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War against terror

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The war on Terror will be won. Patience…we have been talking to Terrorist organizations for a very long time with little or no results. War has not been the only option and if you think it is, there is plenty of history lying around for that argument.  I do not think the media has been playing a natural position here.  If they have been, Please tell me how?  When it comes to these Terrorist, there is a saying in my country. It’s in Spanish but when translated it means, 'Every Pig will have its Christmas" These fucking mass murderers are and will be seeing there fucking Christmas. Fact.  FYI. For many Hispanic countries it is customary to roast a pig during the Christmas holiday.

Could you please explain to me how you think the war on terror can ever be won? It's not a fact that it will be won, it's dreaming and it's BS. Here's a fact, as long as there are humans, there will be humans who is willing to take the lives of many other humans to achive a goal, and as long as there are weapons, these humans will be able to do it. You may be able to decrease the amount of terrorist attacks, but you can never remove every possibility of a terrorist attack happening. Therefor a war on terror can never be won. And just for your information, the amount of terrorist attacks, on western soil, performed by muslims, have increased after the war on terror started.

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to stop the war on terror you would have to pump so many US troops in that it may aswell be America. And that in itself would create more and more terrorists.

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Hola Garcia,

It’s a defeatist way of thinking to assess that we cannot find a resolution to this war on terror. I cannot envision living in a country were one measures success by the level of Terrorism. If there are other countries that want to stand by this doctrine, fine by me. Let them deal with these idiots. To accept that one cannot do anything at all, that is bullshit. If that were the case we would have sued for peace when Hitler was around. You are correct in defining the greater argument that we are all humans and therefore we are prone to violence and disagreements but no sane person should stand down against these criminals. Fear is there tool. To say that there are humans who are willing to take the lives of other people is an understatement. To say that we will not be able to defeat every terrorist in this planet is just stupid and a play on words. It’s the collective movement that we are brining to an end. We have gang related shootings, bank robberies, racially motivated crimes you name it. But these individuals do not dictate my way of life. They do not take away my freedom or force me to believe in something I do not want. Like the old school bully, one has to stand-up against them to end your cycle of violence. There are many ways in which this war is being fought and I am sure that in the end we will prevail. There are too many other worldly examples to worry about in this world, i.e. the devastation of Aids in Africa, famine in many parts of the world, the lack of education and basic medical needs in many third world countries and on and on… Peace and freedom always come at a price, but the question here is what are you willing to do?

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Hitler was a leader of a country, just like seddam, the german people are way differnt to those living in the middle east. i think its realyl hard to make a real comparison. the war on terror is against people point of view. ww2 was about a war with a nation with a point of view. there different.

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Hi TrevorofCrete,

I was trying to follow your post but I got a little lost. Could you please clarify your opinion. Thank you. smile_o.gif

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Hola Garcia,

It’s a defeatist way of thinking to assess that we cannot find a resolution to this war on terror. I cannot envision living in a country were one measures success by the level of Terrorism. To accept that one cannot do anything at all, that is bullshit.

There is a resolution to the war on terror, but there is no resolution which means a victory. And you don't have to accept that you can't do anything, because you can. What you can't do is win a war on terror.

Quote[/b] ]To say that we will not be able to defeat every terrorist in this planet is just stupid and a play on words. It’s the collective movement that we are brining to an end.


How can that be stupid? It's naive to think that you can defeat every terrorist on the planet. Why? Because there will always be someone who find a reason to perform a terrorist attack, and there will always be means around for that person to perform the attack. Therefor you will have to either remove all tools which those persons can use to kill many people, or you have to remove all the people who may perform a attack, and to achive that you basically have to kill about every human to be on the safe side...you might be able to bring down the terrorist organizations, but that doesn't "kill" terrorism. It's like thinking that brining down the criminal gangs/the mafia will remove all crimes. It may decrease the amount of attacks, but all that's needed for a terrorist attack is one person to perform it, a "tool" which that person can use to kill a large amount of people and a large amount of peolpe.

Quote[/b] ]We have gang related shootings, bank robberies, racially motivated crimes you name it. But these individuals do not dictate my way of life. They do not take away my freedom or force me to believe in something I do not want.

So do terrorism force you to belive in something that you don't? I certainly don't feel forced to beliving something by terrorist organizations. And as stated above, you don't need a highly organized group of people to perform a terrorist attack, all you need is one man.

Quote[/b] ]Like the old school bully, one has to stand-up against them to end your cycle of violence.

Yes, you have to stand up against him, but does it work on all bullies? No, it doesn't. You may stop one bully by standing up against him, but that won't stop all the bullies in the world. As far as I know, there is still bullies around, probably at most schools, just like there will always be potential terrorists around, for as long as people keeps disagreeing (and people will disagree forever).

The war on terror is a war on terrorism, as long as there is terrorism around, the war on terror haven't been won. And as I said before, you may be able to decrease the amount of terrorist attacks, but you can never remove every possibility of a terrorist attack happening.

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Hi TrevorofCrete,

I was trying to follow your post but I got a little lost. Could you please clarify your opinion. Thank you. smile_o.gif

really just trying to say you cant compare the war on terror with the war against Nazi germany.

