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Who runs the wars?

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Walker, you had incredible good timing with the posting on this thread. This is from today:

White House denies conflict of interest for Baker

Quote[/b] ]

White House: No Conflict for Baker in Iraq Role

Fri December 12, 2003 03:04 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday rejected a New York Times editorial call for the U.S. special envoy on Iraq debt, James Baker, to sever his private business ties because of alleged conflicts of interest in his new role.

"There's been a thorough review by the White House counsel's office. He has complied with all applicable ethics laws and rules," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told a news briefing.

President Bush earlier this month named Baker, a former secretary of state and trusted friend of the Bush family, to the delicate task of trying to win debt forgiveness for Iraq from creditor countries such as France, Russia and Gulf states. He leaves on Monday for a high-level trip abroad.

An editorial in the New York Times on Friday called on Baker to quit his role of senior counselor to the Carlyle Group investment company and his job as partner of the Houston law firm Baker Botts.

The Times, probably the nation's most influential newspaper, said the Carlyle Group has done business with the Saudi royal family and that Halliburton has been among the clients of Baker Botts.

A Pentagon audit of Halliburton, the oil services firm once run by Vice President Dick Cheney, found the company may have overbilled the U.S. government by more than $120 million on Iraq contracts.

Critics often question how far the Bush administration's ties to large businesses influence policy.

"Businesses like Carlyle and Baker Botts make their living by flaunting their connections to the politically powerful. To perform honorably in his new public job, Mr. Baker must give up these two private ones," the Times said.

But McClellan said that laws restricting certain federal employees from maintaining outside business interests are not applicable in Baker's case.

"This is a volunteer unpaid position. It is a temporary position. If you look at the way the law is, it spells out that he can perform those temporary duties for no more than 130 days during a calendar year," McClellan said.

He said Baker is expected to fulfill his job with only 60 days of work in a calendar year. He also said Baker has declined any fees or compensation "that he might receive that would pose a possible conflict."

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Oh sure, give Walker all the credit, you, you infidels. biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: They have a nice loop hole there, after all, these guys probably have enough power to keep a train like this on track endlessly, gota problem, no problem, change a law or stretch it. wink_o.gif

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Wow yeah of course! That's where I recognised James Baker from!  ghostface.gif

Man this is all starting to make sense  wow_o.gif

unclesam.gif  ghostface.gif  unclesam.gif  ghostface.gif

^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

Well howsabout that then...These smilies are perfect! biggrin_o.gif

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Might be interesting to the British here:

Did you know that Carlyle nowdays owns QunetiQ, the British government's technology arm and the primary technology provider for the MoD and the British Armed forces.  wow_o.gif

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No I didn't know that!  wow_o.gif

QinetiQ is what used to be called DERA (Defence Research Agency), which is the equivalent of the US DARPA. I'm saying this so that the Americans amongst us can guage the significance of this  wow_o.gif


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Whilst I don't approve of these sorts of goings-on, it's certainly nothing new. Machevelli (sp?), Medici Family, Popes, Royalty, Aristocracy, Governments etc etc throughout the ages have always done this sort of thing. The world is more global now, so there's a larger international focus...but they aren't "running the world". They are making money for themselves and trying to gain and exercise power and influence. All of these people will be dead one day, don't forget.

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As in DC Comics Spawn smile_o.gif

The story is that there's an arms company, which is intertwined in politics, and is pulling strings in the white house  wink_o.gif


As in Image Comics Spawn wink_o.gif

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As in DC Comics Spawn smile_o.gif

The story is that there's an arms company, which is intertwined in politics, and is pulling strings in the white house  wink_o.gif


As in Image Comics Spawn  wink_o.gif

Great cartoon, but one of the crappiest movie ever.

Somehow Im thinking of the movie Starship troopers, where corporations rule the world...

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Quote[/b] ]Welcome to paradise! The world is run by American corporations (except for a few deluded holdouts like the French)

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Even though I haven't viewed it yet, it doesn't suprise me about such controversial acts happening. Hell, government and private American corporations have been hatching schemes togeather since Castro took power, and probably before that.

The sad thing is, is that during Vietnam, private company interests hindered the ability of commanders on the battle field. Costing lives.

Unfortunatly, there will always be corruption in governments, even though it is the most evil form of decietment to the public. It should be a capital offense if it costs lives.

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All I can say is... Whatever icon4.gif

Sounds like you got scared. rock.gif

Did you even watch it to the end?

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I dont think he even watched it at all.

Most Americans will brush it off, think nothing of it and move on. After all, America can't be doing something wrong. Its America, dang it!

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That was a very interesting documentary. So if Carlyle goes and buys companies that could be involved in the rebuilding of Iraq, and taking into account the ties to the US government, could it mean that the US owns Iraq? Or am I a little too paranoid? tounge_o.gif

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Did ANYONE catch the name of that Congresswoman?

Hi Ex-RoNiN

Democrat Representative Cynthia McKinney

Kind Regards Walker

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Did ANYONE catch the name of that Congresswoman?

Hi Ex-RoNiN

Democrat Representative Cynthia McKinney

Kind Regards Walker

Thank you smile_o.gif

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That was a very interesting documentary. So if Carlyle goes and buys companies that could be involved in the rebuilding of Iraq, and taking into account the ties to the US government, could it mean that the US owns Iraq? Or am I a little too paranoid? tounge_o.gif

Hi Tamme

No you aint paranoid enough crazy_o.gif  ghostface.gif

This company aparently owns a big chunk of American politics.

So much so that they can fix elections in the US wittnes what happened to

Democrat Representative Cynthia McKinney

Kind Regards Walker

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This reminds me a bit of season 2 of 24, if anyone saw that; a private oil company wants to set off a nuke in LA and blame it on terrorists which would result in an invasion of the middle east and therefore lots of money for them.

Is the writer of 24 a conspiracy theorist? I mean, with the Carlyle group, I really wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they helped along 9/11 a bit; the only counter argument is the suspicious stuff is possibly a coincidence, and "They wouldn't...would they?"

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Might be interesting to the British here:

Did you know that Carlyle nowdays owns QunetiQ, the British government's technology arm and the primary technology provider for the MoD and the British Armed forces.  wow_o.gif

Gosh!!  wow_o.gif

If I was British I'd take up arms and march against Westminster.

Umm... Unless I was afraid of Harriers cutting me down like puppies under a lawnmower, that is.


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(we can ship a couple of guillotines if needed)

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(we can ship a couple of guillotines if needed)

Finally! A person with his head straight. biggrin_o.gifwink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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it's been a long time since we haven't seen a revolution ..... our guillotine blades are getting rusty so (+ there's no better anti-rust as blood tounge_o.gif ).....

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