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Military photographs

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There are a few former and active military members here on the forums. Let`s share some of our military photos. Please take care that neither their size is breaking the forums rules nor the contents.

And here we go:


That`s me preparing for night patrol. This night it was -3°C.


It`s sad what becomes of some old tanks here in Germany placed in training areas.


That`s what a healthy Leo looks like.

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Let's see if these work:

My platoon guidon:


During combat lifetaker (err... lifesaver) training. I'm smiling because I'm about the throw up. I hate needles.


Ralph comes to aid of fellow mod! smile_o.gif

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Hmm... I can see them right now, but I couldn't after I posted them. I'll upload the pics to another site later when Blackdog is around, as I don't remember all the FTP details I need to do it right now.

That's some realistic riot training you guys get, Baron. Ours only consisted of putting on helmets and gear and marching around a parking lot with batons. Though once we did get some police dogs to come and play with us...  smile_o.gif In the meantime, I'll scan some more pics for y'all.

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I am getting my military pics in two years whenever I want it or not. sad_o.gif

(or then again, I could get PRISON pics instead. tounge_o.gif)

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There are a few former and active military members here on the forums. Let`s share some of our military photos. Please take care that neither their size is breaking the forums rules nor the contents.

And here we go:


That`s me preparing for night patrol. This night it was -3°C.

i'm really tempted to say that this violated the forum rule tounge_o.gif

j/k j/k j/k j/k

you should try Russian's method of beating cold - vodka. tounge_o.gif

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Errm...Certainly original (if that's the correct term) words you chose to put on your guidon,Hellfish rock.gifbiggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

P.S. "Pogue Mahon" is most of the Irish equivalent of "F*ck you" biggrin_o.gif

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Errm...Certainly original (if that's the correct term) words you chose to put on your guidon,Hellfish  rock.gif  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

P.S. "Pogue Mahon" is most of the Irish equivalent of "F*ck you"     biggrin_o.gif

Hehe, that was the point. My 3rd platoon was a "bitch" platoon in Kuwait, as were were all people that volunteered to go, as opposed to 1st and 2nd platoons of A/1-178, who were pretty much forced to go. Because we were the outsiders, we got all the crappy jobs (including the British/Kuwaiti Ali-Al Salem Air Base and border duty) while all the others got posted to the fancier American bases in Kuwait, like Camp Doha and Al-Jaber Air Base. So our respose was "Pogue Mahon". Nobody outside of our platoon was Irish, or at least nobody knew what it meant. smile_o.gif

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I wish I had some pictures to share, I've seen and done quite a bit of cool stuff but for whatever reason, I either can't have a camera with me, or simply forget it.

Besides, there's nothing worse than looking like a friggin' tourist with an expensive camera in the middle of any training area.


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Hehe, for that reason I bought a veeeeery small digicam. tounge_o.gif

I`m also not looking exactly like the "normal" german tourist, at least I`m better armed. biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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I served 270 days as a military police sniper in the Finnish Defence Forces.

Here's a picture of myself on guard duty last September. We were protecting a power plant in the Helsinki area - as you might notice from my eyes, we did not get too much sack time during the exercise ;)

I'm wearing a standard issue flak jacket on top of my M/91 (model 91) battle dress uniform. The scarf/cap makes me look like a teddybear :P The black/white thing on my left sleeve is similar to the cloth you can find from the FDFMOD military police units ;)


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OK, more pics.

1: Our HMMWV that we stole from the battalion chaplain and turned into a gun truck at JRTC.

2: A FARP that we were protecting at JRTC. Those AH-1S Cobras are from 4/278th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Lots of girls in the cavalry. smile_o.gif In the background you can just barely see the C-130 that would take simulated casualties up in the air and simulate first aid on them.

3. Self portrait after being "killed" at JRTC by some 18 year old punk with a SOPMOD M4. That jerk. mad_o.gif


1: Another pic of our stolen HMMWV with graffitti. Addon makers, not the huge quantity of crap that we have on that puppy.

