

Quote[/b] ]It's just that if it was to be done, it should be done right, and preferabley by Suchey himself.

Amen to that! although it seems highly unlikely, and ill take what i can get.

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