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Coc torpedoes 1.0 released

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You can download them from our main site here or a mirror here.

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Please read the "Quick Instructions" before installing. It will probably save you a lot of time smile_o.gif

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Hi all

Bigga Badda BOOM!

Anyone look at the photo of the bridge yet?  biggrin_o.gif

Kind Regards walker

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Yepp, its really cool smile_o.gif

Bit weak against the LST though, 1 Mk-48 and 1 Mk-50 couldn't sink it rock.gif

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Bit weak against the LST though, 1 Mk-48 and 1 Mk-50 couldn't sink it rock.gif

A 200 kg warhead does only moderate damage on a target so large. An Mk-48 hevyweight can sink a destroyer with one shot or seriously damage a frigate, but against larger targets you need more firepower.

Don't worry, that's why man created the nuclear weapon wink_o.gif

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Bit weak against the LST though, 1 Mk-48 and 1 Mk-50 couldn't sink it rock.gif

A 200 kg warhead does only moderate damage on a target so large. An Mk-48 hevyweight can sink a destroyer with one shot or seriously damage a frigate, but against larger targets you need more firepower.

Don't worry, that's why man created the nuclear weapon wink_o.gif

Aye ;)

Is the S3 really that inaccurate in RL? It missed a stationary boat and went straight on the beach sad_o.gif

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S3? You mean the Shkval? Yes. It supercavitates to its target and has a very limited tracking ability through a high powered active sonar. You get speed but you lose good guidance.

The big slow torpedoes (Mk48 and 5365KE) have the best tracking ability but they are slow and they also have a long minimum range.


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I love the effect witht the nuclear shkval!

PS:the Mk-48 is not really a slow torpedo, it can go 50 knots fairly easily.

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Right, gotcha.

That nuke is absolutely stunning :0 It looks sweeeeeet!!!

I'm also impressed by the fact that it actually managed to find and detonate at the Hermes, I thought it wouldn't work because the Hermes isn't a vehicle as such smile_o.gif

Awesome work denoir+team, amazing smile_o.gif

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All I can say is AMAZING!!! Testing it out right now... all we need now is a Navy Seahawk or SeaKing helicopter... or maybe a P-3 Orion anti-ship/submarine aircraft. smile_o.gif

But at least now we can simulate a Seahawk helicopter. A torpedo equipped helicopter will look really nice on that new Hermes aircraft carrier addon. smile_o.gif

Keep up the awesome ground-breaking work CoC dudes!!!!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Now I just need Klinks new sub to hunt down to keep it from blowing up the Hermes hehe. Great work guys. Now that you made the weapons I need targets!!!!!!! Hopefully we will see these torpedoes being used in new addons.

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Gonna have to check this out. LOVE playing Sub command, and the Shkval caught my eye. Nothing so satisfying in that sim as sneaking your Akula II up behind an LA class, closing to ~2,000 yards, and letting that speedster loose. Poor SOBs don't even have time to soil themselves, let alone get enough speed to try and evade.

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Absolutely amazing work CoC! That nuke looks great.


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Stupid nuclear bomb blows me up every time!  mad_o.gif

Maybe if you wouldn't call it "stupid"..........................

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Additional mirrors are welcome.

OFP FAQ mirror


Thanks smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]

Stupid nuclear bomb blows me up every time! mad_o.gif

Did you read the documentation before testing it?:

Quote[/b] ]Additional notes:

Note on the Nuclear Shkval underwater missile: Although it's low-yield it's still a nuke, don't be near it when it detonates wink_o.gif Nominal safe distance at sea level is 900-1000m

Just don't stand too close smile_o.gif


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Just downloading now... I look forward to sinking a few of my ships. Nice work guys

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im very impressed.. u da man! keep up the work

no its time to see if the enmy like my new Nuke powered BBQ

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Just downloading now... I look forward to sinking a few of my ships.  Nice work guys

Are you going to include this in your mod so we can all sink the Belgrano please biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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By the way denoir, I have an improvement idea: can you add sonar pings that ping faster and faster the closer the torpedo gets to the target? Probably not very realistic, but makes for awesome atmosphere, also makes it easier for boat captain if he knows that a fish is in the water!

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