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The Iraq Thread 2

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Yeah i read about this in Arab News ... really wierd do they think hiding coffins will hide the casaulty rate?  rock.gif

You'll be seeing alot more hiding of info as things get progressively worse for Bush.

Government extends its secrecy shield

Hiding the Bad News

Luckily there are now so many news sources, Bush can't cover everything up like his daddy did with Iran-Contra.

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We have it in the UK too


You wont find that on the BBC sad_o.gif or the Mail on Sunday or the guardian all sources regularly used in this thread and all Gagged

There is a missing link if someone would care to go to republic.org.uk they might find it crazy_o.gif

They could then go back to the channel 4 and submit the link (for which channel4 is not responcible) in the submit the link button biggrin_o.gif  

Then we can all sit back and watch the fun Of course I live in the UK so I cant submit the link or they send me to jail.

PS to the modies Its not Offtopic; it is key sources for this thread being censored.

Kind Regards Walker

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There is a missing link if someone would care to go to republic.org.uk they might find it crazy_o.gif

<a href="http://republic.org.uk/fun/MOS_2-11-3.html" target="_blank">What was the 'Mail on Sunday' story that was suppressed?


Prince Charles & his boy-friend?</a>

Poor Cruella - I mean - Camelia! wow_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]They could then go back to the channel 4 and submit the link (for which channel4 is not responcible) in the submit the link button biggrin_o.gif

Submitted. biggrin_o.gif  

Quote[/b] ]Then we can all sit back and watch the fun Of course I live in the UK so I cant submit the link or they send me to jail.

I doubt it. CH4 says: "Please note that although Channel 4 is not responsible for the content of third party sites, we will not link to sites that break UK law".

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Um, back on topic................

First, 2 more soldiers killed and a Polish officer was wounded:

Two More U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq

Quote[/b] ]41 minutes ago

By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two American soldiers were killed in separate attacks near Baghdad and along the Syrian border, the U.S. military said Thursday, and a Polish major was seriously wounded in an ambush south of the capital.

Second, while that Washington Post article was interesting, the fact is that the stories of the dead and wounded and more are on the WEB, on TV and radio and in the newspapers.

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and a Polish officer was wounded

He died. sad_o.gif

First Polish soldier killed in Iraq: official

Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD (AFP) - A Polish officer died in Iraq (news - web sites) after being wounded in an attack on a military convoy, the first fatality among Warsaw's troops serving with the US-led coalition in the country, the military said.

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First Polish soldier killed in Iraq: official
Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD (AFP) - A Polish officer died in Iraq (news - web sites) after being wounded in an attack on a military convoy, the first fatality among Warsaw's troops serving with the US-led coalition in the country, the military said.

Sad news indeed.

Quote[/b] ]Poland was allied with the United States and Britain in the war that toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) seven months ago.

It now commands a 9,000-strong multinational force patrolling a large swathe of central and southern Iraq. It has 2,500 soldiers in oil-rich Iraq, the fourth largest military contingent after the United States, Britain and Italy.

I never knew Italy had forces present in iraq. Were they there before the end of the'official' fighting? What other countries other than Britain, Australia, America and Poland that had combat troops on the ground during the 'official fighting'?

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I never knew Italy had forces present in iraq. Were they there before the end of the'official' fighting? What other countries other than Britain, Australia, America and Poland that had combat troops on the ground during the 'official fighting'?

I think they arrived afterwards.

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We have it in the UK too


You wont find that on the BBC sad_o.gif or the Mail on Sunday or the guardian sources regularly used in this thread and all Gagged

That's nothing odd. The Royal family has special treatement in Sweden as well. The media has an unspoken agreement not to embarrass them as it does not serve any purpose.

For instance it's common knowledge that our king is notoriously unfaithful, that our queen has had a couple of plastic operations, that the eldest prince is gay and that the crown princess has anorexia/bulemia. It gets reported from time to time, but generally the media avoids the subject.

