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What about a campaign in multiplayer mode

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I only play team based games. Mainly coop, 90% of the time. And based on the amount of servers for each for flashpoint, coop is by far the most popular type of game in flashpoint, so hopefully BIS will cater for us with OFP2.

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Yeah!! I also remember coop-doom!!

Since then I´ve longed for a game with multi-campaign.

Please please makle that possible in ofp-2!!!

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Flashpoint Campaigns in multi Co-op? Hell yeah. At the LAN's I go to, a Multiplayer campaign would mean a lot of Flashpoint playing. And less CS and UT2003. Jeez those games are pointless.

Or better yet, Flashpoint multi campaigns where you are capable of being either west, east or resistance, and fight each other, but that might turn the campaign storyline into water. None the less, I'd love to play some of the campaign missions from the opposing team, just to see how each mission is from a different point of view.

I remember seeing somewhere that someone had converted the original campaign to MP, maybe Avon would know.

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i'd like a planetside like thing

most mp mission ( not rts maps)

all have a special objective

wouldn't it be great to have a "take over the island" thingy

ok you might need 64 players but you would have to co-op with ur team with stuff like

"A team distracts the main guards at point alpha, while tibby goes around and plants satchels at the back of the base"

that kinda stuff!!!

i don't like co-ops where you waltz around killing stuff

a game like that where you need to plan attacks and stuff would be brill!!!

even if we have to have 20 different game types i don't care!!! as long as we can convert console gamers and UT/CS gamers to turn to OFP then i'll be happy

oh yes

vote for bush....


vote for blair

(sorry, me no glory supporter)

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Flashpoint Campaigns in multi Co-op? Hell yeah. At the LAN's I go to, a Multiplayer campaign would mean a lot of Flashpoint playing. And less CS and UT2003. Jeez those games are pointless.

Or better yet, Flashpoint multi campaigns where you are capable of being either west, east or resistance, and fight each other, but that might turn the campaign storyline into water. None the less, I'd love to play some of the campaign missions from the opposing team, just to see how each mission is from a different point of view.

I remember seeing somewhere that someone had converted the original campaign to MP, maybe Avon would know.

You can do it yourself, for the most part it isn't that hard (some missions would be harder to convert than others)

unpbo, stick in a couple extra players, change some triggers

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Oops. Started another thread regarding this, didn't know this poll was here. Glad I'm not alone for campaign coop.

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No problem. I know this thread is older than we normally like to allow new posts in, but I feel it's better to continue here than have a new thread. wink_o.gif

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I voted yes.

I would like a campaign also were players can face off each other,Throw in civies and two sides face off for every city pistols.gifpistols.gif

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I'd love to see a MP campaign mode, whether its scripted or dynamic. I'd prefer the later, but either would really open up a whole new realm of posibilities, plus I'd certainly get a lot more satisfaction from completing a campaign than several unrelated missions.

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Ok,  If we're talking about a MP campaign, two situations come to mind, and one feature request - due to the long, continuous style of play.

You start a MP campaign.  I'd like to think it would take considerable time to complete, So..  You and your mates get together for a few nights of play and then one or more drops out.

Situation#1: Is there a blank slot that can be filled by anyone and just take control of the units 'avatar', or can AI take the missing player's place?

Situation #2: With JIP, I'd like to think that people can come and go as they please, when you enter the server, you start at an 'owned' base or HQ.  Or are flown in from the ether into a controlled zone to meet up with your CO or Unit or whatever.  That way, wherever you are destined to go by the mission designer's wishes (keep the players together, seperate them so they may give different support roles, ect.) AI could be 'transferred' out of the unit to make room if neccessary, that way a player isn't confined to a slot, maybe just 'joining player guidelines'  like 50% to infantry, 10% to fire support, 30% to armor, 10% to air assets.

Edit: Forgot the feature request..

Because people may come and go, and because there may be long gaps in play due to RL, and this may be a long winded game... Could there be an optional intro when entering a campaign (SP or MP), that has just a brief history of actions or goals from the division on down? (like a 15 second synopsis)  This will re-focus the players and get them ready for what they are getting themselves into  smile_o.gifpistols.gif

I'd like to think this is able to be done as the Strategic AI needs to think something like this.  And keeping a record of passed orders should not be anything more than simple database record keeping (that already has to happen to some extent).


*Fade up bold anthem type music, splash map on screen that updates with areas and unit icons*

"Under the order of General X, the Xnd division was tasked with taking map positions x - y and secure a corridor for an advance with resupply infrastructure, the x battallion, z company, x platoon is currently under way to take and hold strategic location XXX, these are your orders... 'Get Ready'


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hmm *visioning* 1 large server .. or lots of indevidual servers .. interconnected.. so the whole campaign.. is played by Human players... or by some and the rest is AI.... so essentially *real battlefields* (like WW2 ONLINE) .. THIS WOULD REQUIRE ALOT . BUT IT WOULD BE THE COOLEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD.

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..aaanndd kill of mod-ibility in MP icon_rolleyes.gif

or, several lifetimes of an immortal person of non-stop work to do it as a campaign tounge2.gif

- Ben

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how would this work? if a player hasn't survived succesful mission he can't play the next mission and is there a saved campaign status on the server or the client's computer? kinda like unlocking that would be my idea for it.

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While I would like the idea of playing the campaign in coop mode, chances are low that this will really be a satisfying experiance.

Anyone who tried to convert the original CWC campaign to MP knows what I´m talking about. The mission design in CWC was basically SP orientated from the scratch. This means customizing it for MP was a real bitch and it never really worked 100 percent for MP gaming.

Just keep in mind that MP maps need to be a bit server-friendly and traffic-friendly for matters of online playability. A simple 1 to 1 copy for MP gaming would be nice but hardly realistic for performance reasons.

So basically a unique or stripped down version of the campaign would be possible, but not a 100 percent identical version of the SP campaign.

Another flaw in this is that the SP campaign is focussed on SP experiance. The mission setup is done especially for single-player.

If there was a good approach to MP campaigning the whole campaign should be independant and especially built for MP compability.

A save option or kind of a remembering-system for the servers would be a must then.

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Also the SP campaign in OFP was just too small.

8 guys go to a town, yay they capture a town and oh look; a platoon of russian MBTs has arrived .... how interesting intel forgot to mention those...

MP campaign could be platoon sized - 40 players

When a player disconnects, AI just takes over. Platoon is tasked by the company, the company is tasked by the battalion and the battalion is tasked by the regiment. Regiment is tasked by division.

Famous example -

You need to stay in your foxhole.

Your squad needs to stay ready to fight.

Your Platoon has to watch the forest line for an enemy advance.

E Company is tasked with holding a 2000 metre front.

1rst Battalion is tasked to hold the forest north of Bastogne.

506th Regiment is tasked to defend Bastogne.

The 101rst Airborne needs to withstand the German Army.

Give this background and the player is immersed. Take away the background and you have OFP - a good simulation ... without much immersion or structure.

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