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What could be greater then radar? smile.gif

It would be great to pick targets directly on a radar screen instead of the standard direct targeting, this would be great for AA, cruise missiles, Anti ship missiles and more.

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Yes, and it could add depth by giving radar to only some vehicles or more sensitive radar.

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Yes it is stupid giving hueys and stuff radar, they only radar they have is doppler and it's for weather.

Plus as soon as you get in a jeep you are noticed by enemy gunships etc.

Radar should be realistic with terrain limits and jamming, also you could have standalone radars which would be a good target instead of shilkas all the time.

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On the subject of radar targeting, I would like to see the HUD target boxes totally removed from Vet mode because it screws up the game in multi when people just right-click all over the screen in front of them until they lock up someone 2km outside of viewdistance and then happily turn them into slag.

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It would seem to me that besides some units not having radars at all (the Huey was given as an example, above), different vehicles have different radar ranges in reality.

From what I understand, currently OFP doesn't allow for radar detection distance to be defined on a per addon basis.

If that's so, this should be changed for OFP2.

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Something like this? wink_o.gif

wow_o.gif  wow looks fantastic

What is it, dagnabbit?! crazy_o.gif

It's a unicorn with the look of a regular horse – Simply amazing!

No seriously, It seems like he’s got a real looking, and working radar in the plane. – Simply amazing!


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Damn 56k modem!

I . . . need . . . to . . . see the . . . movie . . . hrgh crazy_o.gif

What's that damn thing?? Anyone post a pic of the video!!

Edit: Cool!

Looks like you did the same thing that I wanted to make for ACES. Tell me is it lagging much? I didn't start on it yet because I was worried if it would lag too much to be worth it

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A working radar like you see in all these war movies where is it scans across and updates the little "blips" - just it's in the actual view itself.

Try G-Spot to find out what codec you may need.

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A working radar like you see in all these war movies where is it scans across and updates the little "blips" - just it's in the actual view itself.

Try G-Spot to find out what codec you may need.

Thanks. G-Spot hinted to me that it's time to download the latest DivX version.

Now I've seen it. Nice, Kegetys! wink_o.gif

But it still doesn't deal with the subject I mentioned - different radar ranges for different vehicles and systems.

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OFP2 definitely needs radar to modeled reasonably accurately, including only giving radars to vehicles or aircraft that actually possess them, or at the least, in veteran mode.

The current radio targeting and radar system that also underpins the AI targeting really needs to be replaced with something more realistic, which would be great for both SP and MP as you would not longer take a sabot/ATGM/AGM as soon as you get in a vehicle.

Steal Falcon4's radar code tounge_o.gif

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That's a great OFP-R rendering of a radar system.  Here are some suggestions to make it a little more realistic and more useful.

1.  Increase the radar sweep speed to roughly twice as fast.  In RL, the longer sweeps take, the higher return you get on far away targets in its detection arc.  

However, with longer sweep rates, update resolution is reduced and making out individual targets in tight formation at long distances in a trailing column formation to easily hide their force size/number.

Many times pilots when engaging bandits choose STT (Single Target Tracking) mode, this focuses all the radar's actions to keeping a lock on the airborne target and automatically adjusts the sweep rate for holding a target lock.

A higher sweep rate gets more update resolution and can keep up with targets close up much better and can track multiple targets much easier.  This is used when aircraft get within about 20 miles or less.  It is always used when the fight gets 10 miles or less apart for quick target acqusition, verification and engagement.

2.  Have the radar display where it can display the target on the radar given its alliance. It should have three different symbols.  A round horizontal "(" indicating friendly, a "[]" square box indicating neutral, and a "^" indicating hostile.

3.  Have a bank indicatior on the radar like the F/A-18 Radar systems do that moves to the angle the plane is at   []. (If possible).

4.  Finally, if it is not too hard to do, create a means to put a small but recognizable line in the direction (N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,NW) on a radar contact to show its heading.

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I think Kegetys lost the radar because of a computer problem, havoc sad_o.gif

And that stuff about Radar range not being able to be set different for each addon. I'm pretty sure i'm correct in saying that the ADF2 module soon to be out for VBS has a ground Radar addon included, and that has a distance of 1Km, instead of however far the other stuff is (more then 1Km right?). Maybe this ability was added for VBS, but i doubt it, and so if so, it would show it is possible to give different addons different radar range's. Mean you could give some no radar at all by giving them a range of 0.0000001.

Of course i might be completley wrong about the radar addon...

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I think Kegetys lost the radar because of a computer problem, havoc sad_o.gif

And that stuff about Radar range not being able to be set different for each addon. I'm pretty sure i'm correct in saying that the ADF2 module soon to be out for VBS has a ground Radar addon included, and that has a distance of 1Km, instead of however far the other stuff is (more then 1Km right?). Maybe this ability was added for VBS, but i doubt it, and so if so, it would show it is possible to give different addons different radar range's. Mean you could give some no radar at all by giving them a range of 0.0000001.

Of course i might be completley wrong about the radar addon...

Nope ur pritty much right. Radar will pick up any movement within the defined range of the radar and display it on the map (laptop screen)

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