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Who runs the wars?

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And a nice big McKinney quote:

Quote[/b] ]And after I've asked the tough questions, here's what we now know:

That President Bush was warned that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft and crash them into buildings in the US;

That in the weeks prior to September 11, 24-hour fighter cover was placed over the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas;

That in the weeks prior to September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft stopped flying commercial aircraft and instead flew Government aircraft;

That the US received numerous high level warnings from a wide range of foreign intelligence services warning of impending hijackings and terrorist attacks;

That a number of FBI agents were pleading with their superiors to conduct intensive investigations into the suspicious activities of various men in US flight schools;

That in the days prior to September 11, highly suspicious stock market activity in aviation and insurance stocks took place indicating that certain well-placed people had advance knowledge of the attacks.

Quote[/b] ]“George Bush had no prior knowledge of the plan to attack the World Trade Center on September 11.â€

This is sounding less and less like a misquote.

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Quote[/b] ]phony WMD claims during his trial

Nobody, with the exception of Saddam and some of his most trusted henchmen, knows if Iraq has WMDs. Unless you are one of these people, don't make assumptions about the possibility of WMDs crazy_o.gif .

Umm, it is kind of logical to assume there were no WMD's of any real threat... simple deductive reasoning.

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Quote[/b] ]phony WMD claims during his trial

Nobody, with the exception of Saddam and some of his most trusted henchmen, knows if Iraq has WMDs. Unless you are one of these people, don't make assumptions about the possibility of WMDs crazy_o.gif .

Well, he's already said he didn't have any WMDs. He said this before the war. His henchmen said it, and the weapons inspectors didn't find anything except some old relics of his past programs. So I suppose we should just take Bush's word for it since he's God's representative here on Earth? Faith-based intelligence.

Halliburton was just caught overcharging US taxpayers for oil by almost $2 per gallon. Prior to this, Worldcom was caught overcharging for cell phones, charging a whopping $4,000 per phone! Now tell me Bush doesn't have any alterior motives giving contracts to his corporate buddies, in this plunder of Iraq and American taxpayers. On top of it, he's made himself out to look like some kind of hero.

I might change my mind if you could at least prove that Saddam had any intention of attacking America in the first place. When has he ever attacked America?

America's Corporate Mafia

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And a nice big McKinney quote:
Quote[/b] ]And after I've asked the tough questions, here's what we now know:

That President Bush was warned that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft and crash them into buildings in the US;

That in the weeks prior to September 11, 24-hour fighter cover was placed over the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas;

That in the weeks prior to September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft stopped flying commercial aircraft and instead flew Government aircraft;

That the US received numerous high level warnings from a wide range of foreign intelligence services warning of impending hijackings and terrorist attacks;

That a number of FBI agents were pleading with their superiors to conduct intensive investigations into the suspicious activities of various men in US flight schools;

That in the days prior to September 11, highly suspicious stock market activity in aviation and insurance stocks took place indicating that certain well-placed people had advance knowledge of the attacks.

Quote[/b] ]“George Bush had no prior knowledge of the plan to attack the World Trade Center on September 11.â€

This is sounding less and less like a misquote.

Read the website which is called "How McKinney got screwed" or some similar sounding title.

Try looking for the original New York Times interview.

Those words have been put into her mouth, she never said that.

Even disregarding this interview, there still remains the fact that she was cheated out of office - that alone is enough of a crime to bring ANY government down. Her persona and/or her political views should make no difference whatsoever. If you think that persona and political views should make a difference, then you simply don't deserve democracy unclesam.gif

Quote[/b] ]"it is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group had — at the time of the attacks — joint business interests with the bin Laden construction company and many defense-industry holdings, the stocks of which have soared since September 11."

Yeah, this is true. Bush snr, some others from Carlyle and some representative from the Bin Ladin family were all together watching the telly when the attacks occurred. This has been verified by several sources. If you don't believe it, look into the stock market blues.gif

Quote[/b] ]Last time I checked, there was already an Iraq thread...

Don't try acting like a moderator please, last time someone tried that, he got a big slap on his wrists. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Well, he's already said he didn't have any WMDs. He said this before the war. His henchmen said it...

What were you expecting him to say before the war?!? "Yes, we have WMDs, come right in!"

Quote[/b] ]Read the website which is called "How McKinney got screwed" or some similar sounding title.

I did rock.giftounge_o.gif . All it said was that one thing she said was misquoted. The big quote is different, it was taken from a transcript of Rep. McKinney's remarks on September 14 at the reception for the Congressional Black Caucus. Somehow I doubt that the entire quote was messed up tounge_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Even disregarding this interview, there still remains the fact that she was cheated out of office - that alone is enough of a crime to bring ANY government down. Her persona and/or her political views should make no difference whatsoever.

Strange, I thought people voted based on political beliefs. I must have been mistaken tounge_o.gif ...

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Quote[/b] ]Even disregarding this interview, there still remains the fact that she was cheated out of office - that alone is enough of a crime to bring ANY government down. Her persona and/or her political views should make no difference whatsoever.

Strange, I thought people voted based on political beliefs. I must have been mistaken tounge_o.gif ...

What does voting people into office have to do with this crazy_o.gif We are talking about a congresswoman having her election manipulated for WHATEVER reasons.

You are saying - who cares, she said a, b, c.

I say - who cares what she says, her election was still rigged up.

Spare us your witty sarcasm please, this is too serious a debate to have it ruined by something like this.

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And how else did TCG "manipulate" the voters rock.gif ? The only thing that I've heard is that she was misquoted once.

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And how else did TCG "manipulate" the voters rock.gif ? The only thing that I've heard is that she was misquoted once.