2: Pic from a Blackhawk as we were assaulting into an LZ at JRTC.

3. Another pic of a FARP, JRTC.


1: Shot from my BMP-1 at NTC in California.

2. This is what happens to privates who talk too much. wink_o.gif No, we didn't hurt him, so don't go thinking that this was hazing.

3. OPFOR vehicle park at NTC. There is a real BMP-2, two M-551s modified to look like T-80s, and a HMMWV modified to look like a BRDM-2.


1. Me in a T-55 at the museum at Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

2. Me on a Jagdtiger at APG's awesome museum.

3. My brother and I on an M-2 Bradley prototype that we later broke (they left the hatch open with the manual turret traverse working, and we got the TOW launcher stuck on the rear hatch).


I've got some more pics of Germany and Kuwait around here somewhere. I'll look for 'em if anyone's interested.

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Errm...Certainly original (if that's the correct term) words you chose to put on your guidon,Hellfish  rock.gif  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

P.S. "Pogue Mahon" is most of the Irish equivalent of "F*ck you"     biggrin_o.gif

We have a pub here in Melbourne called "Pug Mahone's", a play on words of that saying...the Irish guys I know said it meant "Kiss my arse"...

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Quote[/b] ]http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~uploads/hellfish6/jrtc2.jpg2: Pic from a Blackhawk as we were assaulting into an LZ at JRTC.

Heli-bourne ops are always cool, especially flying at tree-top level with the doors open, keeping a white-knuckled grip on your weapon.  biggrin_o.gif

At the end of this summer, we did some heli-ops at the FIBUA site in CFB Petawawa (our sites pale in comparison to some of the American MOUT sites, especially the one at Fort Knox). I'd like to fly in a BlackHawk, as our Griffon choppers are far too small for an infantry section of 8 guys. Things are incredibly cramped in those birds.

My unit was supposed to go down to Fort Hood over the March break for a 9 day excercise, but that has been cut out due to lack of fund$. This is the second year in a row that it has been cancelled.

BTW, How bad are the ticks in the North East? I've heard some horror stories from some guys that have been there. The Mosquitos are bad up here, but ticks aren't a problem, I've never encountered one.


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Yes, it`s our training area between Hannover and Langenhagen. Civilians are permitted to pass there if they obey our rules. But some idiots painted graffiti on those poor tank wrecks. sad_o.gif

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Yes, it`s our training area between Hannover and Langenhagen. Civilians are permitted to pass there if they obey our rules. But some idiots painted graffiti on those poor tank wrecks.  sad_o.gif

Damn thugs.

How many times can you hit that wreck with AT weaponry before it's shattered enough to not be a target wreck?

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Guest DKM-jaguar

Hmm.. i love the pics displayed so far biggrin_o.gif a thread like this is great.

I have some pictures of Military Landrovers that pass through the workshop i am employed at.. But wether you count them as good enough for this thread, plus the fact i have not/do not intend to serve in the armed forces..it might be a bit disrespectfull to those who have.

Anyway, i love those pics.

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Well, if they're pictures of military equipment I think it's on-topic, even if they're only things on display at museums. This topic isn't about bragging rights ("I did this when I was in the service, so I'm cooler than you") but rather it's just about pics of military vehicles, places and topics.

I will make one limitation, though - you or someone you know must have taken any pictures displayed in here. Nothing from militaryphotos.net or any other website or magazine. All photos must be original.

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Some more:

1. Me in my stint as a Bradley Commander. It lasted all of five minutes until I guided the driver over a tree stump and got stuck. sad_o.gif

2. The same Bradley later on in an overwatch position.

3. An M9 Armored Combat Earthmover moving over an AVLB during an obstacle breaching practice at National Training Center.


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Interesting pics, guys. Keep ´em coming. smile_o.gif

EiZei, same thing here. wink_o.gif

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Nice pictures Hellfish! If I had to go to the Bundeswehr, I'd like to be a IFV crew. But I'm not going to be conscripted, so I'll stick to playing OFP. biggrin_o.gif

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