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Tex -USMC-

The matrix: reloaded

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How on earth does the plot of the matrix parallel with Christianity?

In the world of the Matrix, humanity is in deep biblical shit, so to speak. By our own greed and arrogance, we've sinned our way into total enslavement of body and mind. Now, our only hope is the One, who can operate in the Matrix (and now, apparently, the real world) with what can only be described as God-like powers. A prophet foresees his coming, and he has to die before he truly becomes 'The One'. He died for our sins, and then rose again to save us. I don't know how to make it any more clear.

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some think its a zionist plot against islam (The whole matrix thing)

btw this is not my view.

how? because there seem to be a parallelism with christianism

These people do

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I wanna see what is the final message that the brother wanted to give us, then I will be able to tell u if it is good that they use religious references in the movie

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Saw it twice already. Nothing short of orgasmic. Although I must say don't bring a girl to see it that hasn't seen the first one.

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Saw it twice already. Nothing short of orgasmic. Although I must say don't bring a girl to see it that hasn't seen the first one.

yeah, mine asked a lot of questions too.

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Does this make "The Architect" Satan?

Probably would, since he appears to be the controller of the matrix which some could look at as been hell, just with a nicer face lift.

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Does this make "The Architect" Satan?

No, just a role that definitely should have been played by Donald Sutherland.

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Who does this make "Smith"....?

Ever seen Dogma? He's kind of like Asrael in that movie, I guess.

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So Keanu Reeves is Jesus....hmmm...."whoa"

we're in trouble....

Luckily it isn't an exact interpretation.

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Whether he is supposed to be Jesus or not, he is certainly rich if anything stated here is true, although it could quite possibly be false.

Quote[/b] ]Keanu Reeves has become Hollywood's highest paid star thanks to the success of the Matrix film series.

According to press reports today, his contract pays him 15 per cent of the movies' box-office take - giving him a paycheque of $US206 million ($A313.79 million) so far.

That amount is before the final film in the trilogy The Matrix: Revolutions comes out in November, not to mention further income from videogame, DVD and TV sales.

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So yesterday the AFI American Film Institute released the Top 50 Heroes & Top 50 Villains. [.pdf]

Neo isn't on the list. Hehe.

Harry Potter isn't either  mad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Nor is Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski  mad_o.gif

And they put Travis Bickle (Rober Deniro) of Taxi Driver as a villain WTF He's a HERO   crazy_o.gif


-=Die Alive=-

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Just bought "The Animatrix" DVD, and it´s great.

I particularly liked "The second renaissance", it was really touching. Some of the atrocities committed in Pt.1 were really disgusting. At least the machines get a kind of revenge in pt.2... I also liked "matriculated" which had some stunningly beautiful, yet playful and imaginitive visuals. I didn´t like the animation or story in "Kid´s story", though. And "the final flight of the osiris" (the 3D, Final Fantasy style animation)is just a pointless, boring and unimaginitive action sequence.

Still, if you´re a Matrix fan, rent it/buy it!

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Egypt bans US blockbuster movie Matrix Reloaded

Quote[/b] ]

The director of artistic censorship, Madkur Thabet, said that "despite its excellent technical level, the film was banned because it deals with subjects like human existence and creation.

"And these are questions linked to the three monotheistic religions that we respect and which we believe in," Thabet added. "These questions have in the past provoked crises and tension."

Well I'll be, I'd figured Utah whould be the first state/nation to ban this movie...

-=Die Alive=-

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Hell, why did Sean Connery never get a kid?

He did, he was in some theater play here a while ago, my parents went to see it, they say he got Naked in it. It was called "The Blue Room"

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@ June 03 2003,09:38)]
Does this make "The Architect" Satan?

No, just a role that definitely should have been played by Donald Sutherland.

Nah, everybody knows that the architect is the colnel from KFC tounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Sorry for bringing this topic back up on top, mods. I just have a short question: what`s the techno song`s name in that zion rave? smile_o.gif

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I am not sure, the soundtrack may help you:

1. Linkin Park - Session

2. Marilyn Manson - This is the New Shit

3. Rob Zombie - Reload

4. Rob Dougan - Furious Angels (instrumental)

5. Deftones - Lucky You

6. Team Sleep - The Passportal

7. P.O.D. - Sleeping Awake

8. Unloco - Bruises

9. Rage Against The Machine - Calm Like A Bomb

10. Oakenfold - Dread Rock

11. Fluke - Zion

12. Dave Matthews - When the World Ends (Oakenfold Remix)

Disc: 2

1. Don David - Main Title

2. Don Davis - Trinity Dream

3. Juno Reactor - Tea House

4. Rob Dougan - Chateau

5. Juno Reactor - Mona Lisa Overdrive

6. Don Davis vs. Juno Reactor - Burly Brawl

7. Don Davis - Reloaded Suite


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Sorry for bringing this topic back up on top, mods. I just have a short question: what`s the techno song`s name in that zion rave?  smile_o.gif

Band: Fluke

Song: Zion

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I'll reply properly later, but just to avoid confusion, i mean actual dreaming. Not regular dreams, lol, yes we can verify that by sleeping. Millions of people can testify to becoming aware in a dream, as aware (if not more so) as in waking time, and with memory of the waking mind, able to mainpulate the dream environment, not a nightly occurence for most people. Some people actually pay many thousands of dollars at established institutes to reach that state.

That is the observation of millions..so it must be...

I didn't know that becoming aware in a dream is so special. Happens to me often (but not every night) It's a cool feeling. You sort of wake up but remain in the dream world able to manipulate it.

I also have these strange deja vus. Like "I've seen this in a dream" It has happened to me often. Don't know how many other people have them.Apart from me my mom is the only one I know that has them.

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