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About John_Q

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. John_Q

    Who runs the wars?

    No system is fair unless 100% of the voters actually vote . How many voted in 2000? Maybe 40% of the population? If the people want their votes to be counted, then they can fill out the ballot correctly. If they can't master the concept of punching a hole through paper, then they don't get to vote. ARE YOU A BLOODY MIND READER?!? How could you possibly be able to say that these people were destined to vote for the Democrats?
  2. John_Q

    Modern us infantry

    @Miles Teg - I just meant special forces, as in non-conventional forces. I know that Special Forces (With capital letters) are not Rangers.
  3. John_Q

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    That's you, Pathy!
  4. John_Q

    Who runs the wars?

    Umm, and somehow this proves that Gore would have won? Are you a mind reader? Do you know how these people would have voted?
  5. John_Q

    Modern us infantry

    Marines do naval landings/operations, US Army does land operations. Rangers are US Army special forces.
  6. John_Q

    Who runs the wars?

    And where was it fixed? The recounts were done again and again and again, and Bush won. Investors panic easily. Just give the company some time, its shares will go back up in value.
  7. John_Q

    Who runs the wars?

    It's called the "electoral college". Learn about it.
  8. John_Q

    Nightstalker discussion thread

    I think there will be some guys with boonie hats or bandanas.
  9. John_Q

    Nightstalker discussion thread

    Only the good fans . Or we could just get the island ready and release a small demo .
  10. John_Q

    Who runs the wars?

    Stop obsessing about the 2000 election. Bush won, get over it. Besides, if Bush wasn't elected then, then he could run again in 2008 .
  11. John_Q

    Nightstalker discussion thread

    Then we just create a new policy: We give out betas to avid fans of the mod .
  12. John_Q

    Nightstalker discussion thread

    I care . Nice textures.
  13. John_Q

    Us soldiers going awol in canada

    How stupid could he be? The U.S. military has two primary purposes: 1. Killing people. 2. Blowing stuff up. It's pretty obvious that you have to be able to do these if you want to be a combat soldier, so why join in the first place?
  14. John_Q

    Military Humor

    Screw Mars, if we can go that fast we should try going to Alpha Centauri !
  15. John_Q

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    You're One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey You're crazy. This has led people to attempt to confine you to a safe place so that you don't pose a danger to yourself or others. You feel like you pose a great danger to the man (or maybe the woman) or whatever else is keeping you down. But most of the time, you just end up being observed. Were you crazy before you were confined?