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Why do all the infantry unit have that bug...?

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I know i showed that already, but as i am not a model maker [i'd like to but i have had some problems with oxygen when i recently tried to work on that] i'd like to know why all addons infantry units have this bug

Is this because of a game hardcoded routine that doesnt work well with this transition between standing position and strafing position, or is this because all model makers derivate their animations from the original bis frameset, repeating the error each time ?

If the first explanation is the good one, maybe bis should consider including a fix in the unprobable but [for the obvious reason there are still quite some bugs, and i dont mean this one] needed 1.92 version. In this case, anyway, this thread is not the one where it should be discussed.

Now, if the second explanation is the the proper one it's not off topic here as i would like to know if the addon makers [modelers] would pay attention to this bug and possibly modify this transition on their future releases.

Yes, i know it's not that important, still it's a bug in the animation and it looks quite ugly and weird as compared to the attention paid by some addon makers to the realism of tiny details.

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I have the same problem but only on windows 2000 plattform. On all other Win9x plattforms i have never seen this bug. And it has nothing to do with the models. This is an animation bug i think.

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i have had it on XP and on ME.

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i am on win ME, so it is obviously not linked to the OS,

if some people dont have this bug, or have HAD it, there must certainly be a reason why it happens, and a way to fix it.

MLF, are you sure you dont have it anylonger, i know that this bug is not obviously noticed, but once you have noticed it you keep seeing it and it becomes obsessive and quite upsetting.

i know that it's the tird install of ofp/resistance that i have done, and i have had that each time.

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Im on XP atm and to be honest aint play FLashpoint in about a month.

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I think its a game prob., ive had it under 98se, 2000 and xp pro. when you press strafe left(A key) their legs look bidimensional, try to press "A" repeatidly while standind on 3rd person view and the efect is quite horrible tounge_o.gif . Its one small problem on the best game ever made, just ignore it smile_o.gif .

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It has nothing to do with the OS for sure... this lil bug is anoying me too since a long time.

If anyone does a fresh OFP install soon then please try if this bug is also in version 1.0 i think i noticed it after some patches the first time but im not sure.

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i wont ignore it now,

i have discussed with a ofp mate, i have showed him how to reproduce the bug, and we came to the same conclusion that there are missing frames to the anim between the standing position and precisely the strafing left animation... the direct interpolation gives that flat effect, this is my first impression and Weiss confirmed he had the same feeling, we are now going to try to edit the animation in order to check that.

but if real modellers have a clue, they might do something to their addons ;P or modify ofp standard anims, hum, or BIS, do it :P

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Oh please. I've noticed this from day one. The only time you ever notice it is in 3rd person view, I've NEVER noticed it in the AI or when playing 1st person. I'd not waste my time fixing it when it's such a minor problem. I'm sure it will be fixed in OFP2. Yes it does look funny when it 3rd person view and sidestepping, but it's not like it's such a huge thing that you would want to spent hours, even days trying to fix. Just my opinion, but go right ahead... I've spent days working on things no one but myself would ever notice, so good luck smile_o.gif

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OFP is perfect if you can´t think of worse bugs than this tounge_o.gif

Seriously, it flashes by so fast that I hardly notice it and I see it maybe twice a month?

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I've been playing OFP pretty much daily for about 18 months now, and i have only ever noticed this bug today, by going ingame and trying to make it happen, it really really isnt that big a deal...

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