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The Iraq Thread 2

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hahahaha absolutely funny.

Especially when they called the singer from the Chicks with Dix an "educated woman with an opinion."

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Yes, exactly. The US intelligence had proof that there were WMDs in Iraq and they knew exactly where they were hidden. Before the invasion of course. tounge_o.gif

actually, German intelligence, and several other national intelligence agencies, had proof that he still had them after GW1.  Germans were still selling him questionable equipment up to 2001.

If these materials indeed travelled out through Syria, then yes, the administration screwed up badly.

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Yes, exactly. The US intelligence had proof that there were WMDs in Iraq and they knew exactly where they were hidden. Before the invasion of course. tounge_o.gif

actually, German intelligence, and several other national intelligence agencies, had proof that he still had them after GW1.  Germans were still selling him questionable equipment up to 2001.

If these materials  indeed travelled out through Syria, then yes, the administration screwed up badly.

BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE THEM ANY TIME AFTER 1997. We all know he had them after GW1.

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Quote[/b] ]BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE THEM ANY TIME AFTER 1997. We all know he had them after GW1.

Don´t worry about that Crazysheep.

Pit is one of these guys that pops out of a hole in the ground like the snake Kah from the Junglebook, rolling with his eyes and staring hypnotizing. He whispers a few words and goes back to his hole.

Nothing really seriouse. Everybody has a personality here !

Cheers !

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Yes, exactly. The US intelligence had proof that there were WMDs in Iraq and they knew exactly where they were hidden. Before the invasion of course. tounge_o.gif

actually, German intelligence, and several other national intelligence agencies, had proof that he still had them after GW1.  Germans were still selling him questionable equipment up to 2001.

If these materials  indeed travelled out through Syria, then yes, the administration screwed up badly.

BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE THEM ANY TIME AFTER 1997. We all know he had them after GW1.

The German intelligence report was well after 97 smile_o.gif

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Read it.

They said Saddam would be capable to develope WMD´s within 5 years but they never stated an imminent thread for germany.

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What WMD are a threat to Germany?

And to all you yank-haters, no, American icindienary bombs from 50 years ago are not.

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Thursday, June 26, 2003

I Never Promised You a Ruse Garden -- A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

June 26, 2003

Dear Lt. George W. Bush,

I hope you don't mind me referring to you by the only true military rank you ever achieved, that being the one from your on-again, off-again "days" in the, um, Texas Air National Guard. Ever since I saw you in that flyboy outfit, landing on that ship, I assumed you now wanted to be addressed by your military title, as opposed to the civilian rank imposed on you by your dad's friends.

So, Lieutenant, I was wondering, would you do me a favor?

Could you PLEASE do better than a ROSE BUSH?

I saw the guy on TV yesterday that your boys found, the Iraqi who said he had "planted" some nuclear plans in his "back yard" in Baghdad -- 12 years ago -- "under a rose bush."

Woo boy. That's a good one. Do you really think we are as dumb as we look? I know our fascination with "American Idol" and Scott Peterson may make us Americans look a little light in the head, but when it comes to lying to us to lead us into war, we really do demand a bit more of an EFFORT and a FOLLOW-THROUGH.

You see, George, it's not the lying and the doctoring of intelligence that has me all upset. It's that you've had control of Iraq for over two months now -- and you couldn't even find the time to plant just a few nukes or vats of nerve gas and at least make it LOOK like you weren't lying to us.

You see, by not faking some evidence of weapons of mass destruction, it shows that you thought no one would mind if it turned out you made everything up. A different kind of president, who believes that the American public would be outraged if they ever found out the truth, would go to great lengths to cover up his subterfuge.

Johnson did it with the Gulf of Tonkin. He said our ships were "attacked" by the North Vietnamese. They weren't, but he knew he had to at least make it LOOK like it happened. Nixon said he wasn't "a crook," but he knew that wasn't enough, so he paid hush money to the burglars and somehow had 18 1/2 minutes erased from a tape in the Oval Office. Why did he do this? Because he knew the American people would be pissed if they found out the truth.

Your blatant refusal to back up your verbal deception with the kind of fake evidence we have become used to is a slap in our collective American face. It's as if you are saying, "These Americans are so damn apathetic and lazy, we won't have to produce any weapons to back up our claims!" If you had just dug a few silo holes in the last month outside Tikrit, or spread some anthrax around those Winnebagos near Basra, or "discovered" some plutonium with that stash of home movies of Uday Hussein feeding his tigers, then it would have said to us that you thought we might revolt if you were caught in a lie. It would have shown us some *respect*. We honestly wouldn't have cared if it later came out that you planted all the WMD -- sure, we'd be properly peeved, but at least we would have been proud to know that you knew you HAD to back up your phony claims with the real deal!