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Nazi propaganda -


Islamist propaganda -


Nazis hate Jews. Islamists hate Jews. Nazis killed Jews. Islamists killed -- and are still killing -- Jews. The Grand Mufti of Palestine wanted Hitler's help to kill the Jews. They met on several occasions, Hitler even made an SS division consisting of Bosnian Muslims.

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We don´t have to wade through Nazi era over and over again, do we ?

Jews lately killed a lot of islamic civillians, or in your eyes Nemesis, terrorists as they were living in an area where terrorists were suspected. Judged by the bodycount, jews hate islamic people.

I´m getting tired of the "we are the victims" - attitude the israeli people seem to be born with.

Israelis killed in Lebanon. They didn´t do it selectively, besides the precise strike on the UN observers. They bombed civillians. Islamic civillians.

Isrealis really have to hate them.

All your self-circling on the endangered species of jews is really amusing. Why don´t you move to israel, team up with typo-king mpsomewhat and fight your holy war ?

Aren´t you man enough ?

Or do you think promoting hate on internet forums is your number one task ?

If so, get your facts straight and actually see where Israel is heading today.

A really good jewish photographer, Kobi Israel, compared the mental situation of Israel´s people today with a frog.

If the frog is thrown into boiling water, he will jump out of the pot. If the frog is put into the pot while the water is still cold and you slowly heat up the water the frog will just stay in until he dies.

Over the last years politicians slowly stirred their people in Israel. Today they even go ok with the bombing of civillians. Makes you wonder.

If you want to see some of the photos done by Kobi Israel, google.

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"I’m getting tired of the "we are the victims" - attitude the Israeli people seem to be born with". Mmm, if you are so tired of the rants of Israelis you are just as tired of the daily rant of Muslim victims as well, correct?! Both sides have seen to write the destruction of each other. Just take a look at any encyclopedia for a better understanding of this unfortunate page in History.

The comparison to Hitler or other Fascist characters can be drawn when establishing an argument of Ideologies such as Fascism or Communism. The Alkaedas of the world and all there supporting units form this ideological equation. In this case, they are a stateless organization bent on domination through the brutal use of Terror. Please call it what it is, Cowards who hide behind a religion. I feel for the true devout Muslim who has to live with these pigs. I sure hope that we end this cycle of violence. I am getting tired. mad_o.gif

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THe whole concept of a "War on Terror" is at it's very heart, utterly absurd. Terror is an abstract noun, not a nation a race or a group of people

The only way to win the "War on Terror" is to stop the war. No more war, no more terror. As for the "what are you going to do about Al Qaeda". Nothing, they're a fantasy.

EDIT: Spelling

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THe whole concept of a "War on Terror" is at it's very heart, utterly absurd. Terror is an abstract known, not a nation a race or a group of people

The only way to win the "War on Terror" is to stop the war. No more war, no more terror. As for the "what are you going to do about Al Qaeda". Nothing, they're a fantasy.

You're what's known as a conspiracy nut. Let em guess - Most terrorists are NOT Muslims, and Al Qaeda doesn't exist?


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Quote[/b] ]Mmm, if you are so tired of the rants of Israelis you are just as tired of the daily rant of Muslim victims as well, correct?!

I am german and most things WE hear from Jews is that we are the guilty ones and they are they permanent victims.

Nowadays the role model has changed. Israel has adopted Nazi methods and yes, I do say that some of them (list Nemesis and other radical self-entitled-israelis here) are sharing the nazi view on genocide when it comes to palestinians and other people who have Islam as their religion. it´s no secret. Check their posts. They are radical on a simple level of course as they are too busy complaining about this and that and do not see that they are wandering into the same direction as people did in Nazi germany.

It is OK today to kill 1000 civillians for Israelis. Is it really ok ?

Looks like germany has learned it´s lesson, while the victims of genocide in Israel or some misguided and uninformed guys here are too busy screaming this and that but fail to check what is going on right now in Israel. israel has allready been radicalized. Israel has started a war. Ah yeah the reasons...some kidnapped soldiers...

Are you so stupid to believe that the war was because of them ?

A miltitary is a machine, a big one and to get things rolling you need time for preparations. The plans for this coup were long in the drawers. For me it was just a US-nicked test for a campaign in iran. And that test failed.

If israel was so concerned about the civillians, why don´t they pay for the damage they´ve done , they lives they have taken and the civillian infrastructure they destroyed on their hunt for average ali ?

They should pay for every single thing. Like they demanded from us and still do. It´s time for Israel to shut up and take responsibilty for what they´ve done.

Yeah i know Nemesis...all terrorists...all islam...

That really makes me vomit.

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"Are you so stupid to believe that the war was because of them?" I am sure you are not referring to me in this manner. Name calling will get you nowhere and ends with you. As I said before, this is a cycle that has been ongoing for a very long time. But your tone is certainly inflammatory and if one just quickly glanced at you initial posts, one could argue that you do not care about the current conflict. But given your background one could try to understand the way you feel. Peace to you.

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Oh I did in no way want to flame you.

It´s just that whole mess.

People run into a direction that is not healthy for all participants.

Extremism, be it in word, thoughts or acts is a thing that can get started very easy. I don´t think this board is the place for a propaganda show and this goes both ways.

For me noone is really interested to get a peaceful middle east, be it the US or Iran or Russia and China, the EU starts some half-hearted initiatives from time to time and in the end we pay for this all with our money. Every side has it´s interest and this is why the "palestinian question" hasn´t been solved. Israel needs threats to keep up the military and the US need customers, and the EU does and Russia wants to sell to Iran and China needs the oil and Iran has turned into powerplayer. If anything is clear by now it is that Iran has power, big power and the US and Israel will have a really bad time if they decide to stop the nuclear program with combined forces.

Iran is the winner of the war between Israel and Hisbollah.

That plan somewhat backfired.

I did in no way try to be rude to you RedLion. I guess i don´t even know you from the forums, so no hard feelings. I take my time to get a picture of people.


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Hey Balschoiw no hard feelings at all. This is a very interesting topic and I hope to share some more thoughts on this current conflict. I don't know if what I am saying is a stretch but when you say that Iran is a player now, it makes me wonder to what degree? How will it change the current scenario in the Middle East. You are correct to you say that one is dependent on the other but I'll finish my thoughts later I am at work at the moment. crazy_o.gif

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Iran is pouring money over the civillians of lebanon while all others still try to set up some plan for aid. Iran is already there with loads of money and the war didn´t chase away people from hesbollah. In fact hesbollah now has much more followers than before the war. Civillians do appreciate the help as they appreciate it in the palestinian region. Hesbollah are the ones who help them, while all others sit on their hands.

Iran is a global player. If Iran decides to close the seaway oil-transports will be cut and markets in the west would go down. I guess it would be a big financial crisis all over the world.

A war with Iran, with china getting 17 percent of it´s oil from Iran could be an unfunny thing, even if they don´t have nuclear weapons.

It would hurt to attack Iran. For all participants. And that´s why Iran is already a global player. All focus was on Iraq while Iran was getting more western but now we have a fundamentalist with global trade connections some powerful friends and a respectable military.

It can´t get much better than that.

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THe whole concept of a "War on Terror" is at it's very heart, utterly absurd. Terror is an abstract known, not a nation a race or a group of people

The only way to win the "War on Terror" is to stop the war. No more war, no more terror. As for the "what are you going to do about Al Qaeda". Nothing, they're a fantasy.

You're what's known as a conspiracy nut. Let em guess - Most terrorists are NOT Muslims, and Al Qaeda doesn't exist?


Name calling? That's not very mature now is it Nemesis6?

Quote[/b] ]- Most terrorists are NOT Muslims

I'm glad we agree.

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You're in denial. Most terrorists are Muslims and Al Qaeda exists. Holy shit, how can someone dig their head to deep in the sand? banghead.gif

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You're in denial. Most terrorists are Muslims and Al Qaeda exists. Holy shit, how can someone dig their head to deep in the sand?  banghead.gif

thats what were begining to think about you nemesis.  You make some bigmistakes in argumants, saying muslims are racist but jews are not.  that is a total lie.  Jews have been racist for generations, even jesus was racist.  If anyone here reads the bible they would know.  Jesus and his diciples refused to heal a non-jew and dismiss her as a hag and laugh at her. if thats not racist then what is?

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Quote[/b] ]Most terrorists are Muslims and Al Qaeda exists.

Statistical bull as most of the people on this planet are muslims aswell.

Besides that it´s wrong that muslims form the largest groups of terrorists.

The largest known group of terrorists are the Tamil tigers with about 24.000 active members.

Al Quaeda is an ideology, some kind of franchise-terrorism with no central guidance or coordination.

Don´t try to mix up things that are not to be mixed up just to portray some more of your hate on islam.

The terrorists that caused the most dead people among their rows and killed the most are the Sikh organizations in India. Their conflict with military and civillians has killed over 100.000 people.

Come in again nemesis rofl.gif

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also US gangs are being re-labelled terrorists, and there thousands of members in some of those gangs, i cant remember there name, somithing 13's, they have thousands of members all over the world. Extreme animal rights protestors are also terrorists, thousands of those too.

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1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.

2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.

Number two definitely sounds like one Mr Olmert to me! Which is not to say Hezbollah isn't.

Have you ever read 1984 Nemesis6? You remind me of that dear fellow Parsons.

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Quote[/b] ]Most terrorists are Muslims and Al Qaeda exists.

Statistical bull as most of the people on this planet are muslims aswell.

Actually there are far more christians but let's just say the muslims are gaining fast.. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Most terrorists are Muslims and Al Qaeda exists.

Statistical bull as most of the people on this planet are muslims aswell.

Actually there are far more christians but let's just say the muslims are gaining fast.. crazy_o.gif

and whos fault is that? if we didnt invade iraq this wouldnt have happened. Most of the Muslim world seemed to accept afganistan as most ikwnodlged it as a renegade state. Iraq in manys eyes was different, and in some of his acusations, Seddam has a case in his defence (how true it is or not ill leave you to decide).

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