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Geforce fx 5600 problems

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-nomap and -nosplash are not the same, -nosplash gets rid of the advertising screens when starting the game, -nomap is an alternative way for the game to handle addons, it solves many people's problems, you should try it, it can be used in conjunction with -nosplash.

Is -nomap a sort of compromise?For example are there things you can't usually do/changes to the aspect of the game,etc when you impliment this command?

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Quote[/b] ]Is -nomap a sort of compromise?

It is a performance kind of compromise - OFP can be a little bit slower, but uses a lot less memory. No functionality is removed with this.

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Quote[/b] ].EXE" -nosplash -mod=mods .

.. can any one explain me what i have to do for use of the nomap

Add -nomap to your shortcut like this:

.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=mods

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So, Suma and friends, :P, (now at least.. since most of you seem to have your FX cards working biggrin_o.gif), is this FX card somewhat stable or completely when running OFP now?

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So, Suma and friends, :P, (now at least.. since most of you seem to have your FX cards working biggrin_o.gif), is this FX card somewhat stable or completely when running OFP now?

Completely, I've not had any issues with it since 1.94.

No flickering textures, no bad lod switches, its all good.

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Cool and tks for the nomap advise 1.94 run just fine at least with the wargames addon pack smile_o.gif . ill trty more addons later and hope the official patch 1.94 is realised sun .

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this is a bit of a newbie question like but where do u actually put it in the shortcut? well i tried that in the flashpointbeta created by 1.94 and all it does is change the file type and then i cant play it at all, where am i going wrong?

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this is a bit of a newbie question like but where do u actually put it in the shortcut? well i tried that in the flashpointbeta created by 1.94 and all it does is change the file type and then i cant play it at all, where am i going wrong?

You need elementary Windows help.

Sound like you changed the file name itself. No! No! No! Rename it back just with the plain ".EXE" ending.

Then right click on the file. You should see a Create Shortcut option on the displayed menu. Click on that. This will produce a new shortcut file, which points to your OFP EXE file.

Now right click on the new shortcut you made and select PROPERTIES. In the target field, you'll see the full file path to the OFP EXE file. after the path is where you add parameters like -nomap and -nosplash. Example:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=mymodfolder

To run OFP with these settings, doubleclick your new shortcut - not the original EXE file.

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One weird thing happend to me well is actually 2 , i organize my folders by several mods : mods (Official ) addons and mods 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 with the rest of the addons and in shorcut of 1.94 i have this :

-nosplash -nomap -mod=mods;mods1;mods2;mods3;mods4;mods5;mods6

and in 1.91 shorcut i had :

-nosplash -nomap -mod=mods

that way i load 1.91 w/o addons and 1.94 with addons but i have athing showing on 1.94 whan i enter a game it says The_X_Men config folder mods,mods1,mods2 etc...

ok thats with 1.94

But today the weirdest thing happend, i start 1.91 but but this time with all the addons and ofcourse i get the green screen , then i took out the O.pbo from the Res/addons (And put it in the desktop) then i start the game (With addons) and give me a message that missing bis_ressitance pbo , i press ok to that message ond load the game , weird i loaded with all my addons (more then 500mg) and didnt got the green screen . but when i try to enter my Squad server , they was playing a map in the snow , it give me the message of missing Bis_resistance pbo , so i couldnt get in . Ok after that i leave the game put the O.pbo back and forgot to take out the mods1,mods2 from the 1.91 shorcut , then i start the game and guess what i get in the game and w/o getting the green screen , then i go to my squad server and start playing with addons , it give me messages of missing addons some times but still i could play . i dunow why this happend but sice i got the 5600 FX is the 1st time i can play with all my addons and in v1.91 , So this tell me the green screen have something to do with the O.pbo u guys from bis may want to check that out .......

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_The_X_Men @ Nov. 10 2003,00:38)]So this tell me the green screen have something to do with the O.pbo u guys from bis may want to check that out .......

This might be related to disk fragmentation as well. It is possible that when a pbo file is fragmented, it consumes some more memory.

Thank you for this hint, as this may help to other users as well. I am adding a note about this in a troubleshooting FAQ.

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No problem today i start up 1.91 with all my addons and didn't get green screen as well smile_o.gif hope it keeps like that if i have any problem i'll post imediatly to let u guys know .