Read the links provided by walker, I believe all the information is there smile_o.gif

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I have read those, but I just did a re-reading.

Quote[/b] ]“What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"

This is an actual quote, played on the radio. Now, I don't think that it takes a lot of "malicious interpretation" to think that she is implying that Bush was hiding information and knew about the attacks in advance.

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I have read those, but I just did a re-reading.
Quote[/b] ]“What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"

This is an actual quote, played on the radio. Now, I don't think that it takes a lot of "malicious interpretation" to think that she is implying that Bush was hiding information and knew about the attacks in advance.

Fair questions, and ones that have never been satisfactorily answered. Of course, due to partisan rancor in this country, it is phrased a little harshly. All in all, no worse than now-senator of Georgia Saxby Chambliss running an ad insinuating that his opponent Max Cleland (a Vietnam veteran who lost both his legs and an arm whilst on active combat duty) was soft, or even supportive of people like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden

Quote[/b] ]The spot begins with a screen showing video footage of al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. "As America faces terrorists and extremist dictators, Max Cleland runs television ads claiming he has the courage to lead," an announcer states.

The ad continues: "Max Cleland says he has the courage to lead. But the record proves Max Cleland is just misleading."


The rest of the article is quite interesting, as it details instances of both conservative and liberal pundits and politicians playing the 'enemy of America' card. Disgusting, in my opinion.

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Quote[/b] ]Well, he's already said he didn't have any WMDs. He said this before the war. His henchmen said it...

What were you expecting him to say before the war?!? "Yes, we have WMDs, come right in!"

That's what weapons inspectors are for. You know, the ones that didn't find anything.

Btw, Halliburton just filed for bankruptcy protection because of their asbestos suit settlement. Now consider this, without the Iraq war and those no-bid thefts, Halliburton would literally be bankrupt right now:

Halliburton Files For Bankruptcy Protection

I guess when they're not busy killing Iraqis, they're busy giving people cancer.

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Quote[/b] ]That's what weapons inspectors are for. You know, the ones that didn't find anything.

Yes, we all know how a small team of inspectors can completely scan a country the size of California (Or its steroid-blasted governor, there isn't much size difference tounge_o.gif ).

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Hi all

I remember telling you the last US elections was fixed and m21man queried it.

This video details it nicely.

Edit link Removed

Why is this woman not in prison?

When the democrats are in will they be putting her and her co-workers on trial for election fraud?

[EDIT]It has come to my attention that on the same site as the above there are some disturbing images. May I suggest you exersize caution if you visit the rest of the site.[/EDIT]

Kind Regards Walker

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Stop obsessing about the 2000 election. Bush won, get over it. Besides, if Bush wasn't elected then, then he could run again in 2008 tounge_o.gif .

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Hi John_Q

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

It is about a crime. The crime took place. The criminals are known.

Are you soft on crime John_Q?

The criminal mentioned can vote in an election, heck the criminal mentioned can even get into congress, is that right?

I am guessing your a US citizen. If so there is something you need to know. Your country is owned mate and by definition so are its' citizens. If you are a US citizen do you like being a slave?

Wake up America the enemy is in your house.

Kind Regards Walker

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It's called the "electoral college". Learn about it.

Hi John_Q

I know all about electoral college but the 25 votes from the electoral college of Florida would have gone to the democrats if the Florida vote had not been fixed.

It's called the "electoral college". Learn about it.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi John_Q

As you dont seem to know how the electoral college works. I thought I would give you a quick lesson.

A sort of electoral college 101.

What they do:

The electors meet on a day in December, often in their state capitals, and by custom or law vote for their party's choice for president and vice president.

How it's made up:

Each state has as many votes in the Electoral College as the total of its senators and representatives in Congress.

How it works:

In most cases, the candidate who wins the highest number of popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electoral votes.

In other word all 25 votes of the state of florida should have gone to the Democrats.

It's called the "electoral college". Learn about it.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]Btw, Halliburton just filed for bankruptcy protection because of their asbestos suit settlement. Now consider this, without the Iraq war and those no-bid thefts, Halliburton would literally be bankrupt right now:

Halliburton Files For Bankruptcy Protection

I guess when they're not busy killing Iraqis, they're busy giving people cancer.

I am not fond of large corporations in general, but your implication that Haliburton is filing for bankruptcy as a whole is disingenous.  The article specifically mentions that a subsidiary is filing for chapter 11 (re-organization not out of business) bankruptcy and that it was long awaited to do so even.  As large and diverse as Haliburton is, this is a blip on their financial radar, the war in Iraq is just more profitable business for them.

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Hi ericz

Share value went down from 11 dollars I think it was to 3 dollars. I think Dodgy Dick Cheyney just got out of the shares in time.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]I know all about electoral college but the 25 votes from the electoral college of Florida would have gone to the democrats if the Florida vote had not been fixed.

And where was it fixed? The recounts were done again and again and again, and Bush won.

Quote[/b] ]Share value went down from 11 dollars I think it was to 3 dollars. I think Dodgy Dick Cheyney just got out of the shares in time.

Investors panic easily. Just give the company some time, its shares will go back up in value.

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Hi John_Q

Gosh I hate repeating myself.

This video details it nicely how the Florida elections were fixed.

Edit link Removed

This meant that the 25 votes of the electoral college of the state of Florida should have gone to the Democrats.

How it works:

In most cases, the candidate who wins the highest number of popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electoral votes.

It's called the "electoral college". Learn about it.

[EDIT]It has come to my attention that on the same site as the above there are some disturbing images. May I suggest you exersize caution if you visit the rest of the site.[/EDIT]

Kind Regards Walker

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Umm, and somehow this proves that Gore would have won? Are you a mind reader? Do you know how these people would have voted?

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