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Bas tonal-tango pack

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Does anyone remember the link or URL to the section with screens, images and campigns on Ballistics site?

was something like ballisticaddonstudio.com/nagual/something or other

The area with missions campaigns and screenshots?

I reformatted and lost the addie.

Thanks Hark

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Splitting the island up, aint gonna happen...

I've got a similar rig to m21man, and with the terrain on normal, the view dist on 2000, add everything else on max, I get hardly any lag whatsoever.

I think I can safely say, that Nagual is NOT going to split the island up.

Also, as its been said before, if you're unhappy with LAG, turn the details down, or speak to cray, the island, as it stands is NOT going to change majorly...

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Quote[/b] ]I've got a similar rig to m21man, and with the terrain on normal, the view dist on 2000, add everything else on max, I get hardly any lag whatsoever.

I crank it down to 500 when I'm in the jungles/Tatu so that I can use massive amounts of units and lots of FX. Normally I use ~1500, it looks very nice and doesn't cause any noticeable preformance hit (Though I did get a CTD when I tried to set terrain detail to Very High tounge_o.gif ).

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Deadmeat can you give me the link for the missions, screens, and campaigns on your site?

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The whole site will be down/under maintenance this week as we move servers, so not really much point (some of it will still be available, but that will only be cached views)

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splitting the island was a idea i had when they first released it, i cant even play on tonal anymore. But i know its my ram and graphics card.. but ive noticed everyone has talked about lag on tonal.. i think this island was kinda to big.. spliting the island is a good idea (of course in my opinion, dont flame me for stating it.. this is a thread. yes i know its you've already said it wont be split). Just my 2 cents..

having a jungle part and a desert part is a also the good idea.

Maybe my opinion would change if i had a powerfull computer so i cant really say now unless i get that powerfull pc, so for the people that run this island with no problems i prolly wouldnt want them to split it.

plus it would be alot of work to do so.... (im assuming..)

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Well.. Nagual made the Island on a 1 GHz Celeron mchine, and he can play it no problems...

All you have to do is be willing to sacrifice that tiny bit of detail to be able to play it...

All the BAS team are able to play the island lag free, and being the size it is, you can not expect it to run at 70fps with all the settings turned up max.

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If you cannot run on Tonal with reduce visual settings you cannot run on Nogova, I see very little difference in performance between the two.

Basically, quit bitching as most of us would like to move forward, not hang around at the ass-end of addon technology while you guys with overclocked calculators hold us back.

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Basically, if you bought Resistance for an under-spec PC (700MHz, 256Mb RAM is the minimum I think) then you have no right to complain about lag. It says right on the box that you need those specs for regular Resistance, so if your "overclocked calculator" doesn't handle Tonal, remember that you bought a game with the specs right there in plain sight. If you ignored those specs, then too bad for you. I bought Res while I was still on a 400MHz, but at least I didn't have the gall to go and complain that the game was laggy.

Now, to go back on topic, is Nagual going to release an update for the Insurgency campaign soon, or is he going to wait until public release of the updated Rangers+Deltas/Desert Pack/SEALS?

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It says right on the box that you need those specs for regular Resistance, so if your "overclocked calculator" doesn't handle Tonal, remember that you bought a game with the specs right there in plain sight. If you ignored those specs, then too bad for you.

yeh but Tonal is hardly Nogova. Tonal is about twice the size, (thats a good thing). Tonal also has four times the objects and much much greater High Res textures.. not to mention a city the size of Tatu. I just think you can hardly compare Tonal to Nogova.

By the Way my specs:

1.2 ghz

Intel 82810E Graphics Controller (Shit Came with Comp)

128 MB Ram (Another Problem)

anyone playing with close to these specs?

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Works without a hiccup for me on 3 separate systems ranging from a 1 Gig AMD with 512 in pc2100 and a Geforce3 Ti500 to an 2.17 GIG AMD XP2700+ with 1 Gig of pc2700 with a Geforce FX 5600.

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Quote[/b] ]yeh but Tonal is hardly Nogova. Tonal is about twice the size, (thats a good thing). Tonal also has four times the objects and much much greater High Res textures.. not to mention a city the size of Tatu. I just think you can hardly compare Tonal to Nogova.

Anyone with at least 5 functioning brain cells would figure that Tonal is more demanding than Nogova. I'm just saying that people with comps under minimum spec should simply not complain about lag, it's their problem not BAS's. Anyone with a powerful comp who experiences performance issues is more likely to have a genuine problem than someone who is trying to use an overclocked TI-83 to run Tonal.

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I was stuck with an AMD 900Mhz for a while when I donated my AMD 2400+ 1GB RAM system to be used as the server.

Now I noticed I couldn't run things as good, duh, but not for one second did I think maybe people who made games should roll back to shitty graphics so it'd run good for me.

Reality is games and other software will always require more of your computer as times go on and it is up to you to keep up, after all where does it say anyone has to give a shit about someone who isn't in a position to upgrade their computer.. nowhere. Such is life, deal with it. Don't ask people who want to push the boundaries with their creativity to hang back and wait for you to catch up.

I ran tonal on the 900Mhz anyway.. sure it looked worse than Kolgujev but hey.. it was playable. wink_o.gif

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Will you release a fixed version of the BAS Tonal pack sometime soon?  I know the patch is available, but I have Win ME and it keeps complaining that it won't open it in a certain type of DOS window and does nothing to the pbo files.

Let me know about is soon as you can BAS.



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The best estimate for the 1.3 AAE version of Tonal we can give is some time after christmas.

There is a lot of work the Nagual wants to do to the island, but he doesnt have much time to work on it at the moment.

It is possible to maunally patch the island, if you open the .exe with winrar or powerarchiver, the files are contained within, with the correct folder (pbo) names.

Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to stick it out sad_o.gif

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nagual, please check following texture:


it´s the small version of the trash texture, i guess.

it´s flickering and blinking. to me it looks like there were two textures above each other or something.

those can be found all over the island in the desert area (mostly near civilized areas)

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I think this isn't a texture but an object.

The place in front of the town hall in Lipany is made the same way.

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Hmm the Bas OPFOR file is in my BAS mod folder but it non of the tonal units show up the maps there rock.gif


NVM I fixed it

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Just briefly,

The island won't be split, for countless reasons.

There is the possibility of a new large island being added to the pack that is not so resource hungry.

The campaign will be updated with the next version of the addons, it was going to be part of the patch, but didnt make it. It should be roughly 15 missions long with the next version.


The trash texture/object above will most likely be fixable.

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Hay tankieboy, You got a problem buddy?

Not only you try to insult me last night but you insulted old people in general. Your looking for trouble keep looking you’ll find it.

By the way, I suppose you think that guy in your Avatar sticking his middle finger up is cool? F...ck everyone right?

Throw a rock at me and I’ll throw a mountain at you.

Smile to the world and the world will smile back

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Hay tankieboy, You got a problem buddy?

Not only you try to insult me last night but you insulted old people in general. Your looking for trouble keep looking you’ll find it.

By the way, I suppose you think that guy in your Avatar sticking his middle finger up is cool? F...ck everyone right?

Throw a rock at me and I’ll throw a mountain at you.

Smile to the world and the world will smile back

I think someone has an inferiority complex...

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Please dont ruin the thread with BS guys tak this to PM's  wink_o.gif

So   Nagual will that new island be just a small cut down Tonal or a totally new worked out island ? Or is it Tonali given a new haircut  biggrin_o.gif

Cant wait for yuor campaign though.

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