That doesn't necessarily mean that they censor relevant news. And I don't see how prince Charles being gay would qualify as relevant news. It's his own business, hardly relevant for the country to know.

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And I don't see how prince Charles being gay would qualify as relevant news.

Two possible relevant headlines:




As for Sweden's royalty, let's sing!

Quote[/b] ]Now, she had a dream about the king of Sweden,

He gave her things that she was needin',

He gave her a home built of gold and steel,

A diamond car with a platinum wheel.





- Minnie the Moocher, best sung by Cab Callaway and his Orchestra, 1930


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Hi Denoir

The reasons it is relevant are:

The Man who is said to be Prince Charles's boyfriend is the one accused of raping another butler in the palace. The police have not pursued the case why? Work it out.

If true the alegations raise questions about the paternity of William and Harry.

If Prince Charles is King he is head of the Church of England which does not allow leaders to be be Gay. There was a big fus about a gay bishop in the US.

The most important thing is that this was not self censorship as you described happens in Sweden. It is real you go to jail type China Censorship. If it can happen on such a minnor thing it is very worying for what gets published in suposedly reputable UK press about important matters like Iraq.

Kind Regards Walker

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Yes you are right. I suppose it's one of the down sides of not having a written constitution.  rock.gif

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Yes you are right. I suppose it's one of the down sides of not having a written constitution.  rock.gif

Or the joys of monarchy ...

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Quote[/b] ]

Nov. 6? Jessica Lynch, the former Army private who was captured in Iraq, rescued in a daring nighttime operation and returned home to a hero's welcome, was brutally assaulted, according to her soon-to-be-released authorized biography.

The book cites intelligence reports that indicate Lynch was treated brutally and says medical records confirm she was anally penetrated. However, the book says she has no memory of the event.

Exaggeration or did she take some "for the team"? crazy_o.gif

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Jessica took one in the ass for the team. New super hero.

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eizei and Goeth, for your comments, there will be consequences. until decision is reached you two will be PRed.

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Though previous comments are tasteless, there still do not warrant post restriction in my opinion. Couple of previous pages were about anal rapings of royal princes or whether this-or-that prince is gay or not. Jessica Lynch did come public with this information herself, royal servant in question did not have such luxury to have decision in his hand.

She could have been silent, and all records of her ordeals would be sealed and never released during her lifetime, instead she accepted book and movie deals and got paid millions of dollars for that.

If someone needs to be banned, then ban all posters of anal rape discussion. To allow joking about one victim and disapprove another just because one is just servant in royal family and other is war hero is just hypocrisy, especially when Mrs. Lynch told her story for voluntarily.

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eizei and Goeth, for your comments, there will be consequences. until decision is reached you two will be PRed.

smile_o.gif How about you let someone who is not from the coalition decide, like a moderator from Germany or France or Russia. biggrin_o.gif Ahh, don't got one? Maybe a Canadian will suffice, but you never know with Canadians. wink_o.gif

Ok Walker, no offense to you but I find all things related to British royals utterly... un-important. smile_o.gif Wonder if that is hard to believe. EDIT: ok I see you write that to prove media restraints etc...

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I think we are all forgetting something:

Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint Board Rules

2§7)No public discussion on how the forum is moderated

If you have questions/complaints/comments that you wish to make about the board or moderators or anything like that please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive, please remember we have lives outside of the forum so can't promise to reply immediately. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM me (Placebo) and as head moderator I will be happy to look into the matter.

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Blackhawk down - 4 dead.

Quote[/b] ]Army Black Hawk Crash in Iraq Kills Four

25 minutes ago

By SLOBODAN LEKIC, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Army helicopter crashed Friday into a riverbank near Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, killing at least four U.S. soldiers, the military said. Another American was killed and nine were wounded in attacks in the northern city of Mosul, raising concerns that the insurgency was spreading north.


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Oh well USA asked for it crazy_o.gif Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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