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Aircraft carrier

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@|iCeMaN|: Yep the version that you have now you cant land on it so its only for the sight seeing but i am working on a fixed version where you can land on it and some othere extras so if you wait some days ( weeks tounge.gif ) then you can get a working Carrier well working.... you can do evry almost evry thing with it except for the sailing with it smile.gif

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Guest BratZ

Yup this one,unfortunately its not WW2 Era.

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yep but it is always a tarawa class

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On the part of the ship I did manage to land on, I was floating about 2 feet above the deck.

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if the ship is as slow as 10mph you can create scripts that make it posible to have multi gunpoints like a missle AA launcher based on klinks script.

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well nice idea vixer but the version that i am makeing is static because engine limitations so i can add more gun points then right?

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Don't know if this has been mentioned,but I've noticed that Sea Demon's MIG-29 Fulcrum can take off in about 50m...So this could be a good sign for allowing aircraft to take off from an OFP aircraft carrier smile.gif The only problem would be landing,but with a stopping script simulating arrestor cables,then wahey! biggrin.gif

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What the fuck is everyone whinging for?

You finally get an aircratf carrier, and then you all start bitching about technical shit.

When someone plays your mission with it in it, do you really think theyre gonna sit there and crack the shits over its size/class/whatever?


Jesus christ. mad.gif

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wafendennis, i have experimented and came up with a way whereby you can land aircraft on it. Not sure if u have figured it out yet and i dont wanna create another aircraft carrier least others feel i am stealing others' limelight

Basically its:-

1. Create your ship according to portions according to ofp's geo-limits, perhaps around 80 m ( 80 squares length).

2. give it the entire LOD works, addin your gun positions.

3. The secret of this whole concept:- in the config:-

Formation x = 0   // this is the width of ship

Formation z = 80// this is the length of ship

4. For the first portion, let's name this portion called portionA

A.)In mission editor, you place 2 portions of portionA and link it.

B.)Ingame, you should see 2 portions nicely lined up - voila! u have 160m of solid flattop for aircraft.

C.)Either you disable the speed at config so that it becomes static or ingame it can move and you sure need plenty of skill to align it back again once it breaks up while moving.

PS:- the formation concept was disclosedby the falklands mod but they didnt specify the details and they use buildings class as ship. However

this concept used will allow u to mount guns, turrets missiles per portion as it uses the ship class to formulate.

BTW, if u wanna create the 3rd portion onwards and have 6 firing points on your ship, just put in the new 3rd portion p3d config:-


Formationz=160 // this is to take care of portionA and portion B which is the same p3d. And the next formation y = will be another +80

This formation concept is scriptless, just 2 lines of code, easy to put ingame and can also be use to create trains, trailers or anything that needs to be towed, an alternative to Bratz' excellent tow script, as long as u know the size of z. (Currently testing if this codes can use to carry cargo such as trucks and tanks.)

however if u have found another way, then disregard this post. If u need my demo sample, just message me. Cheers! smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LoneSoldier @ 12 May 2003,08:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What the fuck is everyone whinging for?

You finally get an aircratf carrier, and then you all start bitching about technical shit.

When someone plays your mission with it in it, do you really think theyre gonna sit there and crack the shits over its size/class/whatever?


Jesus christ.  mad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well I hate people who go about whining about whiners!!!


Chill out dude, this addon is not a working aircraft carrier, simply an alpha. The purpose of releasing it was precisely to get feedback on it. Any tips on making an addon more realistic is always a good thing, and of coarse during those threads, you are likely to get disagreements on historical facts and technical details... no big deal as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Chris G.

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"Why not just create that damn carrier?!" lol! sorry, a carrier just kinda doesnt fit into my campaigns at the moment.

Just in case folks dont understand my earlier post, here is my unbinarise demo model.

Currently its just a runway, 400m long, longest in the world! ( the Enterprise is only 300+long). Lets hope someone can develop something soon as ofp is island based and which island theatre of war doesnt have a seabased runway?

Next developement sad.gif sheesh! its been 2 yrs and no carrier )

1. Ai to land plane.

2. Carrier to move.



download demo pbo zip:-


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It's nice and very interesting... but I wish someone would do this with that carrier that was already made so that it could be used in missions.

Waffendennis any word on how that's coming along?

Chris G.

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how about someone make a big island with an aircraft carrier as an addon object model and have a good island like take skye and put a big aircraft carrier next to it

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (philcommando @ 14 May 2003,07:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">PS:- the formation concept was disclosedby the falklands mod but they didnt specify the details and they use buildings class as ship. However

this concept used will allow u to mount guns, turrets missiles per portion as it uses the ship class to formulate.<span id='postcolor'>

This is how I managed to do the placement in the Falklands Mod ships...

It uses the concept of group placement, which unfortunately means a maximu of 12 respective parts, this can include weapons systems aswell as the main hull's

This is from the cpp, and is only partial.....

class West



class FLK_UkNavyShips


name="Falkland Ships";

class FLKHermes


name="HMS Hermes";

class Unit0









class Unit1









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Guest BratZ

I saw that group placement in Klinks radar stuff a while ago.

But how does that get the pieces to follow each other? Does it?

My plans for my Kaga AC Carrier:

Making the carrier in one whole model, sparsely using the 64m of geometry for important stuff and some rooms

The Carrier will be classed as a boat

Setpos roadway (models) (less than 100x100) on the upper and lower decks

If I need more geometry (I dont plan on many rooms ,mostly upper and lower decks is all) but If I need more geometry I will make seperate models with just geometry and setpos them

The carrier will be able to move where it wants with only a few roadways setpos

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The movement is one area my ships can't do..

That is unless your very very good with mathmatics, partculary trigonometry, and also using setpos.

Hermes at the moment is just 4 sections long.

Due to the relative speeds of naval ships there isnt much need for the larger ships to move within OFP.


If there will be indeed larger terrain in OFP2, I just hope they allow larger items...

If they allow larger itmem, using O2 I can copy and paste the 4 sections and return the ships back to a single unit with ease...

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Have you tried using one of the towing scripts floating around (No pun intended)?

I've been experimenting with units and can get them lined up perfectly BUT, the wave action causes up and down movement.

I'm not much good at scripting. but if the problem of vertical movement can be solved, a ship should be able to move and conduct flight ops when stopped.

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I know this may be a bit premature but where and how are the planes going to be stowed IF the thing can move?

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Cargo Proxies? Extension of the towing scripts?

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Let's just get it out before we start talking about what featues that needs to be on it!

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