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Don't mean to drudge up this busy topic (not 30 days old yet)

Add me to the list of the poor souls that purchased a fx5600 card that is giving me a hard time.

I'm getting artifacts and some games are unplayable (Bf1942 crashes out at menu)

I have tried lots of things,my new mb bios is latest and the crubby Via drivers have been manipulated in many ways (why did I get a Via chipset mb!!?)

I think its related to the viagart (AGP driver),because using an older one at least some games will play.

Anyone have any tips? I have a palitdaytona fx5600 128mb video card and installing it in a Asrock M266a motherboard.

I have been working on it when I can for days now

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Hi, I'm new to Operation Flashpoint.

I was desperate to post the problems its causing on a brand new PC after seeing this thread, but its taken FIVE days for my account to be activated so I can post messages.

I'm very disappointed to see all the problems people have, and losing data from the hard disk is unacceptable (another thread). I'm considering taking the game back to the store as it's "not fit for purpose".

The main problems I have seem to be covered in this thread.

Brand new PC, and I've had the green screen problem a couple of times. Game locks the whole computer up if I click on the Multiplayer option (one thing I was looking forward to being able to try). When playing the same in single player, the sound will start to go slowly all of a sudden, and sometimes the PC just reboots for no apparaent reason mid-game.

I've downloaded the patches available, and updated the driver to the latest one (1.94beta), but no difference. I saw the add-ons folder mentioned, mine stands at around 50mb, just what is made at install, nothing extra in it.

From the limited use I've had from the game, I was very impressed with the graphics and game play, but these major problems make it just not worth the hassle unless BHI has a cure. I was very surprised to see so many people with the same problem on that thread. Everthing else works fine on the PC, and a similar game I bought at the same time (Conflict Desert Storm) works fine. So it's obviously a fault in the game. The PC rebooting spontaneously is particularly worrying in case it does any long term damage to this new PC.

The PC should easily handle the game I think, spec below:

P4 3.06

W XP Home

160gb HD

512mb DDR Ram

256mb NVidia FX5600

I'd like to get the game working properly, but reading this forum it doesn't look like its going to happen. I'll post in the FX5600 thread too, as most of this post is more appropriate to there.

Needless to say, I'm a bit disappointed in this game, it reminds me of why I never used to play PC games on my old PC, too much hassle having to alter your system just to get games to work, seems better on a console. Just stick it in and play. I didn't get this PC to play games on really, more for video editing, but thought I'd get this game as I like army ones, and I thought the PC would handle it no problem, which it should by rights. I have no problems with anything else.



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Well like most PC games, you're bound to hit a bug or an error or something similar at some point. I don't think there's ever been a flawless game in this respect, and in some cases (more like most cases) patches are released to fix these problems. I've had my fair share of OFP woes, but I always find a way to fix any problems I have had. If you like a game enough, then you'll do what you can to get it to work well, whether it be get a new PC or perform some sort of upgrade or just install latest hardware drivers and software updates. My rig is pretty much the same as yours, except for the processor and motherboard (mine's an XP 2500+ on a K7N8X-X) and I've encountered most of the bugs you are encountering, but I've fixed them all smile_o.gif

I'd go through what I've done to remedy them but tbh I can't really be arsed right now, it's 0257...8 tounge_o.gif

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@ HD462

I'd like to point out that I have had this game for several years and have outrageous amounts of time playing it and editing it,and I have played it on a variety of pc's and video cards like v2,vrush,v3,savage,tnt,geforce2mx and gts chipset along with a g4 ti 4200... I've had no problems until this recent change to a new mb and the FX 5600.

To update my problems,

I am not impressed but have had some success.Everything now appears stable but still appears to have some framerate loss.

My Via chipset mb running in Win98se needed fiddling with the viagart that didn't/doesn't appear to install using the 4in1 driver

BF42 crashing out at menu was related to me using the built-in sound and the game was left set for hardware accel

Believe it or not my DaytonaPalit Geforce 4 fx5600 128mb appears to have poor/bad memory as it requires slight underclocking to remove the artifacts (artifacts also were causing sluggish performance)

Using older video drivers (currently 44.03) the video card appears most reliable and has the auto-detect function in the video memory clock speed

Lots of reading of the forums (registration not required) helped me work out most of my problems. http://www.guru3d.com/

I'm not impressed so far, my ti4200 was most reliable

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First of all, I'm sorry you have to go through all this BS. OFP is truly a classic game, which has resulted in a very large and dedicated community behind it. When you compare it to other 'flash in the pan' games, OFP has lasted for quite some time (since 2001), and every time people in the community predict that the game is 'dying out', a fresh new battallion of people that are tired of the same old shooters discover the game in their local stores bargain bin, and quickly get hooked.

First and most importantly, your computer rebooting itself points to a hardware or driver problem - even if OFP is the only program that causes these reboots. As opposed to many programs or even games which only stress certain parts of your system, OFP is sort of unique, as it stresses every single component (hard drive/memory/processor/video) of your computer while running.

While the green-screen issues with certain new video cards, and crashes to the desktop can defintely be attributed to OFP, spontaneous reboots cannot. Spontaneous reboots, or blue screens with Windows 2000 and Windows XP can only be attributed to a driver that doesn something it's not supposed to do, or a faulty peice of hardware in your system.

I've been playing OFP since the demo came out in 2001, and have only had bluescreen/reboot issues once - and that was caused by my SBLive audio driver, which I proceeded to update. Never had a reboot or bluescreen since, and have only had a few game crashes (caused by myself, in the mission editor).

The most common 'flaky' problems that pop up with computers seem to be memory related, so may I suggest trying memtest86 on your computer...


As for the game locking up when you click on the multiplayer, I think that having a firewall running will cause this, as it blocks the game from communicating to the servers that host server lists.

There are others here (like the Avon Lady) who have much more indepth troubleshooting knowledge about OFP, that might be able to help you further.

Brand name PC's generally carry cheap parts which can lead to these weird problems. The last "factory built" PC I used was about 7 years ago. I bought Nascar Racing, and was NEVER able to play it. Every other program I ever ran on that stupid PC would never give problems, but NASCAR racing would crash after a couple of minutes ever time I played. Sieraa's tech support tried to help me, but after trying everything, they bascially gave up. About a year later the serial port went bad on the Motherboard and I had to replace it. To my discust, Nascar racing majically worked like a charm after replacing the Motherboard. Unfortunetely the game was 'old' by then and I had lost interest. crazy_o.gif

Good luck. smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Like I said in the previous post, I did read the threads first, thats how I knew about these issues. The things you mention are all well and good, but the majority of pc users are not techies, and wouldn't know where to start doing the things required....nor should they have to really. You don't expect all car drivers to also be a mechanic.

If you buy a game, you should be able to just put it in and run it, not have to stick your head under the bonnet. Imagine if cars were like this, you buy some dodgy fuel, but the fuel company says its ok...you just need to change your engine to use it....yeah right.

I fix things for a living, I don't want to have to start fixing things at home just to get one game to work, or have the expense of changing parts on a pc to get one game to work either.

Maybe the game does test all parts of the pc, but so does video editing which I mainly got this pc for. That hasn't caused any problems or spontaneousl rebooting. It's also weird that it seems to happen when you get to a certain point in the game too...the last one I remember, I forget the mission name now, was where you start off near a beach. You have to drive up to your troopsin a jeep and get in the nearby lorries and drive off to the town. As you get to two roadsigns just as you leave the village you are on the outskirts of, it seems to trigger the reboot as you pass the roadsigns.

Like I said, this is why I stopped playing games on my last PC about 4 yrs ago. I thought the situation would have improved by now, but it seems PC gaming still has all the old problems (and I'm not just referring to this game here, it seems to be a common thing of a lot of pc games). You spend lots of time sorting problems out just to get the thing to work, instead of playing the game......which is probably why the console market is so strong.

Imagine if the console market had the same problems with being able to play games. I know the situation is different there though, as the game designers know people will all be using the same hardware on a console.

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Right, welcome to gaming....Almost a case of the hardware outgrowing the software really, OFP has been known to run on a variety of machines.

OFP was working after I replaced my hardware, just had some artifacts...It was BF42 I was having problems keeping running, there is a game that is finnicky ,users of Bf42 are prepared to pull their soundcard to play if they have to ,as that is a known Bf42 performance problem.

Consoles don't always work right either tho, games have been recalled there also.

New cars don't always work either...I do autobody for a living.Cars often have defects from factory and require constant maintenance in order to operate.

If a new interstate came out and everyone was able to do 100mph,you might have to modify your older car.If I drive a road that only has gas stations every 250 miles I would have problems cause my car only gets 235 miles a tankfull.

I'm being silly now,lol

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If you buy a game, you should be able to just put it in and run it, not have to stick your head under the bonnet. Imagine if cars were like this, you buy some dodgy fuel, but the fuel company says its ok...you just need to change your engine to use it....yeah right.

Maybe the game does test all parts of the pc, but so does video editing which I mainly got this pc for. That hasn't caused any problems or spontaneousl rebooting. It's also weird that it seems to happen when you get to a certain point in the game too...the last one I remember, I forget the mission name now, was where you start off near a beach. You have to drive up to your troopsin a jeep and get in the nearby lorries and drive off to the town. As you get to two roadsigns just as you leave the village you are on the outskirts of, it seems to trigger the reboot as you pass the roadsigns.

Like I said, this is why I stopped playing games on my last PC about 4 yrs ago. I thought the situation would have improved by now, but it seems PC gaming still has all the old problems (and I'm not just referring to this game here, it seems to be a common thing of a lot of pc games). You spend lots of time sorting problems out just to get the thing to work, instead of playing the game......which is probably why the console market is so strong.

Video editing harly tests out all parts of a PC. When I bust out Virtualdub to do some editing, it uses around 25MB of my system's memory when I encode a 2GB raw AVI file. Also, as video only uses '2D' graphics, it places virtually no strain on your video card. It's mainly a processor intensive thing.

If you only do video editing on your computer, and you want something that 'just works' a macintosh would probably be a good solution. If you prefer consoles, OFP is coming out for the XBox. biggrin_o.gif

Factory built ('OEM') PC's are generally crap. It's sad but true. There are a few vendors out there (like Alienware) where you can get truly high quality PC's, which will cost you a bit more, but for the most part the big vendors like Dell, Gateway, Compaq, Micron, ect, all manufacture crap(or perhaps I should say 'crapshoot') systems.

What brand is your PC? Does it have a warantee and support? Why not call them and compain that it reboots when you play a certain game. If they tell you it's the games fault, tell them they are full of it (I gaurantee you, it's not the game's fault!), and demand that they rectify the situation by helping you to diagnose the problem.

It helps that you can make the computer reboot reliably. I would suggest trying OFPMark 2. It's guaranteed to crash a bugged computer every time. smile_o.gif

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I've read this thread from beginning to end and now feel like crying.  Well, maybe not crying, but I'm pretty peeved.  I'm getting the green screen shenanigans on OFP 1.46 - totally clean install, no extra addons (win2k).  I splashed out on an asus v9950 ultra(geforce fx 5900 ultra, 256Mb) recently and this seems to be causing the probs.  Tried all the fancy fixes (aperture size, agp fast writes, fiddling with the prefs window - must've used every bloody combination, updating drivers, rolling back drivers) all to no avail...

Judging from my experience, and the VERY well documented cases here, it looks like there is an issue between 256Mb nvidia cards and OFP?  Or maybe even dx9?  Anyway my question is, is this being addressed? By anyone?  And, if so, will it fix my probs, seeing as I don't have Resistance (and no hope of buying it, no shop i've been to stocks it anymore, even online).

It's at this point someone points out the obvious fix I've missed, and makes me look like a fool...  biggrin_o.gif

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seeing as I don't have Resistance (and no hope of buying it, no shop i've been to stocks it anymore, even online).

Sure you've looked very hard?

Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year - Best Seller Edition


Play.com: Å7.99 Delivered

Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year Edition features Cold War Crisis, the Red Hammer campaign upgrade and the full expansion pack Resistance, which includes the campaign set before Cold War Crisis. The compilation offers gamers a saving loads of cash against buying the series of games individually.

I bought two copies from there to give to friends, at that price you can't go wrong smile_o.gif


Just done a Kelkoo search and gamesplanet.co.uk also have it for Å7.99

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Ahh, I was referring to the resistance addon alone, not bundled. Didn't even occur to me to look for a bundle!

And only Å7.99!  Worth the money if it gets rid of the green screen (fingers crossed)

Cheers for that  biggrin_o.gif

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Just slapped the 1.94 patch on, ran it with the -nomap command and found IT WORKS!!!! Finally!!

Now, what can I get BIS for Christmas?

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Congrats.. glad your screen is fixed

I am still stuck with this Fx5600 and it does have some performance problems still

Already considering choices for my next card

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