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P-51d mustang is out

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Hmm... I seem to be getting this view when pressing the optics key (not assigned as v or 0 on my profile smile_o.gif)

Besides I don't think the gunsight view is any good in the heat of an aerial combat, because you can't pan the view while aiming. Usually I just zoom in when chasing someone.

The gunsight view might be of help when strafing tho.

A great page on gunsights on WW2 fighters!

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Radar is it a problem?

I would like to keep it as it is way too hard to find the enemy with out it!

In the dogfights the enemy may just be out of visual range and therefor you just can't find them.

Any suggestions?

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Simple way to make a @mod folder.

Make a folder called @whateveryourmodfolderwantstobecalled in the flashpoint directory.

Make another folder inside of that one called addons

Make a copy of your shortcut of operation flashpoint, and add


It is advisable to make 2 of these mod folders, because, if you are making just one mod folder, you would still be getting the memory map issue, as you were opening the same amounts of addons as before if you were to access the mod.

For me, the shortcut looks like this

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=@WW2Addons

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Just use the OFP launcher by Kegetys, no need for desktop shortcuts that way. You just check the boxes of the mods that you want to use that time you play. Unless the OFP launcher doesn´t work on your system (?), I see no reason for not using it, well except masochism tounge_o.gif

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I have a problem when i install it it goes fine but when im ingame in mission editor and i place the plane in mission editor and preview it it crashes to desktop everytime again, no error at all, i have had never a problem with addons.   sad_o.gif

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Some more info is needed

I have a problem when i install it it goes fine -> What have you installed ? Did you just install the skin pack ?

What version have you got?

Have you got too many addons n you're folder?

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Some more info is needed

I have a problem when i install it it goes fine -> What have you installed ? Did you just install the skin pack ?

What version have you got?

Have you got too many addons n you're folder?

No its working fine now i had too many addons installed deleted some and it works like a charm  biggrin_o.gif

BTW your website is down  sad_o.gif

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Yeah my webs down and so is AIA's i think it is because blackdog has got a new server for tacticalblunder.com. smile_o.gif

Some info

I have 2 missions ready for the next release, just a little bit of cutscene work to do.

I'd like to include a ju52 mission as well, so it looks lik you will all be getting 3 missions smile_o.gif + a script example mission (for the gunscript)

Capt Ryan may also have a mission for us too, if he gets time.

I ask bratz for some help if i can use his wheel script.


You all will need the corsair pack as i will code the corsair pilot in. (If thats cool with bratz) so download that if you haven't smile_o.gif but we all have by now. I've had too many complaints for a ww2 pilot and there is no way i'm going to make one.

The rest of the other planes will be released in 1 too 2 weeks after the update for the mustangs which will be sometime this week if blackdog can get the server going.

So it's important to list all/any unfound/unlisted bugs with scrips n stuff. Please test and be sure it's not something you are doing wrong first, and try and include a suggestion if you can.

Because it sucks to hear this, and if you don't have 10seconds to add a suggestion then i ain't listening.


VitunPaskaAddoni 10. 8. 2003, 17:38:42


the crosshair is crap! wep is buggy! MuzzleFlashTextures Suck! Canopy is buggy! But the model is good and it flies good!"

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Wow... thats 1 amazing addon! wow_o.gif  The model and the textures look brilliant (I take it thats what has changed?).

Any news with the AiA site blackdog or klesk? rock.gif

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Yeah thats good you noticed the textures will be better.

Also under the star you will see the radiator, it works too and looks good!

The aia site won't be back until blackdog rearangers the files, mine was quick because i dont have much, but he also has lots of other mods to do as well.

WW2EC TEAM are now back so check them out, looks real good again and excellent format. ps try voting who cars to their poll. lol smile_o.gif


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I was wondering if it wouldnt be better if the planes had no markings such as the number or logo/name on the "nose", as it looks weird when you have a few planes in formation or on a base all bearing the same number and name...

Would it be possible that the number is random or set by mission maker, like on some other addons and that the personal logo from the player shows on the nose ?

Anyway, i had started reskinning the tuskegee version (not finished) for my personal use, if you wish i could skin the tuskegee version of the P51-D, and if you dont, is it possible to have the meshes/templates for your next version so that i adapt my personal version ?



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I have had a problem with the WEP and drop tanks- I host the map I made, but the other players dont have those actions, WEP and drop tanks.. is there a code or my comp or...

BTW is there anyway if you release another version to have those only show up if you are in the plane (other players can also open/close canopy while I am in it on the ground...) - not next it and the jetison tanks further down- it gets annoying trying for WEP but instead dropping my fuel sad_o.gif

I love this addon - just like the corsairs way more fun than to launch a locking missle at them - Keep it up! biggrin_o.gif

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biohaz i don't have a way to test it on mulitplay sad_o.gif my internet speed is 28k at best sad_o.gif so i'm not sure how to set it up and fix some of the problems?

I've allready changed the wep pos that was real anoting smile_o.gif

so now wep is at the top of the list

the canopy won't be changed

you could try on their planes for the wep

_plane addAction ["WEP","\AIA_P51EM\wep.sqs"]

where _plane is the name of the plane or you could try just THIS

it might work?

_plane addAction ["Jettison Fuel Tanks","\AIA_P51EM\droptanks.sqs"]

for the tanks, but this proberly won't work as the fuel tanks use 2 scripts

If the planes fuel reaches 0.5 do the fuel tanks drop as they should?

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ok i hope those work... I haqve same problem - 33.33kbs but i have a 4 comp LAN and all the other players (Other than the host) cannot see WEP. I wasnt saying anything was wrong with the canopy, just the actions are annoying on the outside- the drop fuel and WEP.

1 more problem... you can drop the tanks and activate wep and the fuel goes back to green.

Cant wait for the addon- way more relistic than the corsair that you can fly at 800 kph in (continuisly pressing wep and no gas gets used) smile_o.gif

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Ok i get ya, you want the actions avaliable when the pilot gets in the plane smile_o.gif

"1 more problem... you can drop the tanks and activate wep and the fuel goes back to green."

I don't have that problem?

and i think it is Impossible, because each time you use the wep even if the fuel is at 0.2 it will always - the fuel by 0.05

Wait till Bratty gets time to update the corsairs they will be even better! but he is busy with some more real nice addons going on.

Hey does any1 have a script or know where 1 is? for the random numbers and logo features Lupus[WD] was talking about?

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Heyas guys.Also with patch 1.92 has changed some things and I will be releasing a final Corsair soon.

Just been busy with life (just moved,had a baby,changing a motor for my mother etc...)

Its already getting chilly here and winter is coming and I will be working on addons more very soon.

I still always miss Trenchfeet the little time I am online.

But I would like to help in any way I can.

I would like to point out that the way Trenchfeets P51 is scripted that users should try it again with the new patch as his scripts should be ok for MP and such now that init runs globally.TTYL

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None of the links works, and those that do work doesn't have this lil plane on them.

where can I find this Mustang of yours?

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The server is down at aia atm so thats your problem.

Try this link from ofp.info


the addon is about half way down the page

I really can't see that it's my problem that your server is down.

I've found the addon on this page you provided thank you very much, I'm looking forward to test it this afternoon.

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I can´t withstand, i know it´s a dumb question and offtopic, but: What the hell is a radiator for ??

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