MLF 0 Posted April 16, 2003 I get 3 channels, the M60 gunner, the Screen with the beeps and on the 50 channel a repeating black line with a symbol, the symbol flickers occasionally but i cant make it out, look a little like the USMC logo with the anchor but im about 50% on that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toadeater 0 Posted April 16, 2003 OFP2 is going to be about Vietnam ( dammit! ), or at least the Vietnam era. Here's very strong evidence that OFP2 will be about Vietnam: Picture from Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schoeler 0 Posted April 16, 2003 I don't know if anyone has made the connection between the channels on the TV and the year yet, but the Korean conflict occurred in 19(50) and the height of the Vietnam War was in 19(68). I'd say were getting two whole new eras with ofp2 at least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted April 16, 2003 Sheesh quit posting those two pics, they've been posted enough already Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted April 16, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MLF @ April 17 2003,00:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">has anyone noticed that you can rotate the diyal?<span id='postcolor'> No.... we've only discussed many times before what you get when you turn to different channels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schoeler 0 Posted April 16, 2003 Oh also, didn't Marek say in an earlier interview that OFP2 addons would be backwards compatible? All this bitching about a non-modern game. Its about the engine you guys, get a grip!!! We have lots of nice modern addons coming out every single day, and I don't think they intend to stop making them. I'm as excited as a kid before christmas morning! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted April 16, 2003 Nam? We will get to play U.S. vs. VC? Are they replacing the crazy ruskies with poorly armed vietcong soldiers ,that would end my hopes of balanced units for both sides, west would have helos, tanks, artillary and fighter jets and vc would have elephants to transport supplies over the mountains , i think not, i tend to believe in another ficticious war on an imaginary chain of Islands that dont even exist, that would be a great idea huh? . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schoeler 0 Posted April 16, 2003 I don't know if you clicked on the OFP2 link, but the little promo on it says the maps will be based upon real locations. Also, there will be a mission editor. The combat in 'Nam could be pretty damned balanced, especially in the jungle. Not a lot of tanks and APCs in the paddies and forests, and the NVA were anything but poorly armed. The footage on the TV set when its turned to 68 (1968) shows a Marine firing an M60 in downtown Hue City during Tet Offensive of 1968. I think I smell some realistic and really good urban combat scenarios coming along. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNeo 0 Posted April 16, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ April 16 2003,23:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Or maybe they just planted those pictures to keep us guessing, and it won't really be a Vietnam game. Â <span id='postcolor'> You've reached the stage of denial Just kiddin.. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jester983 @ April 17 2003,00:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">one year guys... one year.... I dont think i can take it.... <span id='postcolor'> 1,5+ </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hidden @ April 16 2003,23:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OMG OMG OMG I got the E-mail from CM now! *faint*.<span id='postcolor'> You sound like I'd sound if avril Lavigne kissed me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awdougherty 0 Posted April 16, 2003 As someone just mentioned, the combat in Nam jungles could be balanced because it's mostly soldier against soldier. This is one of the main reasons why I wouldn't want Vietnam as the setting. Not much room for armor, choppers would get a lot of work I guess. A lot of the air stuff was carpet bombing and napalm which might not be all that interesting to play. It just doesn't strike me as a good setting for an all around war game with various vehicles and air equipment to go along with the infantry stuff. Not saying my thoughts rule out Nam, it's just why I don't really want it for my next setting. There are plenty of fictional possibilities. A war with China somewhere in the southeast, not sure where, but that might prove interesting if it wasn't all jungles. Who knows, just brainstorming to pass the time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted April 17, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A lot of the air stuff was carpet bombing and napalm which might not be all that interesting to play.<span id='postcolor'> How could you just not love the smell of napalm in the mornin'! Vietnam setting could still allow for tank battles. Are are clearings here and there, plus any town/city/farm/rice patty clearings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted April 17, 2003 duh, may 14th in Los Angeles. it's in the press release. though i heard ticket prices are usually around 200 bucks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MLF 0 Posted April 17, 2003 should do a forum wide announcement to find if anyone is going E3 and make them take pictures of OFP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Czacha 0 Posted April 17, 2003 Vietnam would be great! Look at those screens.. (more screens here ... and now.. try to imagine them with new engine, new better vehicles, troops, new textures, new graphical/weather effects, new phisics... Â ..oh man.. PS. those pics are not from OFP2 that's OFP+SebNamPack2 Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted April 17, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MLF @ April 17 2003,03:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">should do a forum wide announcement to find if anyone is going E3 and make them take pictures of OFP <span id='postcolor'> when OFPR was announced, some of the OFP fans actually went there and took photos. and that's when we started debating if there were brdiges or not. it was helluva news. who knows if someone will go there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted April 17, 2003 I'm sure if someone was buddy-buddy with a reporter at a game site, they'd help out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swatdog 0 Posted April 17, 2003 My views on Operation Flashpoint 2...  As the information that I've seen, I strongly believe that Operation Flashpoint 2 will take place in Vietnam. I am personally I'm not a fan of Pre-1980s' Warfare. I believe that BIS did make a wrong decision in making the game in a Vietnam era. There are lots of games out there that take place "Pre-1980s' Warfare", but do you see any taking place in more modern time? I personally haven’t seen a lot. Other then the Rainbow Six Series (But who knows those Ops really existed), America's Army, Counter-Strike, and the Delta Force series by Novalogic.  Many of you (who know me) who are reading this post might be thinking, "WTF are you talking about?". I admit, I have a lot of Pre-1980's Era type Warfare games. *Opens his Desk drawer and looks at least 4 of them* I have also downloaded the Vietnam Pack 2 from my good buddy SelectThis. Although these Games, and MODs are fun, I think it's time to get over the World War 2, Vietnam, and Korean wars. (Don’t get me wrong all you Vets out there. I'm not saying to forget the things you did over there for my country, all I'm saying is that we need to leave that era out of the game world) There has been way too much games made about them. It would be really cool if BIS made it in the Desert Storm era. Or at least still use the most modern weapons, but make up a war if necessary.  But, on the other hand, I stand with BIS in their decision. I like this company a lot. I can only imagine how hard and time consuming making games can be. (That’s what sitting all day in front of a computer screen coding PHP can do to you. And that’s just webmaking. ) It really doesn’t matter to me what era OFP 2 is in. It's a game. As long as we have the necessary MODing tools (and not have to wait for a year to get them), we can leave it up to the Modders to bring this game up-to-date if BIS does not. I am looking forward to seeing how much work and time has been put in to make this game. I am almost certain that OFP2 will have new EVERYTHING. (Game engine, Animations, Models, totally redone scripting, etc...Etc...)  Here is a list of what I would like so see remain/added in Operation Flashpoint 2: REMIAN:  1. Editor Techniques. (The editor couldn’t be more perfect then it al ready is. )  2. Ease of Addon Making. (So far, I think the ability/ease to make Addons is a thing that must stay)  3. Crawling/Kneeling Animations. (Just good. )  4. The ability to have the Size of Islands. (The ability to have the size of Islands we do now needs to stick with the OFP history. )  5. Projectile Velocity. (The time it takes Projectiles to get from point A to point B needs to stay)  *Can’t think of anymore ATM* ADDED:  1. Ability to reload while running/walking. (Or have him just semi-walk/run while reloading. Because it's very hard to reload when moving.)  2. Better M203 reloading. (The usual firing it, pushing the chamber up, popping the Grenade in, and pulling it down)  3. Better Reload Animations. (Pulling the clip out, reaching behind, grabbing a new one, and put it back in. And, if possible, if you reload mid-clip you will see bullets remaining in the clip. If you reload totally out of bullets, you wont see bullets remaining in the clip, etc...)  4. They ability for a Safety. (Having a "Safety" mode on the gun would be realistic. And possibly having the animation like America's Army. When you switch your firing rate, you actually see your hand move to the gun and switch it. )  *Is tired ATM. And cant think of anymore* Although my suggestions about remaining/adding features to the game is very realistic, I think it would make the game more fun/interesting to play.  This is my views on OFP2. I am looking forward to this game more then anything else right now. (Even though it takes place in Vietnam) Just please support BIS. I can’t stress to you how much it doesn’t feel good to make a game/something and have people reject it and criticize you for it. **Note to BIS: Keep up the good hard work. The Community has really enjoyed your games. ** Btw... It hasn’t been officially said that OFP2 will be taking place in Vietnam. Just by the information I've seen, I believe it does. I hope you enjoyed reading this long ass post. Take care all, Swatdog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OxPecker 0 Posted April 17, 2003 Anyone else seen this? Just saw it at an OFP news site, is it for real or what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted April 17, 2003 just a friendly reminder from your mod. for suggestions for OFP2, please use this thread and there are heaps of suggestions already so please read first and then post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
second_draw 0 Posted April 17, 2003 *I could take a guess that it is in nam before the official war started. *Have you all tuned into channel 50. There is a symbol that appears. Anyone know what it means? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 17, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ April 16 2003,23:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hmm..when the TV's dial was on 50, it showed something....(Korean war?) than now, it's on channel 68(Vietnam) and what kind of TV has 68channel on their dial? <span id='postcolor'> VHF or UHF tuning. Before the era of preprogrammed channels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haunted 0 Posted April 17, 2003 I hope its a conflict set before or around the vietnam war times, but not specifically set there, like I said before, with Vietnam as the yanks, it dont matter how good you do in battle, you loose the war, thats why I think it may be around the era, but not actaully in the conflict itself. I would, however, like to see how BIS portray the americans in the conflict, and whether they will be the mean ravages that history has them in the vietnam wars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schoeler 0 Posted April 17, 2003 I noticed certain numbers on the dial stand out more than others. If we combine those with my theory that the channel numbers also stand for the year of the conflict (e.g., the picture of the Marine firing the M60 in Hue city during Tet of '68 on channel 68), and the 50 for Korea (1950) we may see that OFP2 is about multiple eras. I can't remember exactly, but I think there was also a channel 39 and 45 that stood out. That means 1939 and 1945 or the beginning and end of the 2nd World War. Anyone else notice this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites