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Iraqi islands

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3WX is simply a clearinghouse for realism and environmental immersion products. We collect all editor objects, buildings, plants, trees, etc.. that the community is willing to share and place it in our inventory for community use. We also create our own objects, buildings, trees, plants etc.. and modify those of other mods to improve their realism.

We will release a new map of every world region we take on however. So in that aspect we are somewhat like a traditional mod. But, because of our free from format and community-based approach, we have very few full-time mebers and a lot of freelance members who pop in and out of the team depending on their interest on the area we are currently focused on.

For example, MIA mod and GWC are cooperating with us on our middle eastern projects since thier mods are desert related. Working together saves us all a lot of time and gives the OFP community a better end product. Unsung is working with us on our southeast asian projects. We have also recieved a high degree of cooperation from BAS.

If you feel you have something to contribute, or would like to help out in anyway. Please feel free to contact me, or any of the other mod members, or simply drop by our forums and sign on as a freelance member. wink_o.gif

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Get your own thread you fairy!! tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Get your own thread you fairy!!  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Sorry, for some reason when I was replying, I thought this was the 3WX thread! It was about 2:30 in the morning when I did it, so I guess that may be an explanation. sad_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Get your own thread you fairy!!  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Sorry, for some reason when I was replying, I thought this was the 3WX thread!  It was about 2:30 in the morning when I did it, so I guess that may be an explanation. sad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

What were you doing at 2:30 in the morning rock.gif

Did you came home drunk and tought to check out the forum or something tounge_o.gif

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So... the question remains... is anyone planning on releaseing an Iraq map ANYTIME SOON?rock.gif

Right now I'm using my mod team's Sanai map for Iraq missions simply because its the closest to any Iraq map that I've seen (plenty of flat areas and a good mix of urban and desert combat areas).

But it would be really nice if someone would create a decent Iraq map with good Middle East buildings (BAS Tonal buildings, PhilCommandos, Remo's, or Catshit's buildings and objects).

But I take it, that it will be a long time before we see any eh?

If someone does have one in an advanced stage of completion I really wish they would release it as a beta so at least we could start making missions on it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Miles there is the MADiraq. it is an early alpha.

it is not bad.

I have it if you want it..

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Check the 2nd link in my sig, Miles. wink_o.gif

Unfortunatelly ETA for public is not yet known.

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Get your own thread you fairy!!  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Sorry, for some reason when I was replying, I thought this was the 3WX thread!  It was about 2:30 in the morning when I did it, so I guess that may be an explanation. sad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

What were you doing at 2:30 in the morning  rock.gif

Did you came home drunk and tought to check out the forum or something  tounge_o.gif

Writing a paper for my Bureaucracy,Politics and Policy Course. It sucks, and I was nearly hallucinating at about that hour.

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Miles, I tried to send you PM, but your inbox is full so here's my offer: if you come over to MIA Forums and nicely ask for beta version of Desert Teaser, you'll be given it.  smile_o.gif We'd appreciate your opinions on it.

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Get your own thread you fairy!!  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Sorry, for some reason when I was replying, I thought this was the 3WX thread!  It was about 2:30 in the morning when I did it, so I guess that may be an explanation. sad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Hehehe...I was joking. It's a Monty Python quote (sort of...the proper quote is "Get your own Arts Program you fairy")  biggrin_o.gif

And no offense Miles, but you really are not thinking about what you are asking. A decent well made island with custom objects, but quickly rock.gif It just doesn't work that way....good islands take time....look at Tonal for instance. It took Nagual over a year, and he had a couple of people making statics for him. The problem is that almost everything has to be made from scratch, since there isn't any BIS object/texture worth using for a desert island (except maybe a couple of plants, but that's about it). It's not like putting together a European style island where there a large number of BIS objects to use.

Not trying to flame you, just trying to get you to think about what is actually involved in making a desert island (or two wink_o.gif )

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Yes I realize it takes time but there are now TONS of desert objects, textures, and buildings floating around.   Furthermore several mod teams have been working for quite a while on Iraq maps but with nothing so far.... well there was a Basra map a long time ago but if I remember correctly it had a bunch of problems and lacked custom desert objects.

So basically I am not asking that one be built from scratch right now, this very second.  I'm just asking if anyone has one in the final stages of completion or at least in a stage that is worth releasing as an Alpha or Beta.   That's one thing that I liked about Jean Christophe and his Normandy map.  He continuously released alphas and betas in order to get feedback along the way.  

Granted if you have a big beta testing team, it's not a problem, but at the rate things are going, by the time any decent Iraq map is released OFP2 will be out (and it may have its own Iraq map or something similar).  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yes I realize it takes time but there are now TONS of desert objects, textures, and buildings floating around.   Furthermore several mod teams have been working for quite a while on Iraq maps but with nothing so far.... well there was a Basra map a long time ago but if I remember correctly it had a bunch of problems and lacked custom desert objects.

So basically I am not asking that one be built from scratch right now, this very second.  I'm just asking if anyone has one in the final stages of completion or at least in a stage that is worth releasing as an Alpha or Beta.   That's one thing that I liked about Jean Christophe and his Normandy map.  He continuously released alphas and betas in order to get feedback along the way.  

Granted if you have a big beta testing team, it's not a problem, but at the rate things are going, by the time any decent Iraq map is released OFP2 will be out (and it may have its own Iraq map or something similar).  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Miles, trust me when I say this.  Compared to the work being done by MIA, 3WX and GWC on desert objects, buildings and plants, the work that has been done so far is not even worth consideration on the map we intend to put out.  We are using some existing stuff, particularly some of the excellent BAS work (which needs very little alteration) but the other things we are considering using need a great deal of work to meet the standards we have set out for our project.  Trust me, it will be worth the wait.  Agent Smith and the other guys are hard at work modeling right now and I will be getting my butt back in gear in about a week and a half.  You will see clear signs of progress by the end of May.  When our islands come out, nothing else made so far will be comparable to them.

By the way, why not register on our forum?  I'll make you our first official beta tester and give you access to the team pages.

Edit: Damn! I did it again. Miles just head over to the forum so I can quit hijacking Leone's thread.

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Edit:  Damn!  I did it again.  Miles just head over to the forum so I can quit hijacking Leone's thread.

Hehehehe....you bumbag! wink_o.gif

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Miles, I tried to send you PM, but your inbox is full so here's my offer: if you come over to MIA Forums and nicely ask for beta version of Desert Teaser, you'll be given it.  smile_o.gif We'd appreciate your opinions on it.

Cool.  I signed up on the forum.  I'll be happy to provide some feedback on the island.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I feel like bumping this. So here's a fence tounge_o.gif


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This kind of fence is all around the airports and Special Ops should be able to cut it smile_o.gif!

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lol, how of-fence-ive [/badpun]

I feel very de-fence-ive of my work [/worse pun] wow_o.giftounge_o.gif

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This kind of fence is all around the airports and Special Ops should be able to cut it smile_o.gif!

also me engineers:P

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Just a little note. I've FINALLY got my PC back from the shop (dirty RAM....would you believe it?), so I'm going to get back into this project now!


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yes lol glad to see ya back? dirty ram can f-up a computer?

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Have some questions about the islands.How many will there be?Will the mod also have Kuwait city and other important parts aquired through out the war?

Wish for you to answer my questions.This mod looks better than the others to me

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