I guess you finally figured that out this week. It started to appear that millions of us were calling you on your bluff -- those "fictitious reasons for the fictitious war." So you quickly produced this man and his rose bush and some 12-year old piece of paper and some metal parts. CNN broke in at 5:15pm and screamed they had the exclusive! "IRAQI NUCLEAR PLANS FOUND!" But a few good reporters started asking some hard questions -- and, barely 3 hours later, your own administration was forced to admit the plans were "not the smoking gun†proving that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.


Never a good idea to rely on a bush, Lieutenant.


Michael Moore


PS. Sorry, I still can't get that padded flyboy suit out of my head. I know, I need help. But when you landed on that carrier, and that banner read, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED," just what mission was that that was accomplished? 'Cause by my count, more than 50 of our young soldiers have died since you said the mission was accomplished. Anarchy still reigns, the Brits are losing kids, too, and wacko fundamentalists now seem to ready to rule the land. Women are already being told to cover their face and shut their mouths, store owners who sell liquor have been executed, and movie theaters showing "immoral" Hollywood movies have been forced to shut down. And hey, this isn't even west Texas! Maybe you could get back into that jumpsuit, fly over to Baghdad and land at the former Saddam International Airport, jump out and give one of those big happy waves -- under a sign that reads, "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE."


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Install Real player  smile_o.gif

I have it installed, but I'm not sure what upgrades I need or where to get them.

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Just got this by email.

Have fun!

Quote[/b] ] Try this soon, before Google fixes its site:

1) Go to Google.com;

2) type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction"; (with the double quotes)

3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search" button;

4) READ what appears to be a normal error message carefully.

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Hahha, this is a good one. biggrin_o.gif Thanks WhoCares.

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Ok, i just speed read the last 12 pages, i need to keep up. Unfortunately i don't really have anything to say, just a few lols at links and FSPolitician over there.

Not many British servicemen have died recently, i don't know why Michale Moore was complaining about it, it's war, people die, get used to it. I thought the performance of our militaries in this war though was poor mad_o.gif

We really need to work out how to coordinate allied force more efficiently and keep equipment cross compatible

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Quote[/b] ]I thought the performance of our militaries in this war though was poor

How's that?

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Quote[/b] ]I thought the performance of our militaries in this war though was poor  

How's that?

supply lines getting harrassed by enemy , soldiers from these supply lines captured

loss of several helicopters and aircrafts due to tactical misuse and crew errors more than enemy fire

excessive use of force (air support mainly) in some case causing the death of civilians more than paralysing iraqi military infrastructure

the first army of the world got pinned down in some strongpoints

the advance has been badly coordinated thus causing deficiences in supply and communication lines

a large number of troops weren't really prepared to desert warfare

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Quote[/b] ]Just got this by email.

Have fun!

Quote[/b] ] Try this soon, before Google fixes its site:

1) Go to Google.com;

2) type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction"; (with the double quotes)

3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search" button;

4) READ what appears to be a normal error message carefully.

Try the same thing with "French Military Victories"


Compared to GW1 I'd say this was a poor performance.  We moved too quickly and we didn't get Saddam.  I don't want to be one of those "hindsight generals" that points out every tactic's foibles, but it's true.  I guess politics and war just don't mix.

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I guess politics and war just don't mix.

My stance on this mix is that military should not enter politics, but have to know and be aware about it.

forgot to add casualty news...2 dead, after killed on the road,

and one from RPG attack on hummer, with the embedded reporter.

Quote[/b] ]Try the same thing with "French Military Victories"


oh god..reminds me of the time when I looked for Bersa pistols....the damn Google asked me if i was looking for a Beretta...... mad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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Hmm, some of the British troops got their desert boots 4 weeks after the fall of Baghdad.

Ran has explained it very well.

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I really think you need to compare it to wars of the past though? Excessive use of air superiority? Uhh...never has a military been so restrained in the use of bombs in combat operations....or have we forgotten the long bloody wars of the 20th century already? War is messy and PEOPLE DIE, supply lines get jammed, especially when the front advances in speeds never seen in warfare before. The media is totally flipping out about troops dying in Iraq, well, um, troops get killed in combat....more people died in Vietnam in a week, and more people on Omaha beach in a day than we have seen in this entire conflict so far. All people die, it's just a matter of how, and in today's liberal touchy feely world it's just not acceptable to die of anything particularly un-natural. Some may call it enlightened humanitarianism, I tend to see it as being soft, and thus vulnerable.

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I guess politics and war just don't mix.

War is the continuation of politics

- Clausewitz

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