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list of stuff that Arma reforger needs

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list of stuff that Arma reforger needs:

  1. for soviet:  tylshanka t shirt, VDV beret and Marines beret (specnaz?)
  2. for USA : green beret, olive drab head band, classic olive drab Tshirt (even in tank top)


  1. for soviets: ak74u, east german akmsk 7.62 x 39 rifle, hungarian amd65
  2. for USA: walther mpk, early m40 sniper rifle(was adopted in 1988),
  3. for Fia  classic wz61 scorpion

combat knifes? ( we are always waiting what intends BI for bayonets)
camofaces and night optics

the landscape and the mood of this game remind me a the first Battlefield Bad company only for console


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I think the FIA faction vehicles need to be redesigned. Now they are completely using Soviet vehicles. They need to be replaced with ones unique to this faction. And add the missing ones.


UAZ-469 - replace to Land Rover series 3 (or GAZ-69A - In the original OFP/CWA, resistance is used by UAZ, which is more reminiscent of a hybrid of UAZ-469 and GAZ-69A)

URAL-4320 - replace to Praga V3S

BTR-70  - replace to OT-64 SKOT (or BTR-152K1 with DShKM)

Add military version Skoda 1203 Ambulance (to balance UAZ-452A and M997)

Add static heavy machinegun DShKM (to balance NSV and M2HB)

Add static tripod machinegun UK vz. 59 T (to balance PKM tripod and M60 tripod)

Add armored car BTR-40 with DShKM (to balace BRDM-2 and HMMWV)

Maybe add light utility vehicle Zastava AR55 (analog Willis MB FIA from original OFP/CWA to balace M151A2)

Maybe add self-propelled anti-aircraft gun Praga PLDvK vz. 53/59 (I think in the future similar vehicles will be added to other factions. For example, Soviet URAL with ZU-23-2)


It is possible in the future to transfer the UH-1H helicopter to the FIA faction. In the USA, replace the Iroquois with the Sikorsky UH-60


Equipment and weapons are also subject to improvement:


Add Vz. 60 MLOK uniform for special forces

zukov is right - needs to be added Sa vz. 61 Skorpion for special forces

Replace PM to CZ 75 pistol

Replace SVD to PSL rifle or Zastava M76

Replace RPG-7 to RPG-75

Maybe add light machinegun Zastava M72 (with 75-round drum magazine)


This way we will get a fully functional unique playable faction

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Everything From ARMA 3 , just move it all over

all the vehicles

all the tanks

all the planes

all the guns


heres why , we going mod them and they prob going look more ugly than developers own ,

when game looks nice people buy


dont make game look ugly

Developers should let the modders take control of the game for them , we have proven many times our game modes are better and pay for the servers ourselfs


they should lossen the reigns alot more


  put arma4 at 100$ + 








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  On 5/23/2024 at 3:29 PM, RUSTY WABBITS said:

Everything From ARMA 3 , just move it all over

all the vehicles

all the tanks

all the planes

all the guns


heres why , we going mod them and they prob going look more ugly than developers own ,

when game looks nice people buy


dont make game look ugly

Developers should let the modders take control of the game for them , we have proven many times our game modes are better and pay for the servers ourselfs


they should lossen the reigns alot more


  put arma4 at 100$ + 

You are confusing the settings. Reforger is set during the Cold War in the late 1980s. ArmA3 has a near future. Therefore, content from ArmA3 cannot be added to Reforger. Perhaps ArmA4 will retain the ideas of ArmA3, but not Reforger. Reforger can be seen as a continuation (reimagining) of the original OFP/CWABohemia Interactive is currently working on solutions that should become the basis for ArmA4, but this does not mean that Reforger should remain unfinished.



In my post above, I would like to add one more point: We need a game mode in which the FIA faction will be playable on par with the USSR and the USA.

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  On 5/24/2024 at 12:44 PM, launcher said:

You are confusing the settings. Reforger is set during the Cold War in the late 1980s. ArmA3 has a near future. Therefore, content from ArmA3 cannot be added to Reforger. Perhaps ArmA4 will retain the ideas of ArmA3, but not Reforger. Reforger can be seen as a continuation (reimagining) of the original OFP/CWABohemia Interactive is currently working on solutions that should become the basis for ArmA4, but this does not mean that Reforger should remain unfinished.



In my post above, I would like to add one more point: We need a game mode in which the FIA faction will be playable on par with the USSR and the USA.

arma 4 will be in cold war scenario (BI stated that all contents in reforger will are in ARMA 4).
So after update BI developer added AK74U and bayonet (but not the hand knife melee)
now the 6b4 vest and a aks 74 are mandatory (even the altyn helmet)

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My understanding or at least hope was Arma 4 was going to be Reforger but fleshed out to the degree Arma 4 was using the new engine and in particular the SP portion.

It was the bridge to Arma 4 but I would expect it to be this plus all the technical things or most that happened in 3. So additions like sling roping etc, flight models and proper physics for things added over time but not necessarily a change in setting?


From there the modders can make it whatever anyone basically wants within reason.

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I've only just dipped my toe into editing so far, so excuse me if these have already been addressed. Also understand I'm coming at this as the mission maker for a "chillsim" style community that likes to play a lot of immersive missions.
Also there may be mods that already do these things, but personally I think they really need to be in the base game.

The first thing I think is desperately missing is the ability to assign yourself a face/identity. Especially with mods like Jove's awesome ToH characters it's always cool in Arma to be able to log in a identify people based on their characters face being the same week in week out.
My next thing would be very similar in that I can't seem to see a way to set an AI identity. If the players are looking for an HVT or something, being able to ID that AI by name/appearance is almost essential.

I also seem to be missing the ability to have set roles for players, at the moment it seems like when you join you can select roles which is great for the public "arcadey" style of gameplay that I'm stoked BI are embracing because it will bring more casual player in, but I really missing having slots in a defined player squad, and an arsenal that only shows the gear for the specific role that you slotted into. It makes getting a mission underway quicker if when I open the arsenal, I only see the Team Leader gear for instance, and don't have to wade through all the medics equipment, or have machine guns cluttering up the arsenal.

Again there may be mods that take care of these things, and I know the milsim style missions are somewhat niche, but it would be great to see these sorts of things baked into Reforger, or more likely Arma 4  

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  On 5/23/2024 at 3:29 PM, RUSTY WABBITS said:

Everything From ARMA 3 , just move it all over

all the vehicles

all the tanks

all the planes

all the guns


heres why , we going mod them and they prob going look more ugly than developers own ,

when game looks nice people buy


dont make game look ugly

Developers should let the modders take control of the game for them , we have proven many times our game modes are better and pay for the servers ourselfs


they should lossen the reigns alot more


  put arma4 at 100$ + 



Ive already suggested bringing over campaigns and some of the content from arma 2 & 3 to reforger placed in a modern section of its own but also having a few maps useable in game master as well some of the content from DLCs in its own DLCs for reforger on console that people could purchase , it wouldnt be completed in a short period of time but it is absolutely doable with dedication and effort it can be done console players should be allowed to experience a more modernized era in military combat gaming why we are deprived is just sickening but a majority that oppose are keyboard and mouse gamers which i have no hard feelings towards KBM players just the part for those that look down at controller players and think we deserve nothing but crap which sickens me through my very core , your suggestion is great actually honestly turning REFORGER into a HUB between 2 eras is a great idea but will probably never happen sadly and we as console players will be left depending on mods that dont work a majority of the time because the game engine bwing developed has many issues being left unresolved especially the console port for the game .






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Soviet marines are so cool

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  On 5/23/2024 at 3:29 PM, RUSTY WABBITS said:

Everything From ARMA 3 , just move it all over

all the vehicles

all the tanks

all the planes



They are going to move all of reforger's content over, add a few things, and call it Arma 4. 


So yes, if you own reforger, you will be paying for all the content a second time if you buy Arma 4. 

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  On 5/24/2024 at 12:44 PM, launcher said:

You are confusing the settings. Reforger is set during the Cold War in the late 1980s. ArmA3 has a near future. Therefore, content from ArmA3 cannot be added to Reforger. Perhaps ArmA4 will retain the ideas of ArmA3, but not Reforger. Reforger can be seen as a continuation (reimagining) of the original OFP/CWABohemia Interactive is currently working on solutions that should become the basis for ArmA4, but this does not mean that Reforger should remain unfinished.



In my post above, I would like to add one more point: We need a game mode in which the FIA faction will be playable on par with the USSR and the USA.

that would be a insane amount of work

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berets and face camos are mandatory (even bandanas)
so for US, need to add colt 1911 and remington 870 shotgun
for soviet ,APB pistol and ks23 shotgun
for FIA ther wz 61 is mandatory


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the sort of 1911's i think are relevant for circa 1989 would be  modified/custom 1911 that some Delta operators used, since the general army had already been swapping over to Berretta M9's by this point.


this is a image of a Delta operators 1911A1 build from the Airborne and Special Operations Museum at Fort Bragg, although this particular museum example is from operation gothic serpent circa 1993.



Expert from Larry Vickers 1911 guide vol 1 








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  On 6/8/2024 at 10:04 AM, zukov said:

Soviet marines are so cool


getting AK74 with polymer plum ( dark brown color)  furnishing would also be nice like in the above image. Not anarchornstic for reforger time frames as 1985 was final year of production of the Ak74 with wood furnishing. and 1986 till end of cold war polymer AK74 were produced. Some photos of it are also seen in late Afghan war











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so in Kolguyev we'll have a troposcatter station and Buthan camo for the soviet soldier ( to me even the tanks like the last trailer)


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So the 1P21 optic for the SVD Dragunov is mandatory


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