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Stalingrad island released

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Here's my 3D2001SE Benchmark score, with system specs posted:


It's a beautiful map, but on a system like that, it is unplayable with more than 2 or three units on it. It needs to be simply cut in 1/3 or 1/4 of the size.

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Is there any possibility that a stand alone object pack could be released which includes some of the kick ass destroyed buildings and stuff like that? It would be a GREAT tool for mission editors looking to create a battle torn city of their own!

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Is there any possibility that a stand alone object pack could be released which includes some of the kick ass destroyed buildings and stuff like that?  It would be a GREAT tool for mission editors looking to create a battle torn city of their own!

What's you're really asking for is a new Editor Update addon, including many objects that have been created since Gunslinger's EU was released many moons ago.

This would be very nice. I'll start a new thread about this idea.

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As a now eperienced object/island maker I can say that the building objects need to be about 32 times as big. This actually helps performance by requiring less objects - if the resolution lods don't have too many polys that is. If you're going to cram in buildings, then each object has to be much bigger. Instead of copying and pasting over in visitor so much, do it in O2, changing little areas within the buildings to make them connect together and even add path and road lods so ai might use or go through buildings. If you make many variations of large multi-building objects, you can then just line up the large building objects on both sides of roads to make it seem like an even more dense city. In Visitor then copy the 2 straight lines of buildings along a road and paste that row over and over.

Make the masses of the objects in the geometry LOD very high, like 100000 so they only crumple because of very heavy bombs.

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I´m very disappointed with the map. When I saw the first screenies it looked really great and then those Halo untis (but that´s a different story). Then I saw those pics with the train and started drooling. But now I´ve downloaded it and made a litle fly over I´ve decided to delete it from my Hd. First It lags like hell on my system (Athlon Xp 2000, GF4MX440, 512MB DDR RAM). It doesn´t look that good as on the screenies. And Where is that train?rock.gif

I know it´s hard work to create an island because I tried and was never satisfied with my work. But I´d never released something this buged to the community.

So these were my 0,02€ Hope it didn´t hurt too much.


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I think this is still a work under development. I hope the author will keep working hard at resolving the lag issues so that the island is realistically playable for most players.

As for the quality, it sure looks impressive but it has to be practical as well.

Let's be patient and not rush it. I'm waiting for the next version.

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You know what Avon lady. Your FAQ is great but instead of having a sig that says not enough missions, why don't you start a missions site? I bet it would be popular, you could do something great for the community. AVON Ladies OFP missions, has a nice ring to it.

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You know what Avon lady. Your FAQ is great but instead of having a sig that says not enough missions, why don't you start a missions site? I bet it would be popular, you could do something great for the community. AVON Ladies OFP missions, has a nice ring to it.

Believe me, I wish I had the time to study mission making and organize a team to put out the best OFP missions and campaigns using the most popular islands and addons.

Since I can't carry the baton, here is the golden opportunity for someone else to pick it up and become a long term hero of the OFP community.

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Well right now I am studying to become a mission maker since I found out I can only make invisable islands and I cant even make a cube in O2. biggrin_o.gif

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You know what Avon lady. Your FAQ is great but instead of having a sig that says not enough missions, why don't you start a missions site? I bet it would be popular, you could do something great for the community. AVON Ladies OFP missions, has a nice ring to it.

Believe me, I wish I had the time to study mission making and organize a team to put out the best OFP missions and campaigns using the most popular islands and addons.

Since I can't carry the baton, here is the golden opportunity for someone else to pick it up and become a long term hero of the OFP community.

Good idea, but the problem is people don't like downloading heaps of addons for individual missions! We have whole section of the forum dedicated to new missions and campaigns (separate from editing, just for beta-testing) and most of the mission makers try to make missions without any official addons for that exact reason! If somebody makes a mission including some addon which is another 5 or 10 megs of download, 50% don't download the mission because 5 Mb on 56K is not the same as 5 Mb on ADSL! sad_o.gif

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Wacky_Iraqi[LtC] @ Sep. 28 2003,15:56)]is there a train?!?!?!? i found the train depot and that long track but wheres the train?!?!?!?

AFAIK there is no working train on the map, just tracks and objects that look like freight carriages. The author did say he was working on a train, as are the AEF campaign and a Nam island maker (forgotten the name!) I think. wink_o.gif

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Does anyone know what happend to this promising island? He had many plans for updates but I haven`t heared from him for a long time.Just wondering since I was very intrested in this island...

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the island looked promising...

but i think the mass of constuctive criticism, and realizing that randomly placed buildings aren´t enough to get stalingrad, let him drop his project.

it would take very much time to rebuild his island into a "real" stalingrad map.

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I disagree and so do the forum rules with me:

§10) Do not dig up old threads

Threads older than 4 months should not be dug up unless something significant is being added. If in doubt as to what is "significant", contact a moderator and they will give you their opinion. As always old threads will remain open or be closed at the moderator's discretion. Digging up an old thread simply to ask "any news" is also not acceptable, PM the thread starter or mod leader to ask.

So please, refrain from digging up such old threads